April 28, 2024


Sunday, April 28

Palm Sunday

Click here to learn more

Orthros/Matins 830am

Click here for a PDF of the Service

Divine Liturgy 930am

Click here for a PDF of the Liturgy

For those that are not able to join us in person we welcome you to participate virtually by clicking here


Click here to offer your prayers for those in need of prayer.

Click here to download A PRAYER IN TIME OF NEED



Click on the image above to download the current or previous Children's Word publications.

Click Here for This Week’s Theme: Its Hard to be Humble!

Palm Sunday is celebrated with the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, which is preceded by the Matins service. A Great Vespers is conducted on Saturday evening according to the order prescribed in the Triodion. Scripture readings for Palm Sunday are: At the Vespers: Genesis 49:1,8-12; Zephaniah 3:14-19; Zechariah 9:9-15. At the Orthros (Matins): Matthew 21:1-17. At the Divine Liturgy: Philippians 4:4-9; John 12:1-18.

On this Sunday, in addition to the Divine Liturgy, the Church observes the Blessing and Distribution of the Palms. The prayer for the blessing of the Palms is found in the Ieratikon or the Euxologion. According to the rubrics of the Typikon, this prayer is read at the Orthros just before the Psalms of Praise (Ainoi). The palms are then distributed to the faithful. In many places today, the prayer is said at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, before the apolysis. The text of the prayer, however, indicates clearly that it is less a prayer for the blessing of the palms, even though that is its title, and more a blessing upon those, who in imitation of the New Testament event hold palms in their hands as symbols of Christ's victory and as signs of a virtuous Christian life. It appears then, that it would be more correct to have the faithful hold the palms in their hands during the course of the Divine Liturgy when the Church celebrates both the presence and the coming of the Lord in the mystery of the Eucharist.

Prayer for Palm Sunday

Priest: Lord our God, enthroned above the Cherubim, You have stirred up Your power and sent Your only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to redeem the world through His Cross, His burial and His Resurrection. When He came to Jerusalem to His voluntary Passion, the people, living in darkness and the shadow of death, taking up the symbols of victory, boughs of trees and palm branches, foretold the Resurrection. Master, as we, too, imitating them, carry Palms and branches on this eve of the feast, watch over us. And as we offer You Hosanna, like those multitudes and the children, safeguard us, so that in hymns and spiritual songs we, too, may worthily witness the lifegiving Resurrection on the third day, in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Whom You are blessed, together with Your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages.

PALM SUNDAY FISH DINNER TODAY - Thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket for today's Palm Sunday Dinner hosted by the Anagennesis Ladies Society.

EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS - Did you forget to send your donation? Want to add to your donation? The Anagennesis Ladies Society members are accepting Easter Flower Donations today.

COFFEE HOUR & FELLOWSHIP - Please know that during this Great Lenten Season, in following the fasting guidelines of the Church, there will be no meat or dairy products served.

PHOTOGRAPHERS WANTED – Photographers wanted to take pictures at future events for the St. George Memory Project. Please contact the office for more info.

PART-TIME CHANTERS/READERS NEEDED – We have services during Great and Holy Week next week. We welcome those who would like to assist and help with the readings. If you would like to volunteer to help with reading various Scripture passages or to chant, please come to the chanter stand before the service to offer your participation.

MYROFORES – All young ladies of the community are welcome to be Myrofores for the Good Friday services in the afternoon and evening on April 14. Please email Athena Bevan at

UPCOMING MEMORIAS - May 19: Vasilike Sotiriou (40 days)

SCHOLARSHIP PACKETS NOW AVAILABLE – Please contact the church office if you would like a scholarship packet.

PASCHA EGGS – The Anagennesis Ladies are asking for individuals to donate one or two dozen red, cooked eggs for Pascha. Eggs should be delivered to the Church during Holy Week, through Holy Friday, May 3. Your response to this appeal is greatly appreciated.

PASCHA FELLOWSHIP HOUR- Easter morning after the Divine Liturgy, come, break the fast, and celebrate the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. The Board of Directors will provide roast lamb and liquid refreshments. Bring a dish to share and join your fellow parishioners in the celebration. All are welcome! Kindly let the office know what you will bring to share and if you can assist with setting up and cleanup after the event. Καλή Ανάσταση!

VESPERS OF LOVE SERVICE ON PASCHA - As we have in previous years, we are looking for those who can read foreign languages to proclaim the Gospel in as many languages as possible (which is the tradition of the Church at this service). Click on the flyer below and see all the languages we have!



Click on each to find out all info



Bread has been the emblem of God’s providence for us, throughout humanity’s history. Both physical (bread as food) and spiritual - the επιούσιον (epiousion) or “supersubstantial” bread of the Lord’s prayer, the bread of Holy Communion.

In the Orthodox Christian church, the pinnacle of our worship is union with Christ, both spiritually but also physically, by consuming the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Since the Last Supper, before every Divine Liturgy, one or more of the faithful prepare and bring bread to church to be used as the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. The Orthodox church is liturgical. For those of us who bake prosphoro, the liturgy begins as we prepare to bake!

Prosphoro is an offering to God, made from His material gifts to us, and prepared lovingly and prayerfully.

A special website is available to share with the faithful this ‘proper’ method of preparation of the holy gift according to the Greek Orthodox tradition. Please click here to learn how to bake this beautiful offering.