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Time to Say Goodbye

A message from Joy Johnson-Greene, PhD

Executive Director at Sonshine Community Services

What can be said about the year 2021 that hasn't already been said?

There is no doubt that we all had our share of challenges to deal with, many of them carried by a COVID-19 pandemic that doesn't want to let go of its grip on our communities.

Personally, I have made the decision to count the blessings that this year has bestowed upon Sonshine.

As the Executive Director, I have witnessed the unabated commitment of Staff and Board of Directors to clients. I am grateful for their willingness to engage with the challenges and deal with barriers, to pull together to find solutions that are collaborative and compassionate, to move forward always with an eye on Sonshine's mission to help women and children transform their lives.

It is with the knowledge that Sonshine Community Services has a strong, dedicated leadership team that can weather any storm, I have decided to leave my tenure as Executive Director starting January 31, 2022.

Make no mistake: the decision has been a hard one and the thought of it still creates an empty sadness in me. However, I believe that change creates opportunities. I look forward to seeing someone new sit in the Executive Director chair, someone with different perspectives but the same love for the organization. I am confident that my successor will care for Sonshine’s mission as deeply as I do.

In the words of Winnie the Pooh, "how lucky I am to have something that makes saying good bye so hard"!

It has been an honor to walk alongside people like you: community members invested in the well-being and healing of women and children impacted by domestic violence.

Keep up the good work!

Support Sonshine at

Tim Hortons!

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While picking up your double double, you can tap to donate $2 to Sonshine at six Tim Horton's locations throughout Calgary!

From December 6th-January 7th, you can tap to donate $2 at the till or purchase a Tim Horton's gift card for Sonshine families along with your order at the following locations:

  • 2681 Sunridge Way NE
  • 3580 20 Ave NE
  • 1440 52 St NE
  • 2520 52 St NE
  • 5105 Falconridge Blvd NE
  • 2045 Symons Valley Pkwy NW

See you at Timmy's!


 Strong Like a Woman


The Strong Like a Woman campaign was an incredible success thanks to our friends at Yoga in Bowness, Yoga Nova Studio, kin+fit, and Wymbin. With the help of these studios, funds from seven charity classes went toward helping families impacted by domestic violence! Thank you to our partners, and to all who attended and contributed to these classes!

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year… to Volunteer!

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With the holiday season approaching, Sonshine is seeking volunteers to help spread Christmas Cheer organizing donations. If you are interested in helping out, get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator at!

Articles of Interest

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There is still time

to make a tax-deductible donation to Sonshine in 2021!

Donate Now!
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34067 RPO Westbrook Calgary, AB T3C 3W2

main: 403.243.2002

In the 2021/22 fiscal year, Sonshine Community Services expect to fundraise

approximately $1,100,000 at a cost of 10% of these funds.

Gifts are receipted for income tax purposes.

Charitable Registration No.: 119156412RR0001