Pursuing God's Purpose and Promises For Women

Welcome to Promise Helpers' June 2022 newsletter. We serve such an amazing Living God! Even with all the chaos in the world, we have the Lord on our side. He is our Provider, Comforter, Helper, Friend, Father, Kinsman Redeemer... Remember Promise Helpers' proclamation of 2022 is Complete Trust in Him, no matter what happens. He is nothing but Good! If something is not good, it is not from God. Truth!

Be sure to hit the "Share" button below when you have good news to share. We love hearing from you!

As always, if at any time you need prayer, please contact Promise Helpers by clicking the "Prayer" button below or visiting our Facebook page to leave a message. We have mighty Prayer Warriors ready to stand in the gap on your behalf.
Overview for our June newsletter:
  • Girls' Camp Registration, LAST CHANCE to Register
  • Article "Fight or Flight... You Decide." by Karla Maxwell
  • Lyric Video "Always" by Chris Tomlin
  • Pursuit 10.22: In the Trenches, Fall 2022 Retreat
  • What's Happening in Your Area?
  • Our Contact Information
Our girls' camp, Destination 6.22: No Regrets, is upon us! June 10th to June 12th! If you have a girl who has completed any school grade between 6th and 12th, please get them registered ASAP.

We will explore and answer questions about regrets:

  • What does God say about living with regrets?
  • What do I do with my thoughts and feelings about my regrets?
  • How can I make better choices to avoid future regrets?

We will be back at Tri-Rivers Retreat Center in Fairy, TX just outside of Hico where we will have tons of fun playing games, making new friends and catching up with friends from last year, learning about regrets, and learning how to deal with life's circumstances that affect young girls today.

Camp starts Friday afternoon and ends Sunday around noon. The cost is $65 with all meals, lodging, and bed linens provided. We have four beds per room and several bathrooms, each with its own shower; a true luxury when it comes to camps! Scholarships are available, so please do not allow money stand in the way of what could be a life-changing weekend. REGISTER TODAY!

Tri-Rivers Retreat Center in Fairy, TX
$65 includes food, lodging, and linens
June 10th - June 12th
Fight or Flight... You Decide.
by Karla Maxwell
One morning recently outside my house we had a flock of Barn Swallow birds acrobatically flying back and forth all day long; a sizable flock of around thirty birds. It was a sight to see! Little did we know these in-flight dancing creatures were claiming our porch and deck as their place to build their nests for their upcoming offspring.
Are you familiar with Barn Swallows? They are extremely messy birds both in building their nest and living in it after it is built. During the building process, they drop mud everywhere, and while nesting, their bird droppings form into a massive pile on the ground below. Not a pleasant sight to see. One pair of Barn Swallows is tolerable, but fifteen nests in close proximity and where people walk? Not acceptable.
This whole scenario reminded me of how the enemy tries to infiltrate our lives and our homes. He is a deceiver and manipulator with intention to create chaos. At our house, what started as a sight to see of wonderment and intrigue would end in a ghastly mess to clean up.
In correlation, how we perceive the enemy can determine the outcome of his underhanded doings. You see, my response to observing these flying acrobats was, "Well, what are you gonna do?" In other words, the battle is too big; just let them have their space. That is exactly how a substantial number of people go through life; defeated, accepting whatever may come, speaking words of doubt, ending up with a miserable life.
My husband, on the other hand, looked at these birds in a whole different light. He had a determined fighting spirit to force the birds to relinquish their territory. One evening he came home and tore down the multiple mud nests they were building. I will admit I thought he was a little crazy because I knew they would be back the next day to start their rebuild. It was going to be a never-ending battle. I even felt sorry for the little creatures because they were needing a home for their babies in the coming weeks. Sure enough, they were back to building the next morning, and in the evening, he came and tore the progress down. The next morning was the same routine- build, build, build, and the evening- destroy, destroy destroy.
To my utter amazement, the third morning there were no energetic but annoying Barn Swallows around our house. My husband's persistence reminded me of how we need to approach the enemy. First, we must be proactive. We cannot just sit idly by and let the enemy take over our lives. We also must use our Spiritual weapons of speaking God's Truth and Promises. We must use our faith by believing the situation is taken care of before we see the results. We must remember to praise the Lord while in the battle and give Him the glory for seeing us through.
This small lesson also gives us a look at a successful walk with the Lord. We must remain persistent (carrying on a task even in spite of difficulties) and consistent (regular and unchanging habits) in our daily lives. We need to be persistent and consistent in reading his Word and talking to him; make him a part of every aspect of our lives. When we do so, we are prepared to destroy the works of the enemy who is invariably swarming us, looking for that perfect opportunity and location to make a home. Praise be to the Lord that we were given authority through Jesus to be victorious while here on earth. I cannot imagine a life without the Lord, can you?
We have the joy, opportunity, and duty to share with others the good news that they do not have to sit idly by and let the enemy take over. We have weapons of destruction when we trust the Lord. Not only do the lost need to know the Truth, but fellow Christians who have never been taught they have spiritual authority need to be told how to stand up to the enemy. They do not need to sit idly by with the thought that the Lord is trying to teach them something, or this is His will. We are in a spiritual war and the enemy is ramping up his attacks in every way possible. But greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. Go share his Goodness with those around you.
To God be the Glory
Lyric Video "Always" by Chris Tomlin
Our Fall Women's Retreat is coming up in October. It will be here before we know it! Who's coming? We are betting this is going to be the best retreat we've ever had, because if you are familiar with Promise Helpers' retreats, you know that they keep getting better and better with each one. Our Lord will not disappoint! Make plans now to attend and bring friends! We have space for 75 ladies at Glen Lake Retreat Center in Glen Rose, TX. Registration will open next month in July, and just so you know, we have already started meeting and preparing for the awesome weekend because we are super excited and cannot wait to see you!

Our vital and fitting theme for this retreat is "In the Trenches". Until the Lord returns for his Bride, we will continue to be in a spiritual war with his enemy. Join us during this weekend as we focus on what being in the trenches means, how to fight this war, and learn how to stand firm waiting for the Victory.

Registration opens in July

September 30th - October 2nd, 2022
Glen Lake Retreat Center, Glen Rose TX
$135 includes all meals and lodging
What's Happening In Your Area
Cross Plains
2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings Bible study 6:00-7:30 p.m.
At the home of Connie Kirkham
Contact Connie Kirkham

Parker/ Wise /Tarrant Counties 
No activities at this time
Contact Debbie Barber
Contact Us
Promise Helpers is a non-profit Christian ministry for women that seeks to help women experience the fullness of God’s purpose and promises for them. Our desire is to bring women to a place of personal wholeness so they can bring wholeness to their marriages, homes, families and communities. Promise Helpers is women ministering to women, reminding one another of the promises of God and encouraging one another to implement those promises into their daily lives. The foundation of Promise Helpers is prayer, for apart from Jesus Christ we can do nothing.