Keeping the general aviation industry connected
AEA Members to Connect Next Week in Reno
Avionics professionals to convene Oct. 5-6
In one week, avionics professionals will gather at the AEA West Connect Conference in Reno, Nevada, Oct. 5-6. The AEA Connect Conferences are where aviation's technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. These two-day events allow technicians and business owners the opportunity to learn industry best practices; connect with regional sales and product support representatives; satisfy training requirements; see the latest products and services; and receive important updates on the most current regulatory news affecting their business.
Following the event in Reno, the AEA East Connect Conference will take place Nov. 2-3 in Tampa, Florida. Advance registration is open for attendees and exhibitors at both the West and East Connect Conferences. More...
Ask the Industry
In addition to my Aircraft Electronics Technician (AET) certification, the first endorsement I earned to accompany my AET certification from ASTM International was:
Here are the results of the poll question from the Sept. 14 edition of AEA Wired:
- 35.2% – I have not earned an endorsement yet
- 29.6 – Autonomous Navigation Systems (ANS)
- 22.2% – Dependent Navigation Systems (DNS)
- 7.4% – Radio Communication Systems (RCS)
- 5.6% – Onboard Communications and Safety Systems (OCS)
Honoring a 50-Year Legacy
Aviation Research Systems founders retire, sell STC business
At 97, avionics technician Jerry Forston has spent the better part of a long life modifying early model Beechcraft Bonanzas to function better and fly safer and more comfortably. He went to work every day solving problems on behalf of aircraft owners and pilots – from making the panel more efficient to coaxing more horsepower out of the engine to chasing gremlins in the connections between old and new avionics. Even on Saturdays, his day off, you’d likely find him immersed in hangar talk with other pilots, swapping stories and troubleshooting squawks.
Based in Sandy, Oregon, near Portland, Forston’s Part 145 repair station, Aviation Research Systems, specializes in developing supplemental type certificates for the Beechcraft Bonanza and manufactures the parts needed for the installations. It is here where Forston and his wife, Feleicia, have worked to keep the iconic, longest continuous production aircraft flying.
Now, after more than 50 years in business, the Forstons are finally retiring. In May, they sold Aviation Research Systems to CAS AeroSolutions, a newly formed commercial MRO based in Ontario, California. The new owner plans to expand the avionics shop’s capabilities as an authorized Garmin dealer and branch out into other makes and models of general aviation aircraft. To that end, within a year or two, it will be relocated to Wenatchee, Washington. More...
Autothrottle: General Aviation Trickle-Down Technology
Advances in avionics technology traditionally trickles down to general aviation from commercial/military aviation and then corporate operators who have the resources and operational opportunities to get a return on the investment through improved efficiency and safety. Such has been the path of communication, navigation, and surveillance radios and the primary, multifunction, and auxiliary displays that connect pilots to these systems.
And then there is the outlier in trickle-down technology: autothrottle, also known as autothrust. Autothrottle reduces pilot workload and increases efficiency and safety by setting, within engine limitations, power to provide optimum performance for the current phase of flight. In rudimentary form, autothrottle first flew in the later days of World War II in the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. In the 1950s, Safe Flight introduced AutoPower on the DC-3 and Beech 18, the ubiquitous airline and business aircraft of the day, before continuing its pioneering efforts with turbines. Today, autothrottle is standard equipment on airliners, most business jets, and some turboprops, but why not piston planes? More...
When EIT Avionics entered the business by introducing a new data recorder and display for helicopters in 2019, little did it know that the pandemic was waiting for it right around the corner. Business hasn’t been booming in the two years since then, but EIT is poised to reinvigorate its product launch this year and is already developing a second data recorder with four times the 21 channels the current one records.
Electronic Instrument and Technology LLC is an electronics design and manufacturing company doing business since 1977. It began in a 1,000-square-foot office with five employees in northern Virginia. The aim from the beginning was to serve customers’ needs with a strong engineering team. More...
