“We inspire families and individuals to overcome the disease of
addiction by creating real, long-term solutions!”
What have we accomplished with your help? To find out,
click below and read our Spring Appeal letter. Please
consider making a donation to help us bring our
mission and vision even further because
Together WE are Stronger!
Quote of the Month:
“When your past calls, don’t answer. It has nothing new to say.”
Lionel Richie
Ana Gopoian, Featured on
Get Found Recovery
Ana was recently featured in a Get Found Recovery podcast where she was asked to share her journey. Get Found Recovery is committed to supporting people who are dealing with substance use disorder (SUD) so they do not feel alone. "Clearly, our missions align," Ana said, "because, like TriCircle, Inc., Get Found Recovery approaches addiction education from a family perspective, not only focusing on the person with SUD, but also helping to heal the entire family." The message of Get Found Recovery reinforces that there’s hope for everyone – no matter how dark it may seem. Adam and Lindsay, who are the founders of the organization, hope that, in sharing their journey, they can help others surmount some of the challenges they have faced through the years. They are overcoming addiction, together, every day, and, as the TriCircle, Inc. message demonstrates, Together WE are Stronger! You can hear the podcast #6 featuring Ana and TriCircle, Inc. here , and you can visit Get Found Recovery by clicking here.
TCI's Awesome Alliances - Together WE are Stronger!
Alliance - al·li·ance (əˈlīəns) noun
"A relationship forged between two or more individuals or groups that works as a positive for both parties involved, a union or association formed for mutual benefit, a state of being joined or associated.”
We are proud of our community partnerships and collaborations with many organizations who share our mission and vision. Their meaningful contributions are bringing positive impact and measurable outcomes and are driving results. Together, we are opening conversations, engaging our communities and permanently changing the way substance use disorders and the disease of addiction are regarded. We are all part of the solution and are moving forward to create real, long-term solutions to the many faceted issues that are fueling the epidemic. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and Together WE are Stronger! Visit our Alliances page to learn more.
Where did you find help?
I am collaborating with Dr. Elizabeth Fullerton of Recover Your Family to write a book. You can help by completing our survey here or scroll through the newsletter to find out more!
Scholarship deadline approaching
TriCircle, Inc. seeks to identify people who reside in Connecticut and have demonstrated a commitment to further their collegiate studies. We recognize that the epidemic of substance use disorder exists here in our state and that tragically thousands of wonderful people have died due to the disease of addiction. We have come together to continue this scholarship opportunity originally created in honor of Michael F. Gagnon II. The TriCircle, Inc. 2021 Memorial Scholarship will be awarding two $2,500.00 scholarship awards in 2021. Scholarship applications and information are available on our website www.tricircleinc.com/scholarship, email Christine@tricircleinc.com, or at the front desk where our office is located: Executive Offices, 6 Way Road, Middlefield, CT 06455. The signed, completed scholarship application with all supporting documentation must be received in one packet and postmarked no later than May 29th, 2021.
So Much is Happening
Save the Dates
Sat. May 1, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm - 2nd Memorial Quilt Square Making Event
Saturday, May 8 - Ride For Tomorrow, in loving memory of Dave Frye, Raging Bull Harley Davidson, Durham, NC
Friday, May 21, 6:30 - 8:30 pm - Second in a 2 Part Series, Everyone Knows Someone III - details coming soon on Website and Social Media
Saturday, May 29 - deadline for submission of the 2021 TriCircle Memorial Scholarship
Sunday, June 6, 8:30 am - 2:00 pm - The Charity Challenge Twisted Trails 5K Color Run, Tamarack Lodge, Voluntown, CT
- Wednesday, July 14, 9 - 10:30 am - Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce presents Learning to Live in Recovery - details coming soon
- Sat., July 24, 11 am - 7pm, Fellowship Festival hosted by the Masons at Franklin Lodge #20, Westerly, RI. Music, Food, Fun and Fellowship! All proceeds benefit TriCircle.
- Sat., July 31, 7:00 pm - Together WE are Stronger in Enfield, Live Facebook Raffle
- Saturday, October 16 - A huge summer event in Wallingford - details coming soon!
A Safe Space to Share
Have you found your tribe, pod, squad, community, clan, or people? Is it time to find extra support from people who understand your journey?
A support group is a safe space to share experiences, learn coping strategies, or uncover information about the disease of addiction and treatment options. I find it difficult to tell friends and family about the chaos that swirls around me. I do not want unsolicited advice. I do not want to hear negative talk about my loved one (I have plenty in my own head!), and I want to protect my loved one’s privacy.
Where does that leave me? It leaves me in need of a group that makes space for me and my feelings, lifts me up when I am in need and laughs with me at the bedlam. Yes, it can be scary to meet with a group of strangers, but, somehow, a mother or father who has lived my shared experience of a child suffering from the disease of addiction is not a stranger, but a kindred spirit.
by Elizabeth Kirby Fullerton, PhD
Recover Your Family
New website coming soon!
Spotlight on Renee Bisbee in Memory of Luke
Reaching Out for Understanding
I chose to participate in creating a quilt square in memory of my son, Luke, so I would have the opportunity to spend time with others who are familiar with the roller coaster of emotions we experience in the process of grieving the loss of a loved one. In crafting his square, I gave much thought to what I would include. I sifted softly through the materials that were provided by TriCircle, Inc. and also brought some of my own. I pondered deeply, sat with my pain, and eventually was able to express his beauty, his creativity, and to portray some of the elements that made him so essential to the equation here and so special to me. Luke was amazing and loved beyond measure. His square honors who he really was -
a kind, caring, creative, artistic, compassionate and loving young man with a great sense of humor and a true zest for life. He was taken too soon, and I miss him with all my heart. Just sharing space with other courageous and bereaved parents, siblings and loved ones was cathartic and healing. I am proud to have his square featured on the TriCircle, Inc. Memorial Quilt - it will travel, and he will live on, creating impact and drawing families and community together in a united effort to start the conversation, provide support for each other and reduce stigma.
