VICA Weekly
Valley Industry & Commerce Association

February 24, 2023

In This Issue
  • VICA Advocates in Sacramento
  • VICA Advocates to Oppose Lynwood Minimum Wage Hike
  • Join Metro's East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project Leadership Council
  • Join VICA for After Dark with Councilwoman Traci Park
  • Join VICA University Workshop on new California labor laws
  • VICA's ACCESS D.C Trip
  • Serve on a City Commission

Quick Jump - Register to Attend!

"Today I am proud to announce my candidacy for U.S. Senate. I've never backed down from doing what's right. And I never will. Californians deserve a strong, progressive leader who has delivered real change."

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Statement in U.S. Senate Campaign Announcement

VICA Members Return to Sacramento for February Advocacy Day

From Left to Right: VICA Member David Gonzalez (Association of Independent Commercial Producers), VICA Boardmember Carmen Bowen (Saybrook University), Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer Sr., VICA Vice Chairs Samona Caldwell (State Farm Insurance), and Ross Pendergraft (Leavitt Group), and VICA President Stuart Waldman

On Wednesday, VICA Members traveled to Sacramento to urge our State leaders to support VICA's top priority business-friendly legislation in 2023.

VICA met with State Senator Ben Allen and several Assemblymembers, including Assemblymember Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer Sr., Assemblymember Devon Mathis, Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, Mike Gipson and the office of Assemblymember Blanca Rubio.

Some of VICA's top issues our members advocated for include the extension of California's film and tax credit, supporting flexible workweek scheduling, commercial airline labor exemptions, and housing development on church and non-profit land. VICA also advocated against harmful legislation, including statewide wage hikes for healthcare workers, and lowering voter thresholds for local tax proposals.

If you are interested in attending one of VICA's future Sacramento Advocacy Days, click the buttons below to learn more and register for our upcoming trips!

March 21
April 12

VICA Opposes Proposed Lynwood Healthcare Wage Ordinance

On Tuesday, VICA made comments at the Lynwood City Council in opposition of a proposed ordinance to increase certain healthcare worker wages for private facilities up to $25 an hour in Lynwood.

VICA voiced concerns with the proposed ordinance, which would exclude workers at 75% of healthcare facilities in Lynwood. Those excluded include healthcare workers at community health clinics, facilities, nursing homes, and more.

The ordinance's effects would create inequitable results for those employed by private health providers while excluding union-exempt healthcare facilities. The approach that SEIU-UHW has taken by addressing wage increases city by city and industry by industry could adversely affect healthcare costs and jeopardize access to care.

VICA will continue to monitor and advocate for fair and transparent policies that promote sound economic policy and healthcare services.

LAST CHANCE to Join Metro's East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project Community Leadership Council

Metro is currently taking applications for their Community Leadership Council (CLC) for the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit (ESFV LRT) project.

This project will bring light-rail to the Valley and serve some of the most equity-focused communities in all of Los Angeles County. VICA has been a supporter of this project for nearly a decade, working hard to bring more transit projects to the San Fernando Valley to support the local business community.

All CLC applicants must either live, work, attend school, own a business or commercial property, or be an active community interest stakeholder within the project area. The project area map is below, but it is also included on page 4 of the application (linked below).

The application can be filled out online, or you can pick-up/drop-off a hard copy at your local City Council office. Click the buttons below to apply online, download a hard copy of the application, or visit Metro's website for more information. Applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM today, March 24. Feel free to contact Abby King with any questions.

    Apply Online    
Application Hard Copy
More Information
ESFV-Alignment-Maps-2020-1-scaled image

Join VICA for Our After Dark with Councilwoman Traci Park

VICA is happy to host Councilwoman Traci Park for our first After Dark event of 2023.

Councilwoman Park has advised businesses around California on workplace laws and best practices. She also works shoulder-to-shoulder with leadership in cities and counties. As outside litigation counsel, she has saved taxpayers millions in legal costs. For over 20 years, Park has proven to be a leader and problem solver.

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Park was called into action, and she and her team helped cities and businesses navigate the maze of new government regulations and directives.

Our VICA After Dark events are evening cocktail receptions, allowing VICA members and guests to network and hear from elected officials in a comfortable and collaborative setting.

We thank our Presenting Sponsor Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.

Register Here!

VICA University Workshop: New California Employment Laws

VICA invites you to join us for an informative 90-minute program that will cover new employment laws for 2023 on Thursday, March 23 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. with Sue Bendavid from Lewitt Hackman.

Sue Bendavid represents employers in employment-related litigation, counseling and transactions - representing them in all matters from employee claims prevention and management training to individual and class action lawsuits. As a California employment attorney who advocates employer preparation and litigation prevention, Bendavid also provides in-house training on topics such as sexual harassment, discrimination, hiring and firing practices, proper disciplinary methods, leave of absence management, and other employee-related topics.

