Weekly Message from UUSS
December 3, 2021
Dear Members, Families, and Friends,

Greetings of the Advent season to you! It started last Sunday--a time of anticipation, waiting, reflection, joy, and hope. Our staff will post my brief video message reflecting on "The Advent Invitation" later today on our website and Facebook page. (New tech, old-fashioned minister, ancient spiritual season--we'll see how it all comes out.)

Given the wrenching news of more gun violence in this country, and the unsettling Supreme Court conversations over Mississippi's extreme abortion ban, I long to be with people who give me hope. I need to be with people who restore my commitment to our shared values and give me courage. I need to be with people who remind me to breathe, be mindful, be kind, be open. I need to be with people who show me--in the midst of upheaval or pain--how to be open to joy. So I will allow extra time this Sunday morning to make it to UUSS and get around the International Marathon detour. I will be here, for joy. There will be people at home waiting for a service on Zoom, and there will be people showing up for a service, plus coffee and hugs. This gives me joy.

A favor I do not need--Last week and this week some of you received fraudulent emails as if they were from Rev. Roger, asking for a favor and asking for you to email back. This kind of scam is called "phishing," a profitable new face of organized crime. (I have received such emails ostensibly from people I know, but a close look at the address shows it's not the right one.) Please never respond to ANY emails asking for money via buying gift cards and sending the code numbers. Never respond to emails or phone calls asking for personal information, including those who say they are from the IRS, Social Security, etc. Genuine requests from UUSS will provide the traditional ways of making a donation. If we ever ask for a gift card for a special project, we'll ask you to bring it in, not provide the code over the internet. Genuine requests are sent through this Weekly Message email program, and then posted on our website. Please feel free to call or email the sender separately (not with a reply), or ask around to see if and email is legitimate. No request is so urgent that it can't wait for you to confirm if it is a valid one. Now, back to joy...

Early next week we will send a Holiday Happenings email through this Weekly Message mailing list, so watch for that. As you near the end of this Message, see if it says "Message Clipped." If so, you can click a blue link to open it to read the whole message. Thank you.

Keep the faith, and keep in touch!

Yours in faith,
This Sunday, Dec. 5
Sunday Mornings with UUSS 
Our services are now dual-platform!
 Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here 
 Service time 10:30 a.m..
Miss a service? You can find links to past services here. 
Our December Soul Matters Theme is
Opening to Joy

You can find materials for individual reflection on our website.

Half of all offering donations made in December
will support our community partner:
To donate now at the UUSS website, click here.
Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices
Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS
First Sunday Labyrinth walk--Dec. 5 (allow extra time for Marathon)
Third Sunday Qui Gong/Tai Chi--Dec. 19
Joys and Sorrows: If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken aloud by a minister in Sunday’s prayer time, at this link. If we receive the request by 1:00 PM Saturday, we can mention it during the service.
Sunday December 5, 10:30: Opening to Joy
Rev. Lucy Bunch, preaching, with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associate Theo Claire, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Dr. Irina Tchantceva.
Our December Soul Matters theme is Opening to Joy –
a great topic as we prepare enter the season of light.  It is also a wonderful practice for these times. At a time when the world seems harsh and despairing, we will consider how to clear out the clogs in our joy receptors and open ourselves to possibility.  
Traffic delays—allow extra time to get around the California International Marathon if you are driving to UUSS. CIM will close the entire length of Fair Oaks Blvd. & J Street to vehicles.
Sunday December 12, 10:30: 
Mystical Humanism: What a Wonderful World! Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Rev. Lucy Bunch, Worship Associate Celia Buckley, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Dr. Irina Tchantceva, Cellist Rev. Cynthia Davis

Opening to Joy may be possible if we remember to observe the ordinary beauty in the world around us, including the world of human interactions. Let us behold human life as a miracle! Among other music today, we’ll enjoy “What a Wonderful World,” the song made famous by Louis Armstrong. Join us by the magic of Zoom or the magic of showing up in person.
Sunday December 19, 10:30:
Yule—Gather Round for Warmth, Joy, and Light
Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, preaching, with Rev. Lucy Bunch,
Worship Associates Ginny Johnson and Celia Buckley.
Our UUSS Choir with Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Dr. Irina Tchantceva. Altar design by Molly Stuart.

