Friday Newsletter

April 28, 2024

This Sunday

10 am: Worship Service & Sunday School

11:15 am: Coffee Hour

11:15 am: New Song Rehearsal

Regular Youth Groups

The Rev. Brian Craker, our Transitional Executive Presbyter, will be joining us in worship this week. Come meet and chat with him during coffee hour.

Kids – Remember to return your “Bread” drawing to the red basket by May 5 (our next communion Sunday). You can pick up the directions this Sunday if you missed it.

Clarification--Bylaw Changes

The bylaw changes the session wishes to make (reported in last week's newsletter) will come before the congregation for approval at the congregational meeting on May 19, before they can be enacted. See the proposed changes in red here. If you have questions about the changes or the process, there will be Q&A sessions on 5/5 and 5/12 at 6 pm via Zoom.

Looking Ahead

May 4 @ 3:30 pm: Sherry Kuhns Memorial Service

May 4 @ 6:30-9:00 pm: Community Climate Event/Vigil

May 5, 9-11 am: Youth Geranium Sale

May 5 & 12, 6 pm: Q&A with elders (Zoom)

May 13, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive

May 13 @ 6 pm: Women's Night Out

May 19 @ 11 am: Congregational Meeting

Access the full church calendar here. To add or correct something, please email

Loan Retirement Campaign

Boulder Hall was completed on February 5, 2010. In 2023, the loan was renewed for another five years. Our last Building Fund Campaign also ended in 2023. To continue making payments, a new campaign is needed. If the drive can raise approximately $225,000, the loan could be paid off in 2026. A two-year campaign is starting next week. More information to come--hear more about it this Sunday during worship, and look for an info packet and pledge card starting May 5. 


Join others from the presbytery and beyond for a Community Climate Event & Vigil on the State Capitol Mall on Saturday, May 4, 6:30-9:00 pm. Find more info and/or RSVP here. They are also looking for volunteers to make magic happen behind the scenes. Sign up to volunteer here.

The next Women's Night Out will be at Los Arcos Mexican Grill (4120 Commercial St. SE) on Monday, May 13 at 6 pm. If you don't like Mexican food you will like this place. Contact Michele Hare 408-402--2396. Hope to see you there.

VBC Registration (8/26-8/30) is open! $10.00 per child, or $20.00 maximum per family. Register children at:

Pay at: We need many volunteers to make VBC happen. Please talk to Terri Crall

( if you are interested in helping in any way.

Pray for

Jan White, Rosalyn McKeown-Ice, and Sally Neely, who all need continued prayers for health concerns.

Celebrating with Doug and Jan White on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary on April 30.


April is child abuse prevention month, and this year Westminster is an official drop site for the Les Schwab diaper drive, which benefits Family Building Blocks, a local organization that partners with at-risk families to keep children safe and families together. Help us fill the pack-n-play in the narthex with diapers and wipes through the end of the month. Bring your items by April 30!

We look forward to seeing many of you at the May 13 Red Cross blood drive at Westminster.  Interesting fact: An estimated 38 percent of Americans are eligible to give blood or platelets, but of those, less than 10 percent actually donate each year. If you are healthy and eligible please sign up for an appointment to donate. 

As Blood Program leaders we get questions about the blood donation process. Here are a couple of the most common:

·     How long will it take to replenish the pint of blood I donate?

The plasma from your donation is replaced within about 24 hours. Red cells need about four to six weeks for complete replacement. That’s why at least eight weeks are required between whole blood donations.

·     Why does the Red Cross ask so many personal questions when I give blood?

The highest priorities of the Red Cross are the safety of the blood supply and our blood donors. Some individuals may be at risk of transferring communicable disease through blood donation due to exposure via travel or other activities or may encounter problems with blood donation due to their health. We ask these questions to ensure that it is safe for patients to receive your blood and to ensure that it is safe for you to donate blood that day.

Again, we look forward to seeing community members as well as congregants on May 13. To get your appointment time you can use the Red Cross blood app on your android or Apple device. Or feel free to email me or call me at the contact information below.

Kind Regards,

Bill Nelson, Pam Garland and the blood drive ambassadors that assist in hosting 

Bill Nelson-(503) 576-1278

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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