1. The Sacred Is Everywhere
By Giovanni Pérez, Illuman Wisdom Elder
In 2009, I participated for the first time as a team member in an MROP hosted by Illuman SoCal. What a terrific and profound experience that was. One thing from that event that has stayed with me all these years was a quick conversation I had with our convener at the time, our beloved Filipino brother Jim Cadíz. For a brief moment, I was alone with him, and as we were setting up Wednesday morning, moving furniture out of the way and creating the sacred space, I said to him: “Jim, have you noticed that most men who come to MROPs are affluent and white?” His reply was: “Giovanni, you and I are the minority. That’s for sure.”
Years later, the heart of that conversation took a central place at Soularize. Several men participated in a fishbowl council to talk about what it means to be nonwhite in this culture. It was a powerful moment, which continues to make echoes in conversations up until now.
It seems clear that the men who participated at Illuman's Leadership Retreat, Oracle 2021, overwhelmingly support the idea of taking steps to make Illuman more inclusive and diverse. It is emotionally overwhelming to see that the dream initiated by Richard Rohr, Stephen Gambill, and a few others continues to cross not only borders, but languages and cultures. Our work is present in Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, Germany, and the Czech Republic, and as you will see, it is ready to cross other borders.
A particularly insightful thought about the Illuman presence was shared at one annual Illuman Soularize conference, when Richard Rohr was presented with the Czech rendition of the triptych used at their MROPs. It is a beautiful piece of art, and quite unique. When he received it, Richard, of course, had words to say. Those words were striking. He said: “If there is a group of men that have made the MROP experience their own, it has been the Czechs.” They not only “translated” the message, but also, while maintaining the essence of it, they enculturated the experience; that is: They have incorporated the richness of their culture into the Rites so that these may have the impact they were intended to have, speaking to the heart of the men in their milieu. One thing is certain: To have successfully taken the MROP to European nations and to Australia is one thing, but to take it to the developing world will be quite another.
As many of you already know, Southern California has conducted two MROPs/UMBRALES—a bilingual (English/Spanish) experience of the Rites. When we thought of what to name it in Spanish, we were careful to avoid a simple translation of MROP to Ritos de Pasaje Para Hombres (RPPH), because the acronym would have meant nothing to the Latino men. Instead, we decided to use the word UMBRALES, thresholds, which is exactly what the experience is about. Richard Rohr was delighted when he learned about it and gave it his blessing.
Illuman of Texas was gearing up to host their own UMBRALES. However, due to the pandemic, they had to recalibrate their plans. Illuman New Mexico is also beginning to manifest their dreams to host UMBRALES in that enchanted land in the near future. In addition to that, brothers of Illuman Español are deeply touched by a band of Brazilian brothers who found us on Facebook. They have expressed a desire to have this experience in their Amazonian land. Some men from New York and Canada—Brazilian themselves—have stepped up to the plate to help in any way they can.
Why is that so? Why such a desire and hunger for what we try to live out? Perhaps it is because the message with which the Rites of Passage has gifted us is one true message. Richard has taught: There are few absolutes in life; but anything, to be authentically true, has to be true everywhere, for everyone, and in every epoch. Otherwise, it is simply not true.
The messages contained in the MROP experience fall in that category of being true everywhere, for everyone, and in every epoch. That is not to say, however, that we do not struggle with these teachings.
One message that men from developing countries might struggle with is the idea of needing to dismantle the tower of power a man has built. Men may, instinctively and at a gut level, know it to be true. However, someone growing up poor in a developing country, and perhaps finding themselves as an undocumented immigrant in the US, would be hard pressed to find evidence of such a tower. They might ask, “Where is the tower that I have built and that I need to dismantle?” In other words, the poor and disenfranchised will, rightly so, ask: Where is my power?
Ronald Rolheiser, OMI wrote:
We know the axiom: “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!” ... What isn’t as evident is its opposite: Powerlessness too can corrupt and absolute powerlessness can corrupt absolutely.