Theory & Practice: RCS, Part 1
In this month's Avionics News, we will start another Theory & Practice series by author Thomas Inman, this time over five parts. Those wishing to add an ASTM International Radio Communications Systems endorsement to their Aircraft Electronics Technician certificate will find these articles handy. They are not a comprehensive study guide or text. For a text, we recommend the Avotek publisher’s Avionics: Beyond the AET.
For those wishing to become avionics technicians, an RCS makes sense as the first endorsement to earn after the AET. The RCS list of subjects covers general radio theory, receivers, transmitters, antennas and transmission lines. All of these are components of dependent navigation systems. In a broadly defined sense, navigation systems are a form of communication, although most of them are one way. Thus, knowledge of the subject areas covered in RCS is helpful and necessary in the understanding of DNS. More...
Podcast: Forge Flightworks Bolsters its Avionics Business by Expanding into Custom Cabin Upgrades
Forge Flightworks CEO Mark Lee turned to automotive interiors expert Gil Vigil of Speed & Design to help the shop expand beyond the avionics business. Vigil brings his award-winning craftsmanship and experience from working on premier custom cars to the aviation industry, allowing Forge Flightworks to offer its customers a new service – premier-quality aircraft interior upgrades.
In this episode of AEA Amplified sponsored by Genesys Aerosystems, Lee and Vigil share their unique story on how they have successfully grown their repair station in Smyrna, Tennessee. Listen...
Early-bird Registration Open for 2023 AEA Convention in Orlando
Register by Dec. 31 and save $200 per person
Registration has opened for the 66th annual AEA International Convention & Trade Show, the largest gathering of aviation electronics manufacturers, distributors and approved maintenance organizations in the world. It is the platform of choice for the introduction of new avionics products and services coming to market in 2023. The event will take place April 24-27, 2023, at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.
Attendees must register by Dec. 31, 2022, to receive the early-bird discount price of $695 (AEA member rate) for a full convention registration. The early-bird promotion offers a $200 per person savings off the on-site registration fee. The attendee full registration package includes: four days of technical training sessions; exhibit hall entrance for two full days with lunch; and networking with manufacturers and distributors. Register for the biggest training week of the year in the avionics industry. More...
Aircraft Electronics Technician (AET) Certification & Endorsements Exams
Test for FREE at AEA Connect Conferences in U.S.
Advance your career and industry knowledge by earning a certification provided by ASTM International. These certifications demonstrate the knowledge base of the advanced aerospace technician and promote integrity, safety, and professionalism in the aerospace workforce.
Repair stations and aviation maintenance professionals across the industry use these certifications to recognize qualified and competent individuals. The FAA formally recognizes the AET certification as equivalent to formal training when showing eligibility for the issuance of a repairman certificate. Exams are free for all those in attendance at the AEA Connect Conferences in the United States, courtesy of the AEA Educational Foundation. More...
New Training Courses Published at AEA AERO
Regulatory familiarization now available for AEA members
The AEA’s online training platform called AERO, short for the Aerospace Education Resource Online system, allows users to train at their own pace and operates like a personal learning management system. A brand-new course on Indoctrination Training: Regulatory Familiarization has been released and is free for AEA members with a member login and password.
In addition, a dozen new courses that took place at this year's AEA Convention in New Orleans are now available, including OEM technical sessions; Troubleshooting Antennas & Transmission Lines; Marketing Beyond the Runway; How to Succeed in Business (Aviation) Without Really Trying; Clarity is Magnetic -- A Discussion in Leadership & Personal Development; and Airplanes or Marketing: It’s All About the LIFT.
Convention attendees may access the sessions recorded at AEA New Orleans for free, and those AEA members who could not attend the convention may purchase them. Training content is exclusive to AEA members. AEA AERO will continue to add and update content to help members accomplish their training goals. More...
How to Certify Avionics, Part 1
According to Mike Ingram, president and chief executive officer of Shadin Avionics, "Certification is the elephant in the room whenever there are negotiations with Shadin Avionics customers. When they hear the price for a program and it’s two-to-three times their expectations, the majority of it is due to the certification costs. Arguably, these additional costs have nothing to do with creating a better product. Shadin has been certifying avionics for four decades, so we know what we are doing. Customers – make sure you are not tempted by the company that is lower cost and doesn’t have the Federal Aviation Administration and/or European Union Aviation Safety Agency certification pedigree.
