The FUUSN Chime

Weekly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

FUUSN Buildings Closed Through Sunday, February 18, 2024

Due to a clog in our sewer line, all FUUSN buildings will be closed through at least Sunday, February 18th. Construction on Washignton St. in front of the church may also impact traffic in the area. See below for updates on cancelled and rescheduled events. Please check our website or any of our Facebook pages and groups for further updates.

Join Us on Zoom
Share Joys and Sorrows

Worship Service - ZOOM ONLY

Ask Me (Almost) Anything

Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 10:15am

Rev. Parisa Parsa

Curiosity fuels our growth in mind and spirit. This Sunday, join us on Zoom to explore the joy of questions: in this case, questions for your interim minister. If you've had something you've been dying to ask but haven't found the right moment, send it ahead of time to We'll also take questions during the service via the Zoom chat.

See you virtually on Sunday!

Rescheduled for May 12, 2024:

Black to the Future: Repair and Transformation

Rev. Kevin Peterson

Today has been declared Rev. Kevin Peterson Day by the Boston City Council. While we were greatly anticipating his sermon this Sunday, we will instead welcome him in person on May 12, 2024. Our thanks to Rev. Peterson for his flexibility.

Devin's Musings

By Devin Shmueli

One of the things I learned when serving the unhoused community in Boston is that the work is not simply a matter of doing good for others. It is about doing good with others and that is the kind of ethos I want to encourage members and friends of FUUSN to practice, too.

For the second year in a row, a multi-generational group from FUUSN served and shared a meal with our unhoused neighbors in Waltham. Both housed and unhoused folks arrived on Saturday at 8:00 AM to prepare the space and the food. This made it possible for us to serve and share the meal at 11:30 AM with 75 people. It was not about "us serving them." By sharing the meal, we all had a chance to build a relationship with one another. And that's a powerful thing!

On Sunday morning, Ravi Jeyadame shared a poem that they wrote reflecting on their experience and I wanted to give you an opportunity to read it here, too.

We served and we shared

By Ravi Jeyadame

We walked in with the crisp morning air filling our noses

The people there were delightful and joyous

We served and we shared

Until the morning had ceased

The room was overflowing with conversation

As we socialized with all

We served and we shared

Until the morning had ceased

As people left I thought about the impact

About the love and compassion in the air

We served and we shared

Until the morning had ceased

Nominating Committee Now Seeking Candidates

The 2024 Nominating Committee is now preparing a slate of nominees for open leadership positions at FUUSN for 2024-2025. Nominees must be FUUSN members. The election will be held at our Annual Meeting on June 9, 2024. All positions that need to be filled for the coming year are described below. Serving in one of these roles is a great way to contribute to FUUSN and learn about our Society. We welcome all candidates.

If you are interested in serving (or continuing to serve) in one of these open positions, or know someone who you feel would be a good candidate, please send those names to the Nominating Committee at The formal period for suggesting candidates is February 15 to April 1, 2024.

View all open positions here

Upcoming Events This Week


Feb. 14, 7:30pm: Choir Rehearsal - On Zoom

Feb. 16, 6pm: Zoom Vespers

Feb. 18, 11:30am: Reparations Task Force Reception - CANCELLED

Feb. 18, 3:30pm: JourneySongs Hospice Choir Rehearsal - MOVED

Feb. 20, 7pm: Ops Council Meeting (online)

Recurring Events

All events in FUUSN buildings CANCELLED.

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

RE This Week

February Break: No RE

Feb. 19, 5:30pm: All8 Arts Facilitators Meeting (online)

REGISTER NOW: Bible Study for Unitarian Universalists

Join Rev. Parisa and Devin Shmueli for this this six-session series. We will explore especially the stories in Genesis that appear in the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We'll begin with an conversation about what the Bible means for Unitarian Universalists, as well as how to engage the texts and translations, and then dive into the stories together. No previous experience with reading the Bible is necessary, just a curiosity and willingness to engage!

Meets every Wednesday at 6pm, Feb. 21 - Mar. 27. We will offer a simple supper with each session. Register here.

It's Not Too Late to Bid on Services!