And herein lies the evidence that corroborates the truthfulness of the message. This is the evidence: If powerful men exert and abuse their power by “sophisticated methods” of educational achievements, economic status, travels, racism, and luxury, then poor men also find ways to exert and abuse their own power. A general example may be the explicit machismo and patriarchal systems so oppressive to women and children throughout Latin America.
Brothers, we—men of ILLUMAN—have been given a precious gift: the MROP, yes, but perhaps more importantly, the community of brothers transforming men through a power greater than our own. As we move forward toward sharing this treasure, we need to be mindful to make sure that we not only “translate” the message, but that we enculturate it by honoring and incorporating the gifts and wisdoms of the cultures into which we enter, so that the men may hear the heart of their Creator speaking to their own hearts in their own rich and sacred contexts.
About Giovanni Pérez:
Giovanni was born and raised in Guatemala City. At seventeen, he migrated to the US and, together with his wife, has raised a family of four young adults. Among his passions are nature and justice. His work in spirituality with men inspired him to collaborate with other brothers to reach out to Spanish-speaking communities, creating Illuman en Español. Giovanni lives in Whittier, California. If you are interested in reaching out to Spanish-speaking men in your community and wish to collaborate, exchange resources, and the like, feel free to contact him at goperez29@gmail.com.
By John Ball, Convener, Illuman DC
In the best of times, planning a Men’s Rites of Passage is a big challenge. There are lots of moving parts to be considered and put into place to make it work well. Believe it or not, the MROP Planning Manual is 358 pages long, and the first 111 pages are devoted just to the minutiae involved in the pre-MROP logistical planning! Putting all the pieces together properly takes a Core Team of men and a support group of men working closely together for at least six months or more.
The pandemic has made event planning even more complex—not only for the MROP, but for planning any event that brings people together in real time and space. While the stated mission of Illuman is, “We are men transforming men through a power greater than our own,” our first priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of the men who participate in all Illuman-sponsored programs at the national, international, regional, and chapter levels. National events such as the Rites of Passage (YMROP, MROP, EROP), Soularize, and Oracle attract participants from all over the world. Talk about a potential for being “Super Spreader Events”!
- Life is hard.
- My life is not about me.
- I am not that important.
- I am not in control.
- I am going to die.
With these hard truths in mind, I must accept that our work is about transformation, not infecting or killing anyone!
Illuman cancelled most of the Rites of Passage that were scheduled for 2020 and a few that were scheduled for 2021. Whenever possible, other large-scale Illuman events that would have normally been held in person were shifted to virtual, online gatherings. Even the small, local Council circles that normally meet in person pivoted to gathering by Zoom. In some cases, the decision to cancel was costly; deposits to reserve venues were lost, costing sponsoring chapters to lose money they couldn’t afford to lose.
Online technology and the devotion of a group of brothers who worked tirelessly to figure out how to make things work have given us a great gift. Their efforts have made it possible for us to stay connected for these many long months and to continue supporting one another in this liminal time and space. Their efforts have provided a lifeline for sustaining our spiritual, emotional, and mental health. Thank you to the Virtual Council Guiding Circle, to Illuman Administrator Brad Pickel, and each and every one of our technical wizards who have made it possible for us to continue our work together. Yet, at the same time, many of us are “Zoomed Out” and yearning for being together again in real time and space.
First, we have been closely monitoring the sometimes confusing and contradicting guidelines and reports from the Centers for Disease Control, the White House, and state and local health authorities. We have been watching the numbers of new cases, hospitalizations, and the vaccination rates, all of which factor into our decision to go forward with our plans to gather in person, or not. The most recent data suggest that holding gatherings of participants who are all fully vaccinated poses a low risk of spreading the virus. As with anything else, there is no 100% guarantee that someone who is fully vaccinated for COVID-19 won’t experience a breakthrough infection. Considering the data, Illuman has set a policy that all participants attending an in-person event must show proof of being fully vaccinated. Certainly, that policy will most likely change as the guidelines and policies change and we eventually get the “All Clear.”
