
Happy Purim!

March Update from the

Florida-Israel Chamber of Commerce

Good News From Israel

News of Israel's Achievements and Heartwarming Stories from the Jewish State

In the 26th Feb 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

  • 2 Israel startups succeed using animals to detect cancer in humans.
  • Thousands cheered news of Israeli life-saving innovation.
  • Two every-day examples of Arabs saved at Israeli hospitals.
  • South African and Syrians anti-Israel perception transformed.
  • Israel is developing clean nuclear fusion energy.
  • Israeli airlines now fly to Turkiye and over Oman.
  • First Israeli gold at the Mixed Martial Arts World Championships.
  • An Israeli’s 100-year birthday convinced him to get married.

In the 12th Feb 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

  • Hospitals built by Israelis treat all patients everywhere.
  • IDF Search & Rescue teams have saved dozens of earthquake victims.
  • Israeli energy startup wins Cleantech award in Abu Dhabi.
  • Huge investor conference in Jerusalem.
  • Israeli female judoka wins gold medal in Paris.
  • Jewish values are paramount for Israeli rescue team.

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Be your own BOSS. No Brick & Mortar needed.

Genesis 12:3 says: “I will bless those who bless you…”

 God Will Bless You!

God will Bless those who Bless Israel.

Check out this new sustainable work-leisure brand, Ponto Footwear, that wants you to Love The Planet You Walk On 



Sky-high investments in Israeli space-tech startups

More from Israel21c

New machine learning method helps predict earthquakes

Capturing waste heat to turn it back into energy

Castor seeds will provide biofuel for Africa

Agreement with major energy company to cultivate unique Israeli castor varieties at commercial scale.

Visit Israel21C

In the 24th Feb 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

Oman and Saudi Arabia open air corridor make flights time to the East much shorter. From Israel to India shortened by two hours

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The Florida Israel Chamber's mission is to promote trade and commerce between the State of Florida and the Land of Israel. We are also committed to fight anti-Zionism, which is just another form of antisemitism. It is our belief and goal that sharing good news about Israel will help change minds, change hearts, and change the world. Jews and Israelis should be proud of their heritage, their history, and our contributions to society. We don't mean to suggest that Jews and/or Israelis are better than anyone else, but we are also not inferior to any other people. Yet, antisemitism is on the rise throughout the entire world. No other nation has been condemned by global bodies, like the UN, more than Israel. Nobody talks about the more than 100 disputed "occupied" territories that exist today worldwide; they only know about and complain about Israel's legal possession of land won in several defensive wars where much larger and more powerful armies tried to annihilate the tiny State of Israel and kill its Jewish inhabitants. The world would be a much better place if countries and peoples traded with Israel, visited Israel, and benefitted from Israel's products and services.

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Keith Wasserstrom, Chair