If you are interested in attending our VICA University program, please click on the button below to register. You may not be the person who needs to attend this for your company - who takes care of your HR needs - SEND THEM!

Register Here!

VICA's 2023 Congressional Luncheon

Our Congressional Luncheon is a unique and fun opportunity to directly engage with elected officials from Washington, D.C. who represent the San Fernando Valley in a "Fireside Chat" type format.

Register at or email Tickets are $200 per person, and early bird rates at $100 per person if purchased before 3/10/2023.

Confirmed Congress members:

  • Congressman Brad Sherman
  • Congresswoman Katie Porter
  • Congressman Mike Garcia
  • Congressman Tony Cardenas

If you are interested in attending and still need to register, email Cathy at or click the button below.

Register Here

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please email Yoko at For more information on sponsorships, click the button below.


VICA's 2023 Extraordinary Women in Leadership Breakfast

VICA's Women event brings together women from all walks of life to share their experiences, challenges in the business world, overcoming odds, and leading successes.

Tickets are $250 per person. Circle of influence and Business Leader members receive a free ticket to this event - please get in touch with to reserve your free seat.

Our confirmed speakers include:

  • Cynthia McClain Hill, President of the Board of Water & Power, LADWP
  • Julie Miller-Phipps, SCAL Regional SVP, Kaiser
  • Julie Uhrman, President, Angel City
  • Caroline Torosis, City Councilmember, City of Santa Monica
  • Christina Vega, President of Casa Vega Restaurant
  • Doris Savron, Vice Provost, University of Phoenix
  • Hydee Feldstein Soto, LA City Attorney, City of Los Angeles
  • Lauren Driscoll, Interim Chief Executive, Providence
  • Lisa Gritzner, Founder/CEO, LG Strategies
  • Lydia Shayne, Owner, DeLuscious Cookies and Milk
  • Martha Santana Chin, Medicare & Medi-Cal President, Health Net
  • Patrice Marshall McKenzie, Board Member, Pasadena Unified School District

If you are interested in attending and have not yet registered, email Cathy at or click the button below.

Register Here

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please email Yoko at For more information on sponsorships, click the button below.


Last Chance to Register for Access D.C.

ACCESS D.C. is the region's largest annual advocacy trip, connecting more than 200 business and civic leaders with federal lawmakers on issues ranging from immigration and education to transportation and health care.

ACCESS D.C. ensures the region is a leading voice in federal policy discussions. The coalition of business and civic organizations travel to D.C. to advocate with a united voice on critical national issues that impact our region.

Our 3-day trip will include a full day of VICA-only advocacy meetings and a lunch with Congressman Brad Sherman, followed by two additional programming and advocacy meetings with other advocacy organizations and program speakers.

Reserve your spot today!

Register for Access D.C.

Apply to Serve on a City Commission!

In the City of Los Angeles, City departments and bureaus are headed by General Managers. However, some departments are also headed by an advisory or controlling board or commission appointed by the Mayor.

The San Fernando Valley makes up 40% of the City of Los Angeles, yet is vastly underrepresented on the City's boards and commissions. Help improve San Fernando Valley's representation and apply to serve on a commission by clicking the button below!

For more information on LA's boards and commissions, click here.

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Apply Here!


VICA Thanks Our New & Renewing Members!

Premier Partner:

Bronze Member:

Other Renewing Members:

New Member:



VICA After Dark: Councilwoman Traci Park

Thursday, March 2 | 5:30 PM

Hilton Universal City

Councilwoman Park has advised businesses around California on workplace laws and best practices. She also works shoulder-to-shoulder with leadership in cities and counties. As outside litigation counsel, she has saved taxpayers millions in legal costs. For over 20 years, Park has proven to be a leader and problem solver. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Park was called into action, and she and her team helped cities and businesses navigate the maze of new government regulations and directives.

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsor Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.

Register Here

Extraordinary Women in Leadership Breakfast

Wednesday, March 15 | 8:00 AM

Hilton Universal City

VICA’s Women’s event brings together women from all walks of life to share their experiences, challenges in the

business world, overcoming odds and leading successes.

VICA thanks our Presenting Sponsors Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and the University of Phoenix, in partnership with CSUN Nazarian College

Register Here


March 28 - March 30

Washington, D.C.

ACCESS D.C. is the region's largest annual advocacy trip, connecting more than 200 businesses and civic leaders with federal lawmakers on issues ranging from immigration and education to transportation and healthcare.

For more information on ACCESS D.C., including registration information, pricing, and a tentative schedule, click the button below:

More Info Here

Congressional Luncheon

April 13 | 11:30 AM

Sheraton Universal Hotel

VICA's Congressional Lunch is a unique and fun opportunity to directly engage elected officials from Washington D.C. who represent the San Fernando Valley in a "Fireside Chat" type format.

