March 30, 2024 - More on magnificent magnesium!

Magnesium - the missing link to total health?

Carolyn Dean, MD, ND says it is in her newest book on magnesium.

"Magnesium is a critical mineral in the human body and is involved in some 80% of known metabolic functions. It is currently estimated that 60% of adults do not achieve the average dietary intake (ADI) and 45% of Americans are magnesium deficient, a condition associated with disease states like hypertension, diabetes, and neurological disorders, to name a few. Magnesium deficiency can be attributed to common practices, medications, and farming techniques, along with estimates that the mineral content of vegetables has declined by as much as 80-90% in the last 100 years."

I have to say I agree. My father gifted me a copy of her first book The Magnesum Miracle back in 2003. I read her revised version published in 2017 a year or so ago. I was recently sent a copy of her latest for review, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

Today during my Saturday noon Webinar, I'll be sharing with you some information I know you will find not only helpful but in some ways downright startling.

If magnesium is found in so many foods many of us eat regularly, why are so many of us deficient?

"But my doctor says my magnesium level is just fine!" - why serum magnesium doesn't tell us very much and can foster a false security.

How very many medications, including those used to treat chronic disease conditions not recognized as magnesium deficiency further deplete magnesium and make everything worse!

Why calcium supplementation is a huge "no-no" if you want to be healthy and how inadequate magnesium intake makes exacerbates the problems exponentially.

The Good News?

If lack of adequate magnesium is playing a rold in so many health conditions (Dean identifies 68 by name!), then wouldn't it stand to reason that replenishing magnesium would result in a blossoming of good health throughout our bodies and impact many areas of our health?

Questions, such as:

How much do I need?

Which form or forms are right for me?

Join me live on ZOOM today March 30, at NOON (EST), and we'll talk about it!

To join, click this link

If you are asked to enter the Webinar (or meeting) ID, enter this:

892 0634 1064

Not a convenient time? Want to be able to start 'n stop? Or want to watch again or share? Catch previous episodes on:

  1. acid reflux
  2. adrenal fatigue
  3. Alzheimer's disease
  4. angina
  5. anxiety & panic attacks
  6. arthritis
  7. asthma
  8. atherosclerosis
  9. atrial fibrillation
  10. blood clots
  11. bowel disease
  12. calcification
  13. cholesterol
  14. chronic fatigue syndrome
  15. cystitis (bladder infection)
  16. dementia
  17. depression
  18. detoxification
  19. diabetes
  20. fatigue
  21. headaches
  22. heart disease
  23. hypertension
  24. hypoglycemia
  25. infection
  26. inflammation
  27. insomnia

68+ Conditions associated with deficient magnesium status?????

28 irritable bowel syndrome

29 kidney disease

30 kidney stones

31 migraine

32 bruxism

33 fibromyalgia

34 fibrosytis

35 GI spasms

36 tension headaches

37 jaw spasms

38 muscle cramps

39 musculoskeletal system

40 neck & upper back pain, chronic

41 low back pain

42 hyperemotionality (21 subcategories)

43 muscle weakness

44 neurological manifestations

45 numbness, skin sensitivity, tingling, twitching, tics, crawling, itching, prickling

46 pain, burning; pins & needles; stabbing; shocking

47 restless legs

48 seizures & convulsions

49 stroke

50 trigeminal neuralgia

51 vertigo

52 cerebral palsy

53 cystic fibrosis

54 dysmenorrhea (painful periods)

55 female infertility

56 male infertility

57 premature labor

58 preeclampsia & eclampsia

59 premenstrual syndrome

60 sudden infant death syndrome

61 osteoporosis

62 Parkinson's disease

63 Raynaud's syndrome

64 sports injury

65 sports recovery

66 TMJ

67 tongue biting

68 tooth decay

Take a look at the list, let me know which ones you'd like to delve into during the program!

Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND is the author of over 50 books including best seller The Magnesium Miracle and other noted publications including IBS for Dummies, Hormone Balance, Death by Modern Medicine, and 110+ Kindle books to date. Dr. Dean is committed to helping anyone understand more about nutrients, their requirements in the body, and ways to promote health and vitality in a proactive manner.

In 2015, Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND launched the RnA ReSet brand based on nutrient protocols she built through 40+ years of experience in private healthcare practice. Dr. Dean’s career as a medical doctor and naturopath resulted in a collection of unique, proprietary formulations that support precise applications while remaining safe for everyday use.

Dr. Dean continues to provide her leadership and vision for enabling people to take control of their own health. This includes her 45+ years of educational resources including guidebooks, presentations, and a history of other audio, video, and written assets for anyone wanting to learn more about nutrients and their health.

Visit her Website

Magnesium at Wondrous Roots

I have recently started using this because of the pico ionic molecular size, which facilitates optimal absorption. This is magnesium chloride, the most absorbable form of magnesium and in a size able to enter the body from the small intestine, meaning that it does not move to the colon and loosen stools as other forms, some more than others, will.

Magnesium-l-threonate specifically for the brain, but Dr. Dean makes the case that the pico ionic form of magnesium easily crosses the blood brain barrier, as well, and it is much less expensive.

For those who still find capsules more convenient; just be sure you are getting enough - for most I would say 2 capsules twice daily depending on bowel tolerance.

Magnesium taurate - magnesium bound to taurine which is also good for heart health - I would prefer the pico ionic liquid, but for those who prefer a capsule form, this is good.

This I recommend specifically for people prone to kidney stones, because both potassium and magnesium in citrate form prevent preciptation of oxalates and the formation of stones. However, adequate magnesium from the pico ionic form should also accomplish this.

This is just a photo of the label on our bottles (need to update that photo!). Magnesium gel is magnesium chloride in topical gel form. If you will do this daily, it is an excellent way to replenish magnesium in the body, but you must do it daily! I am terrible at using this topically so prefer to get my magnesium in the oral liquid form (I continue to use Magmind for now, as well).

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