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A Message from the President
Every organization wants to be all it can be, so in this issue we discuss some of the ways your company can move ahead in terms of flexible work arrangements, real estate planning, business continuity preparedness, virtual events and technology updates – while reducing headaches along the way as we transition to the post-pandemic world.

  • Hybrid work - straddling home and office - may very well become the new normal for many people. Here are 8 signs your employees will flourish as hybrid workers.

  • Like many businesses, TCI occasionally requires help with real estate. We highly recommend Dan Shapiro at Cresa for strategic planning assistance with your corporate real estate.

  • A continuity plan can help your business survive all kinds of calamities. We offer advice on what should go into an effective continuity plan for your business.

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic traditional in-person events had to be re-imagined  ̶  and even re-invented. Mitel User Group Liaison Denise Desjardins has been organizing events for years and shares some insights that will help ensure the success of your next virtual event. 

  • When the communications systems you currently have work just fine, it can be easy to put off updating them until a later date, or even indefinitely. We delve into why preparing for the future of your communications technology is essential.

Contact me today to discuss how TCI’s products and services can help your organization get more out of its technology investments – now and in the future.

Tom Cornbrooks, President
(703) 321-3030 |

8 Signs your Employees will Flourish as Hybrid Workers
As more people are vaccinated against COVID-19, businesses are readying plans to reopen their offices and bring back their employees. Already, though, it's clear the new workweek will look different than it did pre-pandemic. Thanks to technology and remote working tools, employees transitioned seamlessly to home offices while managing to increase productivity. As a result, hybrid work - straddling home and office - may very well become the new normal for many people.

Can you team succeed as a hybrid workforce? 
Here are eight signs that indicate they'll flourish in this new environment…

1. Focus Time is Productive Time - The home office is generally quiet, comfortable and less stressful. This makes it more conducive for projects that require concentration, but team members can still hold an impromptu web chat with colleagues to share information and insights.

2. Learning Time Happens in the "Culture Space" - The traditional office has been transformed into a space that fosters social connections and builds relationships. It's not only a hub for learning but also for unscripted collaboration. Here’s where having coffee or lunch with colleagues stimulates new ideas.

3. Every Day is a Team Day - Hybrid workers leverage quiet time at home to focus on projects and in-person meetings to brainstorm ideas. Technology makes it possible to continue conversations in collaborative workspaces and via video. Some teams set up regular times to connect socially and to build on ideas. The overall result: collaborative time, at home or in the office, is more productive.

4. Flexible Hours - When employees own their own schedule, they can manage work-life balance more efficiently ― and accomplish more in both worlds.

5. Masters of Multitasking - Hybrid workers know how to make the most of their time without infringing on other tasks. They've learned how to get a few things done around the house while also giving full attention to work.

6. Focus on Goals not the Clock - One thing learned from remote work is that performance isn't measured by time, but by accomplishments. Employers trust employees to get things done and employees feel more empowered. Showing up at the office is not for more face time with the boss, but for learning new skills and engaging with colleagues in working sessions.

7. Solve Client Problems, from Anywhere - Mobile technology and unified communications have made it possible to serve the needs of clients for some time now. But hybrid workers value these capabilities more than ever. They make it easier for them to transition from work to home without missing a beat.

8. The 3-2-2 Work Model - One of the benefits of remote work during the pandemic was the flexibility employees enjoyed. Despite the challenges of managing family and work in the same place, they found remote work made it easier to balance competing demands. For those continuing a flexible work schedule after the pandemic, the 3-2-2 model may be helpful ― three days in the office, two days at home and two off.

TCI can help your business with technologies to support hybrid work arrangements. Contact us today at (703) 321-3030 or
Looking for unbiased Corporate Real Estate services? Our trusted partner, Dan Shapiro, SVP of Cresa can help
Dan Shapiro supports TCI’s real estate needs and specializes in providing comprehensive services to every client. We highly recommend him if you need help with your corporate real estate.

Dan covers all the bases. He utilizes a strategic planning method that includes analyzing leases, providing sound market advice and managing negotiations of lease alternatives. By providing strategic real estate planning and comprehensive market coverage for you far in advance of your lease expiration dates, Dan has a track record of facilitating the best possible lease terms so you can get bottom-line savings for every project.