For this month’s Circle Service, we return to the familiar and family-friendly ritual of decorating the trees on the chancel. (Bring a favorite ornament or use one of ours.) By tradition we will also sing and enact “The 12 Days of Christmas. ”Face masks required; elf caps optional. As the Winter Solstice approaches, we’ll reflect on the peace of chilly darkness, which makes every source of light and warmth even more precious.
Holiday Generosity
In this multi-holiday month, the Board of Trustees and ministers invite you to join us in contributing toward a cash gift for our non-clergy staff members. The past 21 months have been uncertain and challenging for all of us. Our staff have been working hard to serve everyone in UUSS with dedication and grace. The total amount contributed will be distributed in late December and allocated based on the number of hours per week of a given staff position. To make a gift, you may write a check to Roger Jones and send to church or his home. Or you may send a donation to Rev. Roger’s PayPal account. You do not need your own PayPal account to do that. (Please don’t write your check to UUSS, since those donations are handled by our staff—let’s try to keep this a surprise!) If you have any questions, please contact either Rev. Roger or Rev. Lucy. Thanks!
Ways to Serve at UUSS
An Invitation from the Nominating Committee
The fifth UU Principle is "the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large." These are not just words; this principle is how we govern UUSS and make decisions for both our present and future. 

At UUSS we have a Board of Trustees, Program Council, and other bodies filled by members who volunteer their time and who are elected by members of the congregation. The Nominating Committee is currently seeking candidates for the following positions:
  • Board Vice-President: The VP serves as Vice-Chair of the Board and serves as the chair when the President is absent. The Board meets monthly; the Executive Committee (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer) also meets once per month.
  • Board At-Large Member: The At-Large Trustees vote on issues that come before the Board and each is liaison to a Board-related committee. The Board meets monthly.
  • Program Council: The purpose of the Program Council is to care for congregational life and to provide member program support and general oversight of program-related committees, activity groups, and support of volunteers. Meets monthly.
  • Endowment Trust: The Endowment Trust oversees funds that have been designated by donors to the Endowment Trust and makes grants for one-time UUSS projects.
  • Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee will have three vacancies beginning in June 2022. We identify and contact potential candidates.

At the May 22, 2022,Congregational Meeting, UUSS members will vote on candidates for all of the above positions. We welcome your suggestions for members who you feel would serve the congregation well in any of these positions. We welcome your interest if you might like to serve! Please send your suggestions to nominating@uuss.org.
Volunteers Needed to Keep the Coffee Brewing
We need additional volunteers to keep the coffee flowing. We ask for one Sunday per month. You will find a great crew of coworkers and a grateful congregation. If you are interested in learning more, getting trained, and signing up for one week a month, contact Tracy, our Brew Crew leader, at coffee@uuss.org
Religious Education (RE) for 
children and youth and families
Kindergarten to grade 5 - come to Soul Kids on Zoom! Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 
Families, please email re@uuss.org for the Zoom link.

*Please note the Zoom link will change beginning 1/2/2022.
  • For youth in grades 6-7-8, our Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) takes place outside the 1st & 3rd Sunday in person, wearing masks. Next meeting is THIS Sunday, Dec. 5. before the service from 9:15-10:15 a.m.
  • For youth in grades 9-10-11-12, our Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) is a place of connection, mutual support, and exploration of our UU ethical and spiritual values. SHYG meets twice a month outside from 11:30-12:30 p.m. Next meeting is THIS Sunday Dec. 5.

Youth Groups: Dec. 5 is the morning of the California International Marathon. Fair Oaks Blvd will be blocked off for runners.

