Monthly Update

February 2023

The Sheep Producers Association of Nova Scotia issues a monthly update to members, occurring the last Friday of each month. This Monthly Update is comprised of industry news and updates, upcoming events, upcoming sales, and relevant articles.

If you have content to be added, such as an upcoming sheep event/workshop, please contact the SPANS office at 902- 893-7455 or

Industry News


Northumberlamb offers custom processing. Get pricing details HERE!

Transportation Manifests

As a reminder, the SPANS Livestock Transportation Manifest books of 50 triplicate copies can be picked up from our office for a fee of $10.00.

Carcass Ultrasound Services

The Nova Scotia Cattle Producers (NSCP) are proud to offer live animal ultrasound technology services for cattle and sheep in the Maritimes. The NSCP obtained the imaging technology equipment and certified two technicians, Jacy McInnis and Ellen Davis, and are proud to offer the first permanent technicians this side of Quebec!

By having ultrasound services readily available to producers, the hope is that overall carcass traits and expected progeny differences (EPD’s) within the region will be increased. This service will aid in future breeding practices, as results will illustrate the appropriateness of breeding stock, indicating which heritable traits, such as those within feed efficiency and carcass measures, should be improved for optimal production.

For more information click HERE

Livestock Fencing Regulations

Proper fencing is essential for controlling livestock, protecting animals from predators, and good pasture management. These Livestock Fencing Guidelines describe three types of fencing used in Nova Scotia – electric, barbed wire, and page wire – and cover construction techniques, materials, and appropriate dimensions.

Fencing Guidelines in Nova Scotia

Global Sheep Forum Next Generation 2022 and 2023 Podcasts

If you haven't checked out the Next Gen Sheep Producers podcast series yet, you really should!  The Next Generation Global Sheep Forum has come out of a group of international sheep producer organizations, American Lamb Board, Beef + Lamb New Zealand, British National Sheep Association, Canadian Sheep Federation, National Sheep Association, National Wool Growers’ Association of South Africa and Sheep Producers Australia.

2022 and 2023 Podcasts

Upcoming Events

Labour Market Survey 2.0

Active until February 28th

We invite all farmers across Nova Scotia to take part in the Workforce Insights Survey this year. Your contributions will go a long way toward identifying common opportunities and issues connected to the present and future farm talent situation in the province.

Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture Conference

March 7-9

This online conference provides practical information and considers the future of our agriculture as we strive to further develop sustainable food production systems

National Symposium on Agricultural Mental Health

March 8

Vitual Symposium

The National Symposium on Agricultural Mental Health has been established to connect farmer mental health groups, researchers, government officials and policymakers, members of Canada’s agricultural community including agricultural associations and producer groups, individual advocates, and most importantly farmers to address the challenges and opportunities of the farmer mental health movement across the country.

AHEM Webinars - Mental Health

March 21

According to the 2021 study of ‘Farmer Mental Health in Canadian’ done by the University of Guelph; 1 in 4 Canadian Farmers felt that their life was not worth living, wished they were dead, or thought of taking their own life in the last 12 months.

Executive Director Megz Reynolds says "The needle has moved regarding mental health in agriculture it still has a long way to go before we are no longer loosing community member's to death by suicide. It is on each and everyone of us to work together to end the stigma surrounding mental health and change the culture, this starts with self education and by joining the conversation."


AHEM is pleased to partner The Do More Agriculture Foundation in delivering a 1-hour live virtual webinar focused on mental health in agriculture. 

WoolstockEAST Fibre Market & Village

September 16

Book your booth today for the 5th Annual WoolstockEAST. The WoolstockEAST Fibre Market & Village will be held at the North Shore Recreation Centre in Tatamagouche.

Apply Here

Sheep Producer Programs

Nova Scotia

The Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture’s programs for funding for agriculture is now open for the 2022-2023 year! A full list of these programs can be found on the Nova Scotia Programs webpage HERE.


An all-inclusive information portal is available to help farmers, food processors and agri-food businesses find information on new and existing programs and financial resources to address hardships that many are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada website HERE.

Links of Interest

Check This Out!

Brad McCallum, Agri-Commodity Management Association (ACMA), is the host of Maritime AgCast - the industry’s newest podcast based on discussions of important topics for livestock farmers with local, regional and national guests.

This podcast will air episodes, now monthly, ranging in topic from disease management, forage and pasture management, bull selection and many others!

Season 3 begins this fall!

Click Here for more information!

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