VICA thanks our Presenting Sponsors Amazon and Comcast NBCUniversal.

Register Here

Next Week

Sports, Entertainment, Tourism, and Hospitality Committee

Wednesday, March 1

8:30 - 10:00 AM

VICA Office

Sponsored by Comcast NBCUniversal


Energy, Environment, Manufacturing, and Utilities Committee

Thursday, March 2

Noon - 1:30 PM

VICA Office

Sponsored by Metropolitan Water District


Save the Date 

Healthcare Committee

Wednesday, March 8

Noon - 1:30 PM

VICA Office

Sponsored by Hospital Association of Southern California


Transportation Committee

Tuesday, March 14

8:30 - 10:30 AM

Hosted by The Garland


View Calendar

VICA In the News

Nury Martinez is Gone, but Distrust Remains High as Valley Voters Weigh a Replacement

Los Angeles Times | February 22

Hot News

Challenges to CA Cap on Oil Profits

Five months after Governor Newsom called for a penalty on excessive oil company profits, lawmakers in Sacramento cannot agree on ways to prevent another gas price spike that Californians experienced last year. Many have concerns about the unintended consequences of his desire to cap the industry's earnings. Some oil market experts say Newsom's proposal needs to be revised while other economists agree with Newsom about demanding transparency from oil refiners on pricing, maintenance, supply contracts, and inventory. Newsom's push for a cap on oil industry profits comes as he engages in a high-profile battle with the industry, which he has accused of intentionally price-gouging Californians as retribution for the state's effort to curb the use of fossil fuels.

GOP Legislator Says Boost Workers

Representative Jason Smith (R. MO), the House's new top tax writer, is promoting an approach that favors working Americans over large corporations, a shift in tone from his predecessors that raised questions about companies' ability to push tax cuts. Smith has steadily supported tax cuts, and he says that the basic approach is staying the same. As Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, he says the needs of farmers, small businesses, and working-class Americans should come first when setting policy. Smith's direction on top tax issues will shape the Republican Party's approach to working households and make it harder for corporations to draw attention to their tax-policy goals.

California Senate Race Heats Up

The race to replace Senator Dianne Feinstein is shaping up to be a close contest between two congressional colleagues who have built national profiles and potent fundraising operations but appeal to different generations of Democratic voters, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll. About 4 in 10 registered Democrats and nonpartisan voters in the survey said they hadn't decided on a candidate, so the race still has plenty of room to shift between now and the March 2024 primary. Among those who have declared, Representatives Adam Schiff of Burbank and Katie Porter of Irvine are nearly tied and hold a strong early lead ahead of two other hopefuls, Representative Barbara Lee of Oakland, and Representative Ro Khanna of Fremont, who has considered jumping in.

4-Day Workweek has Positive Findings

A trial of a four-day workweek in Britain billed as the world's largest trial has found that an overwhelming majority of the 61 companies that participated from June to December will keep going with the shorter hours and that most employees were less stressed and had better work-life balance. That was all while companies reported revenue largely stayed the same during the trial period last year and even grew with the same six months a year earlier. Employees reported benefits, with 71% less burnout, 39% less stress, and 48% more satisfaction with their job than before the trial. For companies that rolled out shorter work hours, revenue grew 1.4% over the trial for 23 companies, while 24 companies saw revenue climb more than 34% from the same six-month period a year earlier.

WH Aides Discuss Social Security Tax

In an hour-long meeting, Senator Bernie Sanders pushed President Biden to fully fund Social Security for over seven decades by expanding payroll taxes on affluent Americans and increasing benefit payouts to include an additional $2400 annually for Social Security beneficiaries. Biden aides have discussed proposing raising payroll taxes on the rich to fund Social Security. However, it is still being determined if the President will ultimately endorse that measure when he releases his budget in March. Sanders's plan, backed by 9 Senate Democrats, calls for applying the payroll tax on Americans earning above $250,000 per year and changing the tax, which also applies to investment income.

Robots Might Build Your House

Fueling the wave of innovation is a construction crisis. Building costs are rising, and hundreds of thousands of jobs still need to be fulfilled. Those in the industry are getting older and working under sometimes deadly conditions. The confluence of factors has created a situation where more construction firms are turning to robots to automate work on job sites. Big-scale projects, such as dams, bridges, and roads, have seen quicker adoption of robotic technology because the tasks are usually more defined. The home-building industry has been slower because many tasks require motor control. However, robotic technology is still far from becoming a significant segment of housing development.

Member Messages

Get Your Message in VICA Weekly!

VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.

Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the
San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,
Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.
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