That’s a hard question! Opinions from the scientific community vary. Some medical authorities have stated that antibodies developed from a COVID-19 infection will provide sufficient immunity, comparable to having received one of the vaccines. Others say that is not the case and encourage those who have had the infection to get the vaccine, too. Given the conflicting opinions, Illuman leadership has decided to come down on the side of prudence and, for now, limit our in-person gatherings to fully vaccinated men. We continue in that liminal space.
Unless something changes, forcing us to cancel, the answer is YES! The good news is we will be hosting Rites of Passage, Soularize, and other in-person events this year! On one hand, Soularize will be a hybrid event that will allow fully vaccinated men to attend in person in New Mexico and others to attend virtually. On the other hand, participating in a Rites of Passage is a different experience, which must be done in person. The YMROP, MROP, EROP experiences do not lend themselves to online participation.
There are five MROPs currently scheduled for 2021, only two of which will be held in the United States. There will also be one Elder’s Rites of Passage (EROP) held in Washington State. We ask you to mark your calendar to pray for the initiates, as well as those conducting the Rites. More details below.
CLICK HERE to read the remainder of the article by John Ball.
3. Soularize 2021 Registration is now open!
SOULARIZE 2021 – Connecting after COVID: Embracing Our Lives, Each Other, and
the World
The past year has been marked by pandemic, social and political unrest, the loss of life, and unprecedented separation and isolation. It’s been a time of discord, disruption, and disillusionment. Join us for Soularize 2021, as we come back together as men transforming men, shoulder to shoulder once again. We'll reconnect in ways that offer healing and wholeness, new life and possibility for each other and the wider world. Our bodies carry wisdom and shame, trauma and holiness, bias and blessing—and they ache for reconnection. We’ll tend to them and to each other as we explore our relationships with other bodies, including the Earth and the deep union that is beneath. Through drumming, story, nature, and Council, we will re-embody inner work that makes a difference in the world. Learn more and register for Soularize 2021 and your hotel room on our event webpage.
4. Men’s Rites of Passage Retreats Are Underway With Two to Be Held in the U.S.!
We hope you will take a few minutes to read the article above by John Ball and the efforts underway for the Men’s Rites of Passage (MROP). Planning an MROP is challenging in a normal year, and especially so in this time of COVID-19. We hope you will join us as an initiate or returning initiator. The MROP experience is not a “regular” retreat but a five-day / four-night, deeply prayerful and soulful experience that builds on the classic patterns of male initiation through simple and moving rituals and teaching. Each day includes participating in group prayer, major teachings on central masculine spirituality themes, quiet time for reflection, and sharing in the context of a small Council circle.
To learn more about Illuman’s Men’s Rites of Passage and the need for male initiation rites, please click here. To learn more about specific opportunities in 2021, please click the links below.
August 10–14, 2021
August 18–21, 2021
September 8–12, 2021
September 29–October 3, 2021
November 3–7, 2021
5. Upcoming Illuman Events
Illuman of Washington
Teen Rites Of Passage
Illuman Rising
(kids entering 7th-9th grade)
August 16-19, 2021
Vashon Island, WA
Teen Quest
(teens aged 15-19)
July 10–18, 2021
Now more than ever, our youth need extended time to deeply connect with each other and with nature in order to grow into generative young men. Rites of Passage cannot wait until adulthood—the time is now for us to bring youth into the Illuman tradition. Illuman of Washington is excited to be bringing forth two such opportunities. We are offering Rising, a 4-day rite of passage into adolescence/teenhood for middle school boys, and we are co-sponsoring Journeymen's longer 9-day initiatory Teen Quest for high schoolers. For men interested in getting trained and serving as mentors, opportunities exist for this as well.
