Want to hang out with some cute kiddos and have some old-school fun at the same time?

Right after the second reading, kids from the sanctuary and the chapel head up to rooms 204/205 for Kids' Church and we could always use an extra pair of hands. If you want to help, you can either use the signupgenius link or email Pastor Nicole when you would be available. Help is needed as early as this weekend!



Follow Me (best suited for Pre-K and older)

This all-ages Sunday School experience happens from 9:00-9:45 AM most Sundays (in Fellowship Hall this week); the first week of each unit of the Follow Me curriculum will be entirely all ages and subsequent weeks in a unit will include time to break out into age groups by Pre-K, lower elementary, upper elementary, middle school, and adults with high schoolers. While there are themes for about 4 weeks, each week is something new so drop in for one or all!

(the breakout rooms for those Sundays are located on the second floor of the Christian Education wing are are well-marked)


So we can be sure we are planning for enough adult leaders for all we want to do, we ask *you* to complete a single Child/Youth Information Form for all your kids and turn it in to the office ASAP.

September 2022 SHF calendar

9/25 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Jackbox Games Night


(aka the out-of-the-ordinary things)

FRIDAY 12/2 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Date Night Fundraiser (helps offset costs of retreats and trips)

SATURDAY 12/17 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Mobile Food Pantry @ Church

SATURDAY 1/21 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Youth Sunday Rehearsal in Sanctuary

FRIDAY 2/3 through SUNDAY 2/5

Stronghold Retreat

SUNDAY 3/12 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Pi Day Pie Sale Fundraiser (helps offset costs of retreats and trips)

SUNDAY 3/12 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Oscars Party (location TBD)

SATURDAY 3/18 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Mobile Food Pantry @ Church

approx. 6/11 through 6/17 (leave and return dates TBD)

Youth Week at Montreat Conference Center, Montreat, NC

Our own Kim will be leading the music during this week!

SUNDAY 7/23 through SATURDAY 7/29 (leave and return dates TBD

SHF Service Trip

We will be partnering with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to work with folks in New Bern, NC, on the coast, in response to damages from Hurricane Florence. We are excited to head to PDA's largest site and hope to fill their capacity - 24 youth and 6 adults. Much more info to come in the spring!