Dear Partners In Learning Alumni & Alumni Family,

It is hard to believe that Partners In Learning (PIL) is getting ready to celebrate a 25 year anniversary! I am proud to serve on the Partners In Learning Board of Directors and am the parent of 2 Partners In Learning graduates, Abraham Post and Simon Post. Abraham is now 24 years old, a UNC Chapel Hill graduate and living and working as a computer consultant and developer in Charlotte, NC. Simon is 21, and is currently a junior at UNC Chapel Hill. We had great experiences with both children at PIL, and strongly feel that it gave them a great start to their education and social experiences. 

We have started a Partners In Learning Alumni Facebook page and invite you to join us and share a picture and a story about your children. It will be great to catch up with some of our PIL graduates and see what is going on in their lives!

Libby Post
PIL Board of Directors
PIL Alumni Parent
Our mission is to model the highest quality learning environment that stimulates families and the community to provide optimal growth and development of children.