Alzheimer's Disease, Dementias and Healthy Aging

May Newsletter

May is Older Americans Month
Young woman enjoying music with headphones

Music and The Arts Meet Brain Science 

Gain invaluable knowledge from a panel of experts with cutting-edge research, glean real-world examples, and practical strategies for leveraging the power of music and the arts in fostering brain health across the lifespan. 

Embark on a journey into the forefront of interdisciplinary research, where music and the arts connect to the science of brain and mental health. Join us as our Global BHP Brain Trust Dialogue celebrates world-renowned artist, Renée Fleming’s new anthology, Music & Mind: Harnessing the Arts for Health and Wellness, where she shares emerging scientific insights into the profound influence of artistic expression on neurological well-being and on those in advanced stages of dementia.

Whether you're a healthcare professional, artist, policymaker, or simply curious about this intersection of art and science, this webinar offers an exclusive opportunity to explore innovative approaches that promise to shape the future of brain health.

PET scan of a human brain

Alzheimer’s Disease: Is brain inflammation the missing trigger?

Doctors regard amyloid plaque lodged between the brain’s nerve cells and tangled tau protein fibers forming within the cells as the hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. However, amyloid plaque — consisting of broken pieces of protein that clump together — is also present in the brains of older adults who do not develop Alzheimer’s, suggesting another factor is triggering the disease. Research shows that inflammation in the brain may drive the progression from the presence of amyloid plaque and tau tangles to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

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May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

National Alliance on Mental Illness Mental Health Month 2024 logo

Mental Health Disorders Linked with an Increased Risk for Dementia

Mental disorders early in life increase the risk for dementia and for developing dementia at a younger age, according to a study funded in part by NIA and published in JAMA Psychiatry. Researchers classified nine broad categories of mental disorders: substance use, psychotic, mood, neurotic (i.e., anxiety), physiological disturbance, personality, developmental, behavioral, and unspecified disorders. Of the total study population, which totaled 1.7 million people, 3.8% of the individuals were diagnosed with a mental disorder and 2% with dementia. Within these groups, the researchers found that individuals with a mental-disorder diagnosis were more than four times as likely to develop dementia than those without a mental disorder.

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VT Department of Mental Health
WE Puerto Rico logo


Unique Approaches to Support Brain Health and Reduce Dementia Risk through Education, Exercise, Diet, and Art

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing long term health conditions – play a role in promoting brain health and reducing dementia risk. In this webinar, the Administration for Community Living will provide an overview of the benefits of reducing risk and supporting brain health and will review the Brain Health & Aging resources that can be used to educate the public about brain health as we age. Participants will also learn about the We Program based at GrownUps in Puerto Rico. WE is a new program aimed at reducing the risks of developing dementia and providing support services for people with dementia and their caregivers. The program combines education, exercise, cooking workshops, arts, and horticulture into a fun and social opportunity for people to learn risk reduction techniques and take control of their brain health. Learn more about how this program has successfully recruited participants, the impact it has had, and creative tactics for sustainability.

AHEAD Study logo - blue arrow heading right

The AHEAD Study is comprised of two different clinical trials testing the same investigational treatment in people who may be at risk for memory problems. Participants will receive a tailored dose of the study treatment, instead of a one-size-fits-all approach. Study participants, as young as 55 years old who are at risk of developing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease as they get older, are enrolled in one of two AHEAD trials based on the level of amyloid in their brain.

The study is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)and is being conducted by the NIH-funded Alzheimer’s Clinical Trial Consortium (ACTC), a network of leading academic Alzheimer’s research centers which includes he University of Southern California’s Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School. There are approximately 100 study locations worldwide, nearly 75 of which are in the United States and Canada.

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Symbols of world religions arranged around a central heart

Dementia Friendly Faith Communities

Faith communities can play a vital role in offering supportive and welcoming environments for people touched by dementia.

Individuals with dementia may stop attending regular worship services to avoid social situations they fear or no longer understand. Others will find peace and comfort in a place of worship.

Caring for a loved one who has dementia can span many years, leaving family caregivers weary, isolated, frustrated and depressed. Some may feel embarrassed or reluctant to ask for help from their place of worship. Click the button below to learn more about making your faith community dementia friendly.

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Memory Cafe logo - watercolor of steaming coffee cup in shades of green

Bright Day Memory Cafe

May 15 at 10:00 am - 11:30 am

(scheduled 3rd Wednesday of every month)

Ilsley Public Library

75 Main Street, Middlebury

A Memory Cafe is a welcoming place for individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s Disease or any other form of dementia, or other brain disorders. Cafes are designed to include the care partner as well, for a shared experience. The goal is to create a safe space for individuals with a dementia and their care partners to feel seen, safe and engaged as we strive to build a Dementia Friendly Community. Individual Memory Cafes focus on different aspects for a unique experience. Some are activities-based, while others focus on education, crafts and painting, while some facilitate informal conversation to create new friendships and foster reminiscence. Contact Renee with any questions you may have.

Alzheimer's Disease and Healthy Aging Program

May 2024