*Please register your family for Religious Education
at UUSS using this link. We thank you!
Groups, Gatherings, and Classes
Reading and Responding to Poetry 
with JoAnn Anglin. The 1st and 3rd Monday each month at 10:00am via Zoom link here. Next meeting is Monday, December 6.
Writing Your Ethical Will--a Zoom workshop,
Part 2 of 2 parts--Dec. 7, 7:00 PM
Legal wills guide the transfer of property as part of our legacy when we die. However, many of us wish want to pass along ethical and spiritual gifts, our life learnings and hopes, to children, siblings, cherished colleagues and communities. Rabbi Natan Fenner, who serves the Bay Area Jewish Healilng Center, will provide
guidance for us to contemplate our values and our desires for those who live on after us.  The UU Congregation of Marin invites us to this free event on Zoom; donations are welcome. Registration is limited, so sign up by clicking here.  
Mah Jongg This drop-in activity meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month in Room 6. We play "American-style" Mah Jongg using the current years card of the National Mah Jongg League. Email mahjongg@uuss.org for more info. Next meeting is Dec. 9.
Ukulele Strum-along Friday, December 10 at 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the UUSS Fahs Room (in the Education Wing). We are masking and socially distanced. Everyone is welcome, including brand-new players. Come at 6:30 for help with getting started. We have copies of music and loaner ukes to share. Info at ukes@uuss.org
InterPlay led by Rev. Lucy and Friends takes place on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 10:30 to noon. InterPlay is a series of forms that combine movement, storytelling, stillness, and sound to access your body wisdom. Take an opportunity to tune in, connect with others, give yourself moments of ease and be playful! If you are looking for a way to have fun and insights all at once, come join us! Link here. Learn more about Interplay here. Next meeting: December 11.
Ted's Web 
Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. join the group for a discussion of the politics of the day. Named in honor of our late Minister Emeritus, Rev. Theodore Webb. Meets in person at UUSS!
"Exploring Deism and Theism: Belief in God in an Age of Science"-- 7-week series in early 2022. A free-wheeling discussion of beliefs in some form of Higher Power, centered around Belief in God in an Age of Science by John Polkinghorne. Facilitator: Mary Ann Bernard. Interested? Sign up at the Adult Enrichment table or e-mail adultenrichment@uuss.org. Please state a preference for Zoom or in-person attendance.
Click to read the complete Weekly Calendar 
UUSS Engaged with the Community
New Afghan Refugees Need Our Help!  

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is asking for help in putting together winter kits for newly arrived refugees. IRC is one of our community partners and we have supported their mission in many ways, but especially through the “Mommy and Me” program. With so many Afghan families arriving in Sacramento at once, there is an overwhelming need in a very short time to assemble Winter Kits for newly arrived refugees over the age of 13. (50 kits total: 25 kits for boys and men and 25 for girls and women, in small, medium and large sizes).
These are the items for a completed kit:
  • 1 umbrella
  • 1 blanket
  • 1 coat (preference for sizes M/L)
  • 1 package of socks
  • 1 pair of gloves
  • 1 winter hat
  • 1 scarf
How can each of us help?

  • Buy items for making up many of the kits or buy all the items for one kit. If you are donating a complete kit, please bring it to UUSS in a clear plastic container or clear plastic bag indicating the gender and size. Volunteers at UUSS will fill out the donation forms that will accompany each completed kit.
  • Bring your donations to church on Sunday mornings, Dec. 5 & 12.  UUSS volunteers will be staffing tables to receive your items. You can also drop them off at the UUSS office 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday by Dec. 10.
  •  Volunteer to receive the donations on the designated Sundays or help us shop for and put together the kits to prepare them for delivery to IRC.

  • Monetary donations will enable us to buy items to assemble kits. (Checks to UUSS; memo “Refugees" or "Winter Kits." Donate online at this link under "other."

Contact Meg Burnett by email or by telephone if you have questions or would like to help with this humanitarian project. This is a wonderful opportunity to make the lives of our new neighbors a bit cheerier (and warmer!) as the holiday season approaches and to support our UUSS Mission: We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.
Fall/Winter Homeless Needs
In this cold, windy, and rainy time of year your UUSS Mercy Pedalers would like to provide tents and tarps for the homeless. If you have any of these items you no longer use please bring them to the church office so your Pedalers can distribute them to the homeless neighbors living in the open on the streets. Thanks for considering this request.
Staff and Minister Availability
Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; reading/writing day is Friday) and Rev. Lucy (Lucy's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) are available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Schedule an appointment with Lucy at calendly.com/revlucyb.
Our office staff (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your phone calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30. Our RE Coordinator and Pianist and Music Director are available by email. 
UUSS Mission 
We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.