Clinton Alderman Debate
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(Each debate is linked at the top of the page)
All voters, including residents in Ward 1 and Ward 6, will be voting in the upcoming primary election for Alderman-at-Large.
All other Wards will vote for the Alderman candidates for their Ward and for the At-Large position. All standard polling locations will remain in use for the primary election on April 6.
Polling Locations are as follows:
Ward 1: Clinton Fire Station #3 (across from Lovett Elementary)
Parking available at Northside Park
1669 W Northside Drive
Ward 2: Wildwood Baptist Church
101 Auburn Drive
Ward 3: Traceway Park Administration Building
200 Soccer Row
Ward 4: Wood Activity Center
111 Clinton Boulevard
Ward 5: Clinton Public Works Building
525 Springridge Road
Ward 6: Clinton YMCA
400 Lindale Street