This is going to be a three-part series for Avionics News on how to certify avionics. What is written is not the only way to certify, but it’s how I have done it, and it’s very close to how Shadin certifies its products. Shadin has experience with more than 70 technical standard orders, tons of supplemental type certificates, and a lengthy list of parts manufacturer approvals, so take note if you want to understand the process. I’ll be taking some excerpts from my past blog, pre-Shadin. So if it sounds familiar, you will know why." More...
Request Your FREE AEA Pilot's Guide
Published annually by the Aircraft Electronics Association, the 2022-23 edition of the AEA Pilot's Guide was recently unveiled. This year marks the 20th annual edition of the AEA Pilot's Guide, a consumer's directory loaded with educational articles, timely information and data about the ever-changing world of avionics technologies. The publication helps pilots and aircraft owners make better buying decisions and locate nearly 1,300 AEA member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. It also includes the manufacturers and distributors of these products, as well as technical schools and universities, engineers and consultants for the industry.
On the Radar: Upcoming Industry Events
AEA West Connect Conference
Reno, Nevada
Oct. 5-6, 2022
The AEA Connect Conferences are where aviation's technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. Join us at the Grand Sierra Resort. More...
ASTM Autonomy in Aviation Symposium
New Orleans, Louisiana
Oct. 18, 2022
Registration is open for ASTM International’s third annual Autonomy in Aviation Symposium, at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel. The event is sponsored by ASTM’s autonomy design and operations in aviation administrative committee (AC377). ASTM AC377 promotes collaboration among a variety of aviation stakeholders aimed at improving safety and efficiency in aviation. The theme of this year’s symposium is Autonomy for Good. More...
NBAA-Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition
Orlando, Florida
Oct. 18-20, 2022
Join over 23,000 industry professionals for the most important three days of business aviation, with 1,000 exhibitors, two aircraft displays – one inside the exhibit hall and the other outside at Orlando Executive Airport, and more than 50 education opportunities. More...
AEA East Connect Conference
Tampa, Florida
Nov. 2-3, 2022
The AEA Connect Conferences are where aviation's technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. Join us at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Tampa Airport - Westshore. More...
AOPA Hangout
Tampa, Florida
Nov. 4-5, 2022
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association will bring pilots together for its revamped aviation fly-ins, which are now called Hangouts to better capture the spirit of these new events. The next Hangout is set for Tampa Executive Airport. Stroll through aircraft displays, chat with aviation vendors, and connect with like-minded individuals while enjoying food trucks, live music, and entertainment. More...
AEA South Pacific Connect Conference
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Nov. 17-18, 2022
The AEA Connect Conferences are where aviation's technology experts gather for technical training from leading avionics, instrument and test equipment manufacturers. Join us at the Novotel Sunshine Coast Resort. More...
AOPA Aviator Showcase
Fort Worth, Texas
Nov. 17-18, 2022
The Aviator Showcase at Fort Worth Alliance Airport will feature an exhibit hall, aircraft display, and educational seminars presented by event sponsors. For pilots looking to upgrade or still searching for the perfect aircraft, local services such as paint shops, avionics manufacturers, and aircraft detailers will be on hand to help. Attendees can also talk to aviation finance professionals, insurers, and dealers about purchasing an aircraft. More...
AEA International Convention & Trade Show
Orlando, Florida
April 24-27, 2023
Join us for the largest gathering of aviation electronics manufacturers, distributors and approved maintenance organizations in the world at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando. Attendees can save $200 per person with the early-bird registration, which is available through Dec. 31. More...
Avionics Training and Professional Development Classes
Basic Pitot-Static & Transponder Theory, Testing & Troubleshooting (9 seats remain)
Sept. 29-30, 2022
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for entry-level avionics technicians or those looking for basic training on pitot-static and aircraft transponder systems. The two-day course covers the history and theory of operation of pitot-static instruments and transponders, as well as system setup, hands-on testing, and the troubleshooting skills necessary to perform FAR 91.411 and 91.413 checks.