Illuman of Washington
Elders' Rites Of Passage
Ekone Ranch
Outside of Goldendale, WA
September 15-19, 2021
The Elders’ Rites of Passage (EROP) is a five-day intensive retreat that serves those beginning or already on the eldering journey. For some, the EROP serves as an entrance into the journey, and for others it is a deepening of work that has been ongoing for a long time. Using ritual, story, time in nature, Council, and image, participants are invited to harvest all that has been, sit with death, practice deep listening to the cries of the world, and discern what is theirs to do. The retreat is open to men in their 60s to 80s.
(Held Virtually)
Sponsored by The Ohio Chapter of Illuman
September 4 / 11/ 18 / 25, 2021
2pm - 4pm Eastern /
11am - 1pm Pacific
You are invited to a workshop for the real spiritual lives of men. This workshop is sponsored by Ohio Illuman and will be led by Steve Robach, an initiated man from Illuman of Minnesota. Steve will guide us through WILD and WISE, the journal he created to help lead men along the Journey of Illumination.
We will be meeting each of the four Saturday afternoons during September for two hours. Together we'll experience music, ritual and council as we explore the 38 meditations contained in WILD and WISE.
The cost of our entire workshop is $40. Registrants will receive a mailed copy of WILD and WISE as part of their registration fee. Scholarships are available and no one will be refused registration.
*Attendance at all four Saturday workshops is preferred, but not required. So please don't let this limit your participation. And feel free to invite the men in your community to consider joining us. Your participation matters!
The Pathless Path: I Pray God to Free Me of God
(Held Virtually)
Hosted by Illuman of Indiana-Michigan
September 25, 2021
10am - 4pm Eastern
Join our Brothers of the Indiana-Michigan Chapter to experience the bliss and freedom of the infinite mystery as well as to be able to recognize God in the ordinary moments of life. The pathless path adjusts one’s mindset to abide in the present moment, enjoy life fully, and receive the delight of being one with the Mystery here and now. Whether we are playing with our children, walking in nature, busily working on some project, or even frantically managing our households, Meister Eckhart’s pathless path grounds us in the stability of the divine through detachment. For Eckhart, daily life with all its typical rounds of work, recreation, eating, driving, and sleeping is our greatest spiritual practice.
Green Man Rewilding Retreat
Hosted by Arizona M.A.L.Es Chapter of Illuman
October 14–17, 2021
We have long lived in the illusion that “Nature” is out there somewhere, as if we had to leave the real to find something different. This has led us to want to drink more water for our health while throwing the plastic bottle out the window along the road, or build an economy on an industry that cut down enough trees in one state to build the entire city of Chicago in another. This illusion has been costly, and we are just beginning to realize this. We are never not in nature. At the same time, we do need to leave the artificial world of civilization now and then to touch our wild roots in a forest or near a beautiful lake. This is what this retreat is about. It offers the opportunity to explore the wild beauty out of which “civilization” has come, to encounter a wild Mystery that we try to tame, both outside ourselves and inside. Come and join us on this adventure, along with our poet elder, Timothy McLaughlin, and Firekeeper Walking Star Martinez, both from New Mexico.
Special note: Men who travel to Soularize (October 21–24) may wish to come early and join us for this retreat. After Green Man Rewilding, you will have 3½ days to make the short journey from Aravaipa Canyon Ranch in Arizona to Bernalillo, New Mexico for Soularize.
Illuman's Online Shop
Visit our online shop and pick up an item to show your support of Illuman!🎗
Be sure to visit Illuman's Online Shop where you can order t-shirts, hats and other Illuman logo items. Every purchase helps support our work!
Illuman is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose vision is to see men transforming men and, through them, families and communities for generations to come. Our mission is to engage those seeking a life-long journey of spiritual transformation.
Your support in all forms, including prayer, service, and money, is met with gratitude and a commitment to honor your gifts by using them to support men on their spiritual journey.
Please also remember Illuman in your estate planning. Contact us at dca@illuman.org for more information.
Without us God will not,
but without God, we cannot.
~ Fr. Richard Rohr ~