from $6,695
0.7 - 1.7 GHz to 30.0 - 31.0 GHz
20.2 - 21.2 GHz to to 0.7 - 1.7 GHz
Product Support for Life

Customer service and support of our products at Cross has always been a key consideration for the business. Cross continues to support our products throughout our customers product life cycle. Our products will be repaired, utilizing the original parts, alternate parts that permit the initial product performance, alternate circuit designs, or new model designs that perform the same function with the same or improved performance. According to our Service Manager, Cross has repaired products that have been in service for more than 15 years, and, that to date, we have not refused or been unable to repair any of our existing products! Even when a product has been discontinued from any new sales, Cross has continued to support and service the product. This type of product support is unique today where it seems products are designed for early obsolescence. We have found that this type of service and support approach is considered invaluable by our customers! Please consider purchasing your next communications solution product from Cross, where customer service and support come first.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
-Proverbs 13:12

further information or to request a quote.

Norm Johson
VP Sales & Marketing

Gail Williams
Administrative Assistant

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Starting at... $395

Starting at... $395

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