AVX-10K & IFR6000/4000 Operations Training (12 seats remain)
Oct. 13-14, 2022
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This day-and-a-half course is designed to provide maintenance personnel with the knowledge and skills required to operate and configure IFR6000 and IFR4000 to verify and maintain transponder, UAT, TCAS, DME, ILS, VOR, Comms and ELT. Plus a complete review all features and benefits of the AVX-10K Flight Line Test Set with emphasis on testing transponder (Mode S and ADS-B In/Out), UAT, TCAS and DME.
Aircraft Instrument Systems (5 seats remain)
Oct. 18-19, 2022
Virtual-Live Course
This course is designed for avionics technicians or apprentices who want to learn more about aircraft instrument systems and better understand their operation, installation considerations, and maintenance to become more effective troubleshooters. From simple mechanical gauges to complex electrical and electronic systems, this course covers nearly every instrument system in an aircraft.
ADS-B Configuration, Testing & Troubleshooting (11 seats remain)
Oct. 25, 2022
Virtual-Live Course
This course is designed for currently employed repair station personnel and installers of ADS-B systems. Approximately 7% of all general aviation ADS-B installations are non-compliant based on the FAA’s ADS-B Performance Monitoring System. This course focuses on the proper configuration and testing of ADS-B installations to ensure your installation meets the performance requirements and regulations. Also included are troubleshooting tips and tricks that will help you resolve the common problems found in ADS-B installations.
Digital Databus Theory & Analysis (11 seats remain)
Oct. 26, 2022
Virtual-Live Course
As today’s modern airplanes become much more technologically advanced, so must the professionals who maintain them. The advanced avionics and instrumentation systems used in these aircraft rely on various forms of digital databus communication. Understanding digital databus theory is becoming more and more important for avionics technicians, and even A&P mechanics, to effectively test and troubleshoot these highly advanced aircraft systems.
Avionics Installation for Experimental Aircraft (12 seats remain)
Oct. 26-28, 2022
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is targeted for the homebuilder or avionics technician who wants to learn about performing an avionics installation in an experimental aircraft. The class focuses on the Garmin G3X Touch system, and a simplified example harness is constructed as part of the hands-on portion of the class. While the G3X Touch system is the primary focus, the wiring principles and general guidance can be applied to any experimental avionics system. From the do-it-yourselfer to the avionics shop looking to carve a niche, this class has something for everyone.
Certified Repair Station Training (13 seats remain)
Jan. 9-13, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This weeklong course provides an interactive environment to learn, understand and implement the regulations that govern repair station design and operations. Current quality managers, technicians, mechanics, and repairmen who are involved in the management of a repair station as well as individuals looking to establish a 14 CFR Part 145 repair station should plan to attend.
Primary Flight Display Installation & Configuration (15 seats remain)
Jan. 25-27, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
Technicians will learn how to plan, install, interface, configure and check out an installation of a primary flight display, EHSI and GPS/Nav/Com consisting of dual Garmin GI 275, a Garmin GTN 650 touchscreen, and a Garmin GTX 345 transponder. Designed for technicians who have experience with avionics installation practices and are looking for more training integrating common general aviation installations.
Avionics Testing Fundamentals (13 seats remain)
Jan. 30-31, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice, familiar with basic soldering skills and are looking for experience in LRU bench testing and avionics troubleshooting. Bench testing Nav, VHF comm and transponders will be the focus of study. Technicians will fabricate a general-purpose test panel that they will use in the course. Attendees will keep their fabricated test panel at course completion.
Transponder Service Training (14 seats remain)
Feb. 1, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice and are looking for experience in transponder LRU bench testing, transponder flight line testing and aircraft troubleshooting. ADS-B transponders systems will be the focus of study. Attendees will keep their fabricated wire harness at course completion.
