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May 3, 2021
Virtual Mixer Presented by Nina Pomeroy Photography
Join us for networking next Monday
The May Virtual Mixer is presented by Nina Pomeroy Photography, international leader in personal branding headshot & lifestyle photography and author of Own It: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Your Personal Brand. Helping entrepreneurs create a brand that is magnetic, memorable and money-making.

Join the Pleasanton Chamber for our monthly Virtual Mixer as we check in with special guests, network one-on-one in breakout rooms, and meet new members from the comfort of your own space.
$5,000 Grants for Local Business Owners
Profit Minds offering 10 grants
Chamber member Steven Kirch of Profit Minds has partnered with a publication called Small Business Breakthroughs Magazine to offer ten grants up to $5,000 for small businesses in the Tri-Valley area. These grants are offered to help small business owners obtain specific strategies they can use to quickly recover revenues lost during the Coronavirus shutdown.

  • 2020 revenues between $50,000 up to $2 million
  • Experiencing a decline of at least 10% in monthly revenue
Value: (All Profit Minds services below are covered in full by the grant)
Access to E-Learning Center. $200/month x 3 months = $600
Profit Acceleration Software Assessment and Report = $2,000
Three 1 on 1 coaching sessions (1 per month) = $1500
3 Mastermind Group Meetings (1 per month) = $900
Total Value: $5,000 

For more information or to apply, CLICK HERE or contact Dr. Steven Kirch, Profit Minds at 925-518-8876 or email

Deadline to apply is Friday May 14, 2021.
Restaurant Revitalization Fund Webinar
Presented by the SBA and Tri-Valley Chambers
The Tri Valley Chamber of Commerce Alliance hosts the Small Business Administration for a presentation about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

This fund provides emergency assistance for eligible restaurants, bars, and other qualifying businesses impacted by COVID-19, to keep their doors open. Recipients are not required to repay the funding as long as funds are used for eligible uses no later than March 11, 2023. Learn more about this funding tool, offered by the US Small Business Administration.
To Tri-Valley With Love
Mobile “Promise Pass” Incentivizes Spending at Nearly 100 Local Businesses
The pandemic may be waning, but local businesses are still teetering. To address this challenge, the East Bay cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville, have partnered with Visit Tri-Valley (VTV) to launch an unprecedented regional campaign to drive spending in local businesses. Dubbed “To Tri-Valley with Love,” the campaign asks residents and visitors alike to spend at least $25 per week at local businesses instead of online and in big-box stores.

Sweetening the deal, the cities have created a mobile Promise Pass that offers a slew of discounts at nearly 100 businesses, with new offers added regularly. The Promise Pass was created to inspire spending within the Tri-Valley community to help buoy local businesses to see them through the final stages of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Attend a live business day event at the Pleasanton post office. This is a live on-site event for all businesses wanting to save money on shipping cost and learn how to grow your business with USPS every door direct mail.
From small, medium to large businesses, all are welcome to attend, listen, learn and ask questions. There will be three specialists to assist you at the live event. The USPS team is looking forward to meeting with you.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Local, easy to schedule COVID vaccinations are available at Axis Community Health. Just call 925-462-1755, there is no computer needed. Drive-thru or walk-up appointments for ages 16 and over are available at the Axis Livermore and Pleasanton clinics, with options for different days and times to choose from. It’s free, no insurance card needed, and Axis staff can accommodate multiple languages. Moderna, Pfizer and J & J vaccines are all offered. Anyone is welcome. Schedule today and soon you will be COVID safe to rejoin family and friends.
We will introduce the basic concepts and rules of some of the more popular sports during our Multi-Sport class, followed by PE Enrichment which gives kids a chance to play fun, cooperative, and interactive games such as kickball, capture the flag, and dodgeball.
Saturday Morning Movement Camp
Dates: Saturdays through June 5
10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
For over 50 years, the US Small Business Administration has celebrated National Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical contributions of entrepreneurs and small business owners. The small business sector contributes significantly to the framework of the country's economy and, in Pleasanton, small businesses having between 1-150 employees comprise of about half of all licensed businesses. This last year was one like no other and many businesses faced significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City commends all Pleasanton small businesses for persevering, innovating, and working hard to recover towards a stronger economy. Thank you for being in Pleasanton and serving our community!
The City of Pleasanton has approved over $1.3 million to assist Pleasanton businesses as part of the Business Support Fund loan program. Qualifying businesses are encouraged to apply here.
Weekend on Main began on Friday with the closure of Main Street to allow for temporary outdoor dining or displays. The street closure to vehicular traffic will occur each weekend, beginning Friday at 3:00 pm and reopening Sunday at 9:00 pm. through Labor Day. For Memorial Day (May 31) and Labor Day (September 6), the street closure will extend through Monday evening.

