Conozca en Tiempo Real las estadísticas de casos de COVID-19 y vacunación en Puerto Rico.
El 48% de la población en Puerto Rico ya está vacunada contra COVID-19
El 48% de la población en Puerto Rico ya está vacunada contra el COVID-19, según informó hoy la doctora Iris Cardona, principal oficial médico del Departamento de Salud.

Salud informa las cifras más bajas del COVID-19 hasta la fecha
El Departamento de Salud informó hoy las cifras más bajas del COVID-19 que se tienen en Puerto Rico hasta la fecha: cero muertes, tres casos positivos confirmados y 61 hospitalizados.

Anuncian compra el plan médico MCS
MHH Healthcare, LLC ("MHH Healthcare"), una compañía formada por Kinderhook Industries, LLC ("Kinderhook") para invertir en organizaciones de la salud y organizaciones de servicios de atención médica, anunció hoy que una subsidiaria llegó a un acuerdo definitivo para adquirir el plan médico Medical Card System, Inc. (MCS).

Pierluisi viaja a Washington, D. C. a abogar por trato igual en programa de Medicaid
El gobernador Pedro R. Pierluisi viajó a la Capital Federal a cabildear de trato igual en el programa de Medicaidde Puerto Rico.

ASES extenderá el contrato de las aseguradoras un año adicional
El director ejecutivo de la Administración de Seguros de Salud (ASES), Lcdo. Jorge Galva, informó hoy que se concedió un año de extensión al contrato de las aseguradoras adscrita al Plan de Salud del Gobierno de Puerto Rico, Vital. 

Old vaccines for COVID-19: Tetanus, diphtheria show promise
The way that COVID-19, the infectious respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, progresses is different for everyone. 

Doctors Debunk 9 Popular COVID-19 Vaccine Myths and Conspiracy Theories
Misinformation and falsehoods about the COVID-19 vaccines have made their way into social media and beyond.

Nabil Chehade, MD, executive vice president and chief clinical transformation offi cer at MetroHealth in Cleveland.
A now-or-never moment for telehealth? Demand will remain strong as long as technology and the healthcare industry can meet it
Before COVID-19 emerged in the U.S., just 1% of The MetroHealth System’s visits were virtual. Fast forward through the first two weeks of the pandemic, when 75% of the Cleveland system’s visits were conducted via telehealth,... 

Using Telehealth To Enhance Consumers' Overall Health Experience
With billions of dollars pouring into digital health every quarter and new entrants to the market seemingly every week, it can be easy to misunderstand where the real value is in telehealth,...

What is the difference between Asperger's syndrome and autism?
Asperger’s syndrome and autism spectrum disorder are developmental conditions. Historically seen as different, the two were merged in 2013.

How ‘Friendly’ Bacteria May Help Infants Improve Their Immune System
New research finds there’s a critical time for priming immune system development and reducing systemic inflammation in the first 100 days after birth.

Post-Pandemic Telehealth Optimization Needs Regulatory Support
Providers anticipate telehealth use will grow after the pandemic. But for these solutions to be optimized and not just utilized, regulations must align, the latest report from Insights found.

Cool Offices Entice People Back to Work, Promote Creativity
A Morocco-themed relaxation room. A pirate ship where members of the special operations team works. An office designed with feeding, sleeping and play areas for dogs.

Healthcare + Security: Why it needs to matter to everyone
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: A laptop is stolen and the theft results in the owner’s personal data being accessed by a threat actor. All user’s private data, including financial records...