March 21st, 2022
In this message...
  • CBPHC APHA 2022 Abstract Submission portal open!
  • Welcome to our new Chair-Elect, Dr. Raheem Young
APHA 2022 abstract submission portals are now open!

This year's theme is 150 Years of Creating the Healthiest Nation: Leading the Path Toward Equity

Consider submitting your abstract to the

Submission deadline:
April 30th, 2022 by 11:59PM PST

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your friendly Program Planners:
Rachel Berkowitz (
Angela Young-Brinn (

CBPHC Call for Abstracts:

CBPHC APHA 2022 Topics:
  1. CBPR and Place-Based Community Transformation for Health Equity
  2. Community Voices: Community Member Perspectives on Community-Academic Partnerships and CBPR (presenting author must be a community member)
  3. Community-Driven Work to Transform Policy
  4. Lessons Learned from CBPR Projects
  5. Measures, Methods, and Evaluation in CBPR
  6. Participatory Approaches to Address Social and Structural Determinants of Health
  7. Partnership in the Time of Pandemics: CBPR and COVID-19
  8. The Scholarship of CBPR: Innovative Strategies to Communicate Findings for Change
  9. Youth Roundtable: Youth Leading the Way to Healthier Communities (presenting author must be a student/youth)
  10. Moving toward Health Equity through CBPR
  11. The Power of CBPR to Achieve Health Equity
  12. Ensuring Health Equity through Participatory Approaches

Welcome to our new Chair-Elect, Dr. Raheem Young!
Dr. Raheem Young is an Adjunct Professor in the colleges of Health Administration and Community and Public Health at Governors State University. He co-founded the nonprofit organization Welcome to Fatherhood to help men cope with the pressures and stresses of fatherhood, relationships, and everyday life. He has a doctorate in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and an MBA with a concentration in Health Care Administration. Dr. Young is an Albert Schweitzer Fellow for Life and has worked with many community-based organizations to help improve the quality of life for men, women, and children.  

Dr. Young will serve as a the Chair-Elect for the next two, working closely with Chair DeWaun Robinson and Immediate Past Chair Angela Young-Brinn to support the growth of the CBPH Caucus. Feel free to reach out to Dr. Young at
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website