Royal Australian Artillery
Historical Company
ENewsletter Special Edition No 52 C 20 th July 2021
Dear Gunners (Readers) - 
Welcome to Special Airburst No 52C 20th July 2021

The RAAHC is pleased to bring to you stories of Gunners of Renown during the commemoration of 150 Years of Australian Artillery. We hope you enjoy learning something about the gunners that helped create the Regiment that we all cherish.

Please send on to friends by using the FORWARD TO A FRIEND link contained in the left hand margin -scroll down below the QR code!


Ian Ahearn

Gunners Around the Nation & The World

View the latest Newsletters from various Artillery associations around the nation:
RAA Association Victoria Newsletter - Cascabel
Locating Surveillance and Target Acquisition Association - Newsletter
131 Locators Association - Newsletter

Royal Australian Artillery Association (NSW) -Website

Australian Artillery Association - Website

Royal Canadian Artillery - Royal Canadian Artillery
PO Box 171
Cremorne Junction
NSW 2090 Australia