Dan’s Contact Info:
Daniel Shapiro, Senior Vice President, Cresa
301.841.6542 direct
240.485.4800 mobile

More about Cresa
Cresa is the world’s largest real estate provider exclusively committed to serving occupiers. Currently, Cresa services over 1,800 clients spanning 60+ industries in over 1,300 cities around the world. Cresa has 55 offices in North America alone and an additional 30 offices globally. Cresa was founded in 1993 by professionals with executive experience in corporate real estate. After years in the industry, their founders recognized that the existing commercial real estate model was broken and inherently unfair to occupiers. They set out to level the playing field, acting as unbiased advisors exclusively for corporate space users.

Cresa’s Differentiators in the Real Estate Marketplace

  • An unbiased advocate - Cresa was founded by corporate real estate executives who designed our services solely with the occupier’s needs in mind. We’re unbiased, uninfluenced by landlords. Everything we do is from your perspective – and to your advantage. 

  • Structure - As a privately-owned firm, we can make adjustments quickly, easily scaling project teams or service offerings to suit your needs. To ensure excellence in service delivery, all projects are led by senior-level managers from beginning to end.

  • Integrated platform - Our service lines, each led by specialists in their field, are interconnected to enhance each part of your business. This ensures seamless delivery and, since we offer a complete package of talent and tools, eliminates the need to source multiple partners.

  • Transparency - Transparency is a cornerstone of how we do business. In fact, our delivery model requires it. Transparency is what allows us to foster lasting, meaningful relationships with each other and with our clients. 

  • People - Our greatest asset is our people. Lead by seasoned principals with years of experience, we hire selectively and incentivize continually. We pride ourselves on empowering our employees to act decisively and think innovatively.

Again, Dan knows commercial real estate and will look out for you. Once you've settled on your new space, keep TCI's relocation experts in mind. We can help ensure your communications technology and IT infrastructure are ready to connect your business on Day One. Contact us at (703) 321-3030 or
What Goes into an Effective Business Continuity Plan?
A continuity plan can help your business survive all kinds of calamities. The right plan should feature clear-cut guidelines for what your organization must do to continue operations in case of an unforeseen event. It should leave no doubt about how to organize staff and move forward. It must also clearly demarcate the different types of responses depending on the severity of the emergency at hand.

Basic components of an effective business continuity plan

Outline the Goals and Objectives - Since every business is unique, first identify the objectives and goals that are most critical to the way your company operates. This goal-driven trajectory helps you reflect on the overall planning needs, potential recovery strategies, and risk assessment.

Establish a Team - Select competent cross-functional leaders or managers who can be a valuable addition to the team. Ensure you appoint someone as the lead to keep things going smoothly and make informed decisions when necessary.

Perform Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment - Identify the significant risks to your business. Discuss with your team and analyze the consequences of modifying, eliminating, or reducing essential functions or services in emergency conditions. Study all identified issues and their impact on the business.

Identify Predominant Ecommerce Related Business Functions - Determine how your company will effectively maintain its essential functions/services in case of an emergency. Here are some of the necessary functions and services that you will need to plan for:

  • Supply Chain and Inventory Management Continuity 
  • Shipping Deadlines and Order Fulfillment 
  • E-Commerce Platform Functionality 
  • Maintaining Customer Service 

Prepare a Plan for Necessary Services and Functions - Create unique plans to address the needs of stakeholders and essential functions during an emergency situation:

  • Customers
  • Suppliers/ subcontractors
  • Team members
  • Shipping
  • Inventory

Make sure you have plans to change your current supplier to ensure that you don't have inventory limitations. Also, know your options in case your supply chain faces disruption.

Focus on Documentation and Reviewing
Ensure you have the following aspects in writing:
  • Business risk level
  • Impact on customers and employees
  • Financial resources in case of a calamity
  • Community partners or external organization who can help build a mutually beneficial relationship during a disaster

Present your continuity strategy/plan to your stakeholders, perform trial runs and be proactive. This allows you to identify any weaknesses or missing features. Once you make the necessary updates, start to train your staff, test, and revise accordingly.

