Summer Give - Can You Help?

Thank you for helping us reach 30% of our goal so far this summer. We've seen lives strengthened and decisions for Christ the first half of this year. Help is needed to assure a strong 2nd half of 2024. Prayerfully consider giving a financial gift.

Lake Worth - Golf Tournament

Join us once again for a morning of golf, networking, a few laughs, and helping a great Gathering partner - Palm Beach Cultural Academy. Includes cart, food, drinks, 8AM Saturday @ Palm Beach National Golf Course. Aug. 3, 2024.


Boot Camp For New Dads:

Vet-Dads and Coaches Needed

Are you interested ... in impacting men and their families? Join our team of dads as a coach OR participant! New Dad Camps are held in hospitals and designed for dads to help 1st time fathers get a great start! More INFO. E-mail for details E-MAIL.


Aug. 10 — Game Of Axes (6-8PM, Sat., Boynton Beach)

Guys-Night-Out to throw axes w/ the best of us at Game Of Axes Boynton.

$35 per person (includes axes, drink, Axe Master) | REGISTRATION

GET CONNECTED - County-wide Gathering affiliated groups! 

Some groups meet in-person, but not all, so contact them first. INFO

Your prayers, participation and gifts make a monthly difference! CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT US
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Engaging and Encouraging Men to be fully Alive in the Marketplace and beyond since 1989