Let Me Compose…
Let us remember all that is cost Him to keep His promise.
He sent out an invitation to us through His Son,
Impending our arrival, The Father stands at the gate smiling.
Forever Faithful. Forever True.
Come seek, Him. He will be and is your guiding light.
He came. He died.
Even for those who are not yet…Faithful-True.
He gave up His life willingly so that we can find the life, “promised”.
For the ones here and the ones called home.
Forever Faithful. Forever True.
He desperately wants us to trust-believe in Him and His word.
That trust-belief strengthen-enables us.
Because He knows, we cannot handle or endure all things on our own.
Trust-believe, pierced for our transgressions and set us “free”!
With sorrowful eyes that hold all the love-passion…. “so divine”.
As He laid His pierced scar hand in mine.
Remember God and His love will strengthen-guard you as you walk the
Path of this transitory life.
So when we awake, Your Presence will be filled with an overabundance of;
To those who remain:
Forever Faithful. Forever True.
By Faye Hart