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My recent weeks have been consumed with the Sandhill Crane hunt issue, but our other missions are moving forward, too. Read on to learn about projects we're doing with your Duck Stamp dollars, local chapters' Learn to Hunt Waterfowl programs and Youth Hunts and even an article on the top early hunting season violations. |
And don't miss your chance to get tickets for our Waukesha Chapter's Kimber SS Pro Raptor II raffle or our 2022 Conservation Calendar edition before they sell out!
I hope you enjoy our November edition...
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Prime Time
By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
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The temperatures are dropping and I’m hoping to see new birds over the decoys soon. The Packers are 7-1 (unbelievable/ unsustainable luck playing a role, but so what!). And (nearly unbelievably) a sandhill crane hunt is being discussed in the Wisconsin legislature.
I was hoping for a bit more free time to pursue some hunting with new pup Tack, but that will come in the next few days. However, he has collected his first few pheasants and ducks—he’s figuring it out. But mostly, my recent weeks have been consumed with the sandhill crane (SHC) hunt issue.
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2022 Conservation Calendars
The 13th Anniversary Edition of our 2022 Conservation Calendars are now available for sale! Featuring 365 prizes, one for every day of 2022, our calendars make the perfect gift. Just $20 each. Get yours here...
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WWA's Waterfowl Stamp Projects
With the recent increase in the waterfowl stamp it’s important to know what is being done with some of those dollars.
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Why Support a Sandhill Crane Hunt in WI - Even if You'll Never Hunt One
To be clear, the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association supports an ethical and science-based hunt of the Sandhill Crane (SHC) in Wisconsin.
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Heard at the Capitol - Here's the Rest of the Story
WWA has invested a year researching the issues associated with a possible Sandhill Crane hunt. That research included developing relationships with the people and organizations that could best inform our understanding, including those who would likely come down on the opposite side of the issue...
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WWA Accepting Nominations for 6th Annual Hall of Fame Class
The WWA Hall of Fame is dedicated to the recognition of the outstanding WWA Members, Sponsors (state or local), Board of Directors and/or Staff who have enriched the general welfare of WWA. Have someone you'd like to nominate to our 6th Annual class?
Submit your nomination here prior to November 15th...
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Green Bay Chapter Holds 12th Annual Learn to Hunt Waterfowl
On October 15th & 16th, 2021 WWA's Green Bay Chapter introduced waterfowl hunting to their Learn to Hunt program participants ranging in age from a 12-year old youth to a 60-year old who had never hunted before.
Read on...
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SW WI Chapter Hosts Youth Hunt
On September 18th, 2021, four area youth were introduced to duck hunting by members of the Southwest Wisconsin Chapter of the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association at their 10th Annual Craig Martin Youth Hunt.
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Want to Win This Kimber Pro Raptor II?
November's featured Class A (WI residents need not be present to win!) raffle is for our Waukesha chapter who will be drawing their Kimber SS Pro Raptor II at their Christmas Bash on December 2nd at Rustic Manor 1848 in Hartland, WI. Get your tickets online here!
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Calling All Members in the Baraboo, Reedsburg & Dells Areas
Join WWA’s Baraboo River chapter on Saturday December 11th at the Reedsburg Outdoor Club to learn more about what WWA is doing in your area and how you can help. Featuring FREE pizza, drinks & door prizes!
Learn more...
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Listen to WWA on the Wisconsin Sportsman Podcast
WWA was happy to sit down with Wisconsin Sportsman podcast host Josh Raley on a recent episode to discuss waterfowl hunting and conservation in Wisconsin and the things we have been doing to benefit waterfowl and wetland habitat right here in the Badger State.
Learn more and listen here...
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Help Preserve a Lower Wisconsin River Wetland
Sometimes WWA comes across projects that serve a good purpose, but don’t quite fit into our programs.
Learn more...
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2021 Migratory Bird Hunting Violations
The WDNR has been tracking conservation violations for years. Of particular interest to waterfowlers is a breakdown of the number and types of violations followed up by our warden force for Migratory Bird Enforcement.
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Bruce Urben, Talented WI Carver
A Decoy Corner article by Eric Urben
The history in these articles is timeless, as are the decoys they produce, and this month we will learn a little more about the author of the “Decoy Carving Corner”, Bruce Urben.
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Bertrands Enjoy Hunt Won at WWA's Green Bay Chapter Banquet
Scott Bertrand and his son, Hunter, were able to get out on Saturday, October 30th to enjoy the donated hunt they won at WWA’s Green Bay chapter banquet.
Read on...
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West Allis Wins 1st Sellers Drawing
Congrats to WWA's West Allis chapter whose banquet calendar sales won them a Fleet Farm gift card! Want to win some great prizes yourself? Consider selling our 2022 Conservation Calendars. For each batch of 25 calendars you sell for us you'll be in for our sellers incentive prize drawings. Next up is some great WWA clothing and in January a chance to win an Igloo cooler.
Learn more...
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Thank You to our 2021 Sponsors & Donors | |
In Memory...
Thanks to all those that have cherished the memory of a loved one by donating in memoriam to the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association. Those recently memorialized were:
· Mr. Carl Halvorsen - Donors: Holly Kempf, Employees at NeighborWorks Blackhawk Region, Victoria Dickman of Herslof, Inc., Kristy Vogt of Kewaskum Chapter of Commerce, Farmers & Sportsmens Conservation Club
· Mr. Gaston Lopez - Donor: Mark Slater
· Mr. Erich Pitz - Donors: Barb & Don Porath
If you'd like to consider a lasting and meaningful memorial fund contribution for that friend, hunting partner, co-worker or relative with WWA, please contact us. Each contribution will offer:
· A personalized letter to the family of the deceased,
· A letter from WWA sent to the donor confirming contribution for tax purposes (address & individual donation amount must be supplied),
- The option for the donor to designate which WWA program they wish their contributions be put towards, and a listing in this section for the duration of one year
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