48th Edition • June 10, 2021
Ontario Moving to Step 1 at 12:01 am Friday, June 11
Dear golf industry stakeholders,
A reminder that the province will be moving into Step 1 of its Roadmap to Reopen at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, June 11, 2021. To read the full announcement, please click here.

Please note this does not include the Porcupine Health Unit which has now confirmed that doors must stay closed in Timmins, Kapuskasing, Hearst, Cochrane, Iroquois Falls and in the remote communities of the James Bay Coast. Please click here for more information.
Patio Reopening | Suggested Steps and Guidelines
We have received several inquiries from golf courses related to patio reopening as part of Step 1 lessening of restrictions. Please see below for suggested steps and guidelines:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Businesses are required to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that provides protection of the eyes, nose, and mouth, if a worker is required to come within 2 metres of another person who is not wearing a face covering and not separated by plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier.
Businesses must follow the capacity limits designated to their operating category.
Outdoor patios are permitted to re-open. 

Patrons must remain seated at all times in any outdoor dining area except: 

  • While entering and moving to their table or exiting the area
  • While placing or picking up an order 
  • While paying for an order 
  • While going to or returning from a washroom 
  • Line-ups associated with any of the above
  • Where necessary for health and safety purposes
Hours of Operation
The previous operating hour restrictions have been revoked. Establishments are now permitted to operate under regular (pre Covid-19) hours following the Liquor Act Regulations.
• Indoor dining is not permitted in Step 1

• Buffet-style service is not permitted in Step 1
Number of People Per Table
• At this time, no more than four people may be seated together at an outdoor table. These four people do not need to be from the same household.

• Accommodations will be made for more than four people if all individuals in the party live in the same household, a member of up to one other household lives alone, or they are a caregiver for any member of either household.
Outdoor Patio Set-up
• The outdoor dining area must be configured so that patrons seated at different tables are separated by a distance of at least two metres, or a plexiglass or some other impermeable barrier. 

• The total number of patrons permitted to be seated outdoors at the establishment must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from every other person at the establishment.

• Any individual who is lining up or congregating outside of the establishment must be maintaining a physical distance of at least two metres from other groups of people.

• Any individual who is lining up inside of the establishment must be maintaining a physical distance of at least two metres from other groups of people, must be wearing a face mask or face covering which covers their mouth, nose and chin, unless they are entitled to any exceptions. 
Patio Configuration
• If an outdoor dining area at the establishment is covered by a roof, canopy, tent, awning or other element, at least two full sides of the entire outdoor dining area must be open to the outdoors and must not be substantially blocked by any walls or other impermeable physical barriers.

• If an outdoor dining area at the establishment is equipped with a retractable roof and the roof is retracted, at least one full side of the outdoor dining area must be open to the outdoors and must not be substantially blocked by any walls or other impermeable physical barriers.
Contact Tracking & Screening
• The person responsible for the establishment must, record the name and contact information of every patron that enters an area of the establishment, unless the patron temporarily enters the area to place, pick up or pay for a takeout order, maintain the records for a period of at least one month, and only disclose the records to a medical officer of health or an inspector under the Health Protection and Promotion Act on request for a purpose specified in section 2 of that Act or as otherwise required by law.

• The establishment must actively screen any dine-in patrons in accordance with the advice, recommendations and instructions of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health before they enter the premises of the establishment.

• The person responsible for the establishment must post a sign in a conspicuous location visible to the public that states the maximum capacity they are permitted to operate under. 
Other Limitations
• Music must not be played at a decibel level that exceeds the level at which normal conversation is possible.

• No person shall dance, sing or perform music at the establishment.
Please click here for more details on these steps and guidelines posted on the Dine Safe website.
Special Note | Golf Facility Best Practices During COVID-19
Ontario’s We Are Golf partners have now updated Appendix A: Golf Facility Best Practices During COVID-19, click here to access the updated information.

A reminder that all current Public Health Restrictions remain in place until 12:01 am on Friday, June 11th. You are encouraged to reach out to your local Public Health Unit if you have any questions.

We will continue to send you updates as more information becomes available. Thank you and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Southwestern Ontario
866-626-4262 ext. 44
Central Ontario
866-626-4262 ext. 49
Eastern Ontario
866-626-4262 ext. 45
515 Legget Drive, Suite 810 | Ottawa, ON | K2K 3G4