Where did you find help?
We are interested in learning where the loved ones of those with substance use disorder (SUD) go for help, support and answers. Our goal is to write a book for loved ones to learn from what you have learned about addiction, language of the systems, self-advocacy, resources,
as well as the different paths to recovery.
At the end of this brief survey, you will have an opportunity to provide contact information. If you are interested in sharing additional information via a phone call, please let us know. For questions, you may contact one or both of us:
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Amy and her family in the loss of David Fry. We are grateful to the family for considering TriCircle, Inc. as the recipient of the proceeds. Ana, Ceci, and Pat will be traveling to North Carolina to represent our organization at the Ride for Tomorrow.
Hello, my name is Amy. I have decided to host a fundraiser in Durham, North Carolina, in memory of my father, David. It’s hard to write this because this is something I never imagined myself writing. My dad struggled with addiction since he was in his early twenties. Growing up, I attended NA meetings with him and met a bunch of amazing people. My dad’s battle had its good days and its bad days. There were years when he was sober, and we saw how incredibly generous and caring he was. My father was my role model. My father sadly passed away June 2, 2020. I am hosting “Ride for Tomorrow” in hopes that I can bring awareness to others and raise money to put towards helping others battling with addiction. While I strive to help multiple individuals, my hope is that I can save at least one life. No battle is easy, but I trust God to lead me on the right path. I believe God chose this path for me because he knows I have a strong passion for helping others. I strongly believe the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” To the person reading this, whether you’re an addict yourself, the partner of someone with an addiction, a child with a parent who struggles with addiction or just someone who knows someone with an addiction, please know that you’re not alone. There are many people with open arms to help you get to tomorrow. by Amy Fry
Now Accepting Clients
TriCircle, Inc.’s Clinical Services are now open and accepting new clients. Our master’s level clinicians facilitate a range of evidence-based programs, giving clients the opportunity to grow, change and maintain long-term recovery.
TCI’s Clinical Services offer:
Flexible morning or evening hours
Time for family
Ability to seek and/or maintain employment
Practice of new coping skills
Enjoyment of substance free activities
Benefits for personal health and wellness
Click here to learn more or call (860) 349-7074 to set up an intake.
Engage in Self Care!
Our Hope & Support and Hope After Loss group meetings are made available each month on Zoom. We have meeting NEWS! Please join us in welcoming Susan Joyce, NCC, LPC, LMHC, as a new meeting facilitator. We have a NEW Hope & Support location, The Story Barn in Somers, CT! In person meetings will begin there on May 16, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm, reconvening on the 2nd and last Sunday of each month (with continued Zoom option). All TriCircle meetings are co-facilitated by two paid professionals - one licensed and one paraprofessional with lived experience. We provide a safe and confidential space for parents, guardians and others who are concerned about a loved one’s substance use or addiction or who have lost a loved one to an accidental overdose, drug induced suicide or drug related murder. There is no judgment or blame, just support and understanding. Join us as we work together on this journey of healing. Click here to learn more.
A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Hope After Loss
Group Facilitator
Susan E. Joyce, NCC, LPC, LMHC, CTP
For over 30 years, Susan E. Joyce has guided individuals, families and groups navigating challenging adjustments, trauma, bereavement and substance abuse to choose a self-defined, purpose-driven, joyful life.
A holistic, empathic and welcoming healer, Susan listens deeply, then intentionally integrates cutting-edge brain science with the therapy modalities of n-CBT, EMDR, DBT, MAT and MI. Targeting each client’s unique needs, she creatively incorporates the best in expressive, mindfulness, and animal-assisted therapeutic techniques so her clients are empowered to make change that is most important to them.
As a bilingual, nationally certified board therapist and clinical trauma professional, Susan advocates with her clients to reduce barriers to excellence in mental health care through improved cross-cultural communication with provider teams, especially in the area of medication assisted treatment, and for changes in the substance abuse rehabilitation system to achieve sustainable successful outcomes.
The Memorial Quilt Project has one more upcoming session on Sat., May 1, that provides the opportunity to honor and remember a loved one. This impactful, traveling memorial has the power to draw families and community together in a united effort to start the conversation, provide support and reduce stigma. Anyone interested in creating one of 36 squares for our 2nd Memorial Quilt can get more information about our quilt project and how to get involved by visiting: Memorial Quilt
Forms Available Online at:
We now have a company page on LinkedIn.
Please click the icon below and add us to your network!
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, too!
It is easy! Do all your everyday shopping online! First, be sure to sign up on Amazon Smile and choose TriCircle, Inc. as your recipient organization. Then, every single time you make a purchase from the Smile.Amazon site, a percentage will be donated to us! It doesn’t cost you a thing!
Mark Your Calendars - You Won't Want to Miss This! Gather Up Your Family and Friends. You Can Choose to Benefit TriCircle, Inc. When You Register!
Looking to become a TCI Volunteer?
We want you!
We have opportunities on the following
TriCircle, Inc. Advisory Boards:
Communications & Public Relations
Meets on Zoom, Mondays at 11 am.
Positions needed: Vice Chair, Graphic Designer
Commitment - 2-3 hours/week
Fundraising & Events
Next Meeting via Zoom, Tuesday, April 13, at 6:30 pm.
Positions needed: Chair, Vice Chair, Event Sub Committee Volunteers, Graphic Designer
Commitment - 2-3 hours/week, plus events
Meets on Zoom
Positions needed: Secretary, Document Specialist
Commitment - 2-3 hours/week
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