August 17, 2021
So Said Saint Vincent

If there are any among us
who think they are in the mission
to evangelize the poor people
but not to alleviate their sufferings,
to take of their spiritual needs
but not their temporal ones, I reply
that we have to help them
and have them assisted
in every way, by us and by others.

— St. Vincent de Paul
Vincentian Insights from the Province
Fr. Michael Carroll, CM

Criminalizing Christ: The Nationwide Targeting of Homeless

Jesus says any time there is a hungry, thirsty or ostracized person, that person is Christ himself. And if we don’t share our food, our water, or our welcome, then we are rejecting the Incarnation of God in this world. Read the post HERE.
Fr. John Freund, CM

Praying the Our Father for the 'First Time'

I have read many thoughtful commentaries on the Our Father. Yet the Holy Father is helping me pray the Our Father as if for the first time. Read or listen to the post HERE.
Fr. Pat Griffin, CM

A Vincentian View:
Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayer

An important maxim in Christian tradition affirms simply lex orandi, lex credendi that can be rendered “The law of praying is the law of believing.” Concisely, this affirms the relationship between worship and faithRead the post HERE.
Fr. Tom McKenna, CM

"Come apart for awhile..."
(Mark 6:30)  

There’s a scene in chapter six of Mark’s gospel, which has special appeal to anyone who has ever been caught up in an over-busy, fast-paced life. Read the post HERE.
Special VinSight

Homily for World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

By Eastern Province Vincentian, Bishop David M. O'Connell, CM, Diocese of Trenton

Established by Pope Francis this year, read Bishop O'Connell's beautiful homily for this special day HERE.
Throwback Reflection:1974

In September, 1974, the Miraculous Medal Magazine (now The Message) published a reflection by a young Vincentian on the cusp of his ordination to the priesthood. What Fr. Bernard Tracey, CM, penned in 1974 about the challenges of the world and the Church remain true today, and his joy in answering Christ's call to the priesthood is forever poignant. Read Fr. Tracy's 1974 reflection HERE.
Vincentian Vocations

Eastern Province Seminarians
Make Good Purposes

On July 31, Seminarians Vy Nguyen, CM, and Juan Carlos Perez, CM, pronounced their Good Purposes (first commitment) in the Congregation of the Mission. Watch the entire Mass, or skip to timestamp 13:20 to watch the pronouncement of Good Purposes. Check out the VIDEO HERE.
Ordination 2021: Video Highlights
On Saturday, May 29, the Vincentians of the Eastern Province (Congregation of the Misson) celebrated the ordination to the priesthood for Fr. Erik Sanchez, CM, and ordination to the transitional diaconate for Deacon Walner Diaz, CM.

Watch the video of highlights from the day HERE.
VIDEO: A Closer Look at the 'Heart' of St. John’s University:
St. Thomas More Church
The church also pays tribute to its Vincentian roots with a circular mosaic, designed and made by hand in Italy, that tells the story of St. Vincent and the birth of the university. Watch or read more HERE.
Niagara Dedicates Glynn Hall to "Most Generous and Prominent" Alumnus
Niagara University honored James V. Glynn, ’57, ’87 (Hon.), with the dedication of Glynn Hall on the University’s Lewiston Campus. The building, formerly St. Vincent’s Hall, houses the University’s College of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Read more HERE.
Vincentian Filipino Priest Leads Move to Prevent Duterte Dynasty
Vincentian priest Father Danny Pilario, CM, took part in the online launch on June 4 of the movement called Duterte Wakasan Na (End Duterte Now), which seeks to prevent the president from establishing a political dynasty. Read more HERE.
CORRECTION: Eastern Province Vincentians Celebrate Jubilees
Last edition of Vincentian Voices featured a graphic of Eastern Province Vincentian Jubilarians. We mistakenly featured a picture of Vincentian Fr. James Maher, when in fact, the jubilee is celebrated by his brother, Vincentian Fr. John Maher. You can see the corrected graphic HERE.
SUPPORT the Work of the Vincentians
The Vincentian Priests and Brothers of the Eastern Province serve those on the margins in areas often forgotten by the world.

This includes pastoring the poorest of parishes, prison ministry, addiction recovery, immigrant and migrant services, and much more.
A monthly series that asks five random questions to an Eastern Province Priest or Brother.

This month, we talk with
Fr. Marvin Navas, CM, who serves in Southampton, NY.

Read Fr. Navas's answers HERE.
From the Vincentian UN Representative
"Global Catholic Climate Movement" is now "Laudato Si Movement."
Read about it in English HERE.
Read about it in Spanish HERE
Fr. Rooney's most popular Vincentian Minute video from the past month is titled,

A Vincentian Minute - Vincentian Discernment One

To watch the short video, click the image above or click HERE.
That's Very Vincentian
Very Vincentian Poem
By Christina Rossetti

A Better Resurrection

I have no wit, no words, no tears;
My heart within me like a stone
Is numb'd too much for hopes or fears;
Look right, look left, I dwell alone;
I lift mine eyes, but dimm'd with grief
No everlasting hills I see;
My life is in the falling leaf:
O Jesus, quicken me.

My life is like a faded leaf,
My harvest dwindled to a husk:
Truly my life is void and brief
And tedious in the barren dusk;
My life is like a frozen thing,
No bud nor greenness can I see:
Yet rise it shall—the sap of Spring;
O Jesus, rise in me.

My life is like a broken bowl,
A broken bowl that cannot hold
One drop of water for my soul
Or cordial in the searching cold;
Cast in the fire the perish'd thing;
Melt and remould it, till it be
A royal cup for Him, my King:
O Jesus, drink of me.
Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) was an English poet who wrote romantic, devotional and children's poems.
Comic by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM
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