TCI can help you select and implement disaster recovery and business continuity solutions to ensure your business stays connected and operational during any emergency. Contact us today at (703) 321-3030 or

Tips for Hosting Successful Virtual Events
With the pandemic event planners, sponsors and attendees were forced to pivot quickly from in-person to virtual events. It soon became clear the traditional in-person event couldn't simply be adapted to a virtual environment. It would have to be re-imagined  ̶  and even re-invented. Mitel User Group Liaison, Denise Desjardins, has been organizing events for years and shares some insights…

The Virtual Advantage
No one should fall into the trap of thinking virtual is simply a stopgap measure. In fact, virtual events offer several compelling advantages in any environment:

  • Positively Productive - Virtual events eliminate the stress, time, and cost of travel, of course. But what's not often discussed is the tremendous amount of flexibility they offer attendees, who can work their daily schedules around the agenda. Focus on the sessions that matter most and skip the less relevant ones. When people can take care of what matters in their everyday lives, they're more engaged at the event. It's the best of both worlds. 

  • Extra Days, Extra Value - Unlike an in-person event, which has a defined start and end, virtual events can (and should) be kept open for at least 30 days past the live component. This extended period offers benefits for hosts, sponsors, and attendees alike. By making the material available for a longer time, hosts can create an agenda packed full of compelling content and speakers. Attendees can return again and again to watch videos and download content. 

  • Always-On Classroom - Training is usually not possible for attendees to complete during the live event. The advantage of going virtual is that all these resources can stay accessible long after the event ends. 

  • Return On Investment - Virtual events provide tangible evidence of success. By measuring attendance, downloads and other web analytics, sponsors can calculate exactly how valuable the event was for them.

In-Person, Virtual, or Both?
There are pros and cons to each type of event, in-person and virtual. One of the most compelling reasons to consider doing both is the ability to reach more people.

That's because each type of event attracts different people. An in-person event is a big draw for those who enjoy the entire travel experience, from getting on the plane and staying in the hotel to socializing during sessions and at the end of the day. Some people don't have the budget for travel while others are constrained by work projects or family responsibilities. That means there's a strong argument for doing both: it gives you the opportunity to reach a wider audience.

Just like the workplace, expect to see the event industry adopt a hybrid approach. Virtual events are likely to dominate for a while longer. But as the world re-opens, events will become a mix of in-person and virtual.

Ensure your broadband and collaboration tools can support the virtual events in your future. Contact TCI today at (703) 321-3030 or

Why Preparing for the Future of Your Communications Technology is Essential
When the communications systems you currently have work just fine, it can be easy to put off updating them until a later date or even indefinitely. But in a world where communications technology is evolving faster than ever, for growing businesses, the timeline for considering what’s next for your tech may be coming more quickly than you think.

Initially, it can be hard to leave the technology you have come to trust. When it came to smartphones, the new users eventually got more comfortable. They started texting and sharing pictures, and now they’re on video calls with family and friends. New communications technology led to new opportunities for our friends and family using their up-to-date smartphones.

In many ways, it’s the same for business owners. The ways people communicate since the pandemic began have changed. They had to, and businesses weren’t exempt from these changes. Suddenly capabilities that were thought of as “nice to have” became significant benefits to productivity and continuity, and in some cases, a lifeline.

However, people are resilient. Decision-makers found ways to keep their businesses running by adding capabilities for video collaboration, messaging, and mobility. While many plan to keep using them, some business owners have noted that these updates may not be compatible with their existing phone systems, and now have a mix of costly technology and software that isn’t integrated. What’s more, the next time a world or life event occurs that has the ability to disrupt business operations, they’ll have to make quick pivots once again.

Or maybe not, if you begin thinking about the future sooner rather than later.

Cloud communications solutions offer built-in features that growing businesses would previously have had to pay for separately, such as mobile applications, video calls, chat, and contact centers. Transitioning to a modern system allows businesses to streamline current technology needs, save time and money, cut down on complexity and create room to grow for whatever comes next.

Before they switched to smartphones, the flip phone holdouts missed out on a lot of shared messages, pictures and memories. When it comes to your business, does your current communications technology ensure that you won’t miss any of the big opportunities?

TCI is ready to assist you in preparing for the next phase of work with innovative communication and collaboration solutions. Contact us today at (703) 321-3030 or
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