Interested downtown businesses may apply to set up a temporary outdoor dining area or outdoor display, with the City Planning Department. See Permit Application and email to

For more information on Weekend on Main, visit Pleasanton Downtown Association.
Pleasanton - We have a water supply issue
Jill Buck, M.S., Ed.
It is time to conserve water
Pleasanton is heavily dependent on Zone 7 Water Agency for our water supply. Under normal circumstances, 20% of our drinking water comes from 3 City-owned wells, and 80% of our water is purchased from Zone 7 Water agency. The amount of water Pleasanton is allowed to draw from our wells is regulated by Zone 7, because they are responsible for managing the Livermore Valley Groundwater Basin into which our City wells are drilled. Currently, one of our City wells is out of service due to high levels of PFAS contamination. More information at:

Zone 7 will only receive 5% of its allotment from the State Water Project (SWP) in 2021. While Zone 7 has a diverse portfolio of water supply options, under normal conditions the SWP is the most substantial source of water. Water from the Sierra snowpack is the origin of the SWP, and the snowpack has been very low in 2020 and 2021. In 2020, Zone 7 only received 20% of its allotment from the SWP. Current data predicts that 2022 will be dry, as well. More information at:
Let's get to immunity
It's okay to have questions.
Everyone deserves answers.
The Pleasanton Chamber is committed to keeping you up to date on the most important news and information about the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. As this virus continues to impact our community, vaccines are one of the most important tools to end the pandemic. Our county is working hard to continue making the vaccines available to everyone as soon as possible, so that every resident has the opportunity to be vaccinated.

Vaccinations are open to all Californians aged 16 and up. COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and 100% free. Sign up for your appointment today and join the millions who are putting an end to this pandemic.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum
Open to everyone next Wednesday
Every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 a.m., the Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision. Contact for more information on these monthly forums.
Tri-Valley Chamber Speed Networking
Virtual event held quarterly
Join the Tri-Valley Chambers for a virtual speed networking event. Make more business connections in less time from the comfort of your own space. You will be sent to breakout rooms to meet one-on-one and connect with others, exchange information, and promote your business easily and effectively.

The popular Tri-Valley Speed Networking is held quarterly throughout 2021 in partnership with the local Chambers of Commerce.

Register in advance for this free event. Your punctuality is required.
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to these new members that have recently joined the Chamber
News from our Members
To Tri-Valley With Love partnership aims to spark local spending through regional rewards program

$5,000 Grants for Local Business Owners

All Welcome for COVID Vaccine Appointments at Axis Clinics

Hi-Five Sports Club Saturday Morning Movement Camp

Grow your business with the USPS

Alameda County offering priority access codes for vaccines

Summit Financial Group presents: Retire Wise - An Educational Retirement Strategy Workshop

Youth Financial Literacy Ambassador Program

Alameda County Fairgrounds Reschedules Annual Fair to October

Spectrum Announces ''Show Your Love'' Virtual Event, May 7
Stay Connected and Informed

Visit the Chamber's COVID-19 Information page to see the latest updates as well as links to the City of Pleasanton, Alameda County Public Health Department, California COVID Recovery and more.
Tell your story, increase your exposure and promote your brand by partnering with the Pleasanton Chamber for advertising.
  • Print newsletter
  • Electronic newsletter
  • Website
  • One time ads
  • Flexibility
  • Visibility
  • Packages with discounts

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