NAV/COMM Equipment Service Training (14 seats remain)
Feb. 2, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
This course is designed for technicians who have experience with basic avionics installation practice and are looking for experience in avionics flight line testing, LRU bench testing and aircraft troubleshooting. VOR, localizer, glideslope, marker beacon and VHF comms will be the focus of study.
Pitot-Static, Transponder, RVSM, and ADS-B: Testing & Inspection (14 seats remain)
Feb. 3, 2023
In-person course; Lee's Summit, Missouri
Attendees will learn the proper methods for conducting pitot-static and transponder tests and inspections. This full-day course offers hands-on training, including a regulatory review and an explanation of the proper administrative procedures for completing these critical certifications. Preparing and performing RVSM inspection tasks. ADS-B session covering installation, wiring and return to service review.
News from AEA Member Companies
Avidyne Corp. announced that Bill Thompson has been promoted to director of business aviation. Thompson joined Avidyne in 2020 with over 25 years of experience in avionics integration and certification at the MRO and OEM level including Textron Aviation and Signature TechnicAir.
West Star Aviation named Vince Ruscitti as the new program manager for government affairs. The company also promoted Dan Milholland to senior project manager at the Grand Junction, Colorado, facility.
Avotek is helping educators stay a step ahead of the upcoming changes to the new airman certification standards and has released a free ACS-Avotek Resource Guide that provides a road map to where each required subject is in Avotek core textbooks.
L3Harris Technologies and Embraer S.A. announced a partnership to develop an “Agile Tanker,” a tactical aerial refueling option to address the U.S. Air Force’s operational imperatives and joint force refueling requirements, especially for contested logistics environments.
Honeywell received approval on a supplemental type certificate from the FAA for the installation of its Aspire 400 Satellite Communications System on Bombardier Global Express platforms. This marks Honeywell’s first aftermarket STC for Aspire 400 and makes installation immediately available on Global Express platforms. Validation of the STC by Transport Canada and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency is expected in the coming months.
Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. announced the all-new Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engines for the industry flagship Gulfstream G700 and ultralong-range Gulfstream G800 have achieved EASA certification. Gulfstream also announced the 500th Gulfstream G650 and G650ER customer delivery was made at the Appleton, Wisconsin, completions facility.
Cirrus Aircraft announced plans to develop the Duluth Innovation Center at its headquarters following the recent acquisition of the former Northwest Airlines Corp. facility, more recently occupied by AAR Corp., located at the Duluth International Airport in Minnesota.
StandardAero appointed Kim Ashmun to serve as president of the company’s Components & Accessories division.
AEA Jobs Board Offers Free Resume Posting
For individuals interested in pursuing professional opportunities in the avionics industry, the job listings page on the AEA website is your one-stop resource. The AEA jobs board provides informational links on how to get AET certified, an avionics technician job summary and wage review, along with scholarship opportunities within the industry. Search the AEA's job listings and see what's on your horizon. Free resume posting is available. Are you up to the challenge? More...
Are You Hiring? The AEA Works for You!
Is your business hiring? The AEA jobs board makes it easier for AEA members to find their next avionics technician, quality manager, inspector, sales representative or engineer.
AEA members may submit a free job posting after entering their username and password at AEA.net/Jobs. Member companies that optionally choose to upgrade their job posting for a premium will have preferred online placement and also will be published in the next edition of Avionics News. For more information about premium job listings, contact Rachel Hill, AEA advertising executive, at rachelh@aea.net.
Founded in 1957, the Aircraft Electronics Association represents nearly 1,300 member companies in more than 40 countries, including government-certified international repair stations specializing in maintenance, repair and installation of avionics and electronic systems in general aviation aircraft. The AEA membership also includes manufacturers of avionics equipment, instrument repair facilities, instrument manufacturers, airframe manufacturers, test equipment manufacturers, major distributors, engineers and educational institutions.
Aircraft Electronics Association
3570 NE Ralph Powell Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64064
Phone: 816-347-8400
Fax: 816-347-8405
Rachel Hill, AEA director of advertising
Phone: 816-366-5109
The "AEA Wired" e-newsletter is published twice a month by the AEA.