If you missed the Services Auction on February 3rd, you can still bid on some great services, details of which can be accessed through the link below. All you have to do is send an e-mail to Pat Rohan and indicate what you are bidding on and your bid. A few things to remember:

Several of the items have set bid amounts, either because they were originally offered that way or because the bid amount was determined by bids at the Services Auction.

For items where there is a set price, it will be first come, first served. So please do not delay. Please note that some items have a specified date. The deadline for submitting bids is Monday, February 19th at midnight. View the online catalog here. Please contact Pat Rohan with any questions.

Volunteer Opportunities

Host a Dinner for 7 on Feb. 24

This is a great opportunity to have dinner with 7-8 people in your home. Host provides the main course and guests are assigned various side dishes.

Sign up to host here. Questions? Contact Lynne Karlson.

Sunday Morning Greeters Needed

What could make attending Sunday service even more fun? How about welcoming old friends and newcomers to our sanctuary this Sunday morning? Sign up as a Greeter here.

For these and ALL other volunteer opportunities, visit the Volunteer page on our website. Have a volunteer opportunity to add? Contact Jenise.

Pledge Party Hosts Wanted!

March and April are the months that the FUUSN community organizes around the key way we fund our congregation -the annual pledge drive. One great way to get involved is to host a pledge party - either in your home or at FUUSN. Please let the folks on the pledge drive team know your interest in hosting - it can be a sit down dinner, a fun family afternoon event with light food, a wine and cheese party - whatever would feel right for you. A member of the pledge drive team, a board member, and often Rev. Parisa would join you at these parties and help facilitate the discussion.

These events are going to be scheduled between March 9th and April 13th- please let us know what dates would work best for you, any accessibility information about your home (number of steps, etc.), if you would like to invite families with children, and any ideas you have about the type of food, etc. you would like to serve. The best way to contact the Pledge Drive team ( Kit Ryan, Michael Costello, John Dundon, Chip Highfield, and Suzanne Buchko) is the pledge drive email address: We look forward to hearing from you!

Save the Date

Over 60s Presentation - Feb. 25th

Marty Lowenthal, Common Sense Mindfulness in Challenging Times - based in the Buddhist tradition which emphasizes how to be present, engaged and live in a challenging world with consciousness, love and compassion in everyday and spiritual life.

For providing a light lunch in numbers, if you will be attending in person, please RSVP to Helen Jordan

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Register for the Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop

Barbara Deck and Christopher Krebs invite you to consider joining our next Living the Pledge to End Racism workshop series starting on February 27th.

Read More

FUUSN Authors Expo - March 17th

Have you written a book, manuscript, pamphlet, or any other publication? On March 17th during coffee hour after the service, FUUSN writers of all kinds will display copies of their work at a long table and talk with anyone interested. The format will be simple: bring a copy of your work; place it on the table, and answer questions from anyone interested during coffee hour. Half a dozen members have expressed interest, and we expect many more. If you think you might want to participate, contact Curt Lamb.

April 6 Workshop: Introduction to The Work That Reconnects, led by Demie Stathoplos

Based on the writings and work of Joanna Macy

It’s easy to see that “business as usual” is causing harm to our earth’s ecosystems, and suffering for people all over the world as the effects of climate change cause greater and greater destruction. This half-day workshop will explore this important framework that can enliven and empower us in this time that Joanna Macy calls The Great Turning.

Registration will be required.

View the flyer here.

Kudos Corner

Thanks to all who helped make the Valentine's Meal a success: whether you coordinated logistics, donated incredible baked goods, served and shared a meal, or cleaned up.

Many thanks to Barbara Deck and Linda Rinearson for organizing this month's Over 60s Visual Arts Fest. And a very big thanks to the participating artists for sharing their work.

Special thanks and congratulations to Anne Watson Born and all the performers at last Sunday's Musicians Concert. As at least one attendee commented, we are truly lucky to have so many talented musicians at FUUSN.

A shout-out and very big hug to Laurel Farnesworth, who has been coping with the unpleasant business of getting our sewer connection cleared and operating again.

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter must be sent in by the previous Tuesday at 9am. Submissions to the Order of Service must be sent in by the previous Thursday at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton |

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