October 7, 2020 Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church - St. Louis, Missouri
Last week as I started working on my sermon, I posted a message on Facebook asking friends to send picture of their tables; “Not pristine, just been cleaned and there's no evidence of just how chaotic/stressed out/and messy life really is right now, kind of tables. I want pictures of tables that show what pandemic life is like. Pictures of tables turned home offices/class rooms, tables covered in puzzles, crafts, food remnants and whatever else is going on kind of tables.”

I wasn’t sure if anyone would respond—who wants to share a picture of the true messiness of the times we’re living in right now? But people started posting pictures. Pictures of tables turned home offices, craft studios and classrooms. Tables holding laptops and teddy bears, birthday cakes, puzzles, train sets and water colors. Tables set for families of 6, and tables set for one. 

Each picture was a glimpse into each other’s lives and I was reminded of how sacred tables can be—they are where we gather with the people we love to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and special moments, they can be the location of holy moments where stories are told and relationships strengthened. And during this time of pandemic, they have become so much more—as messy and chaotic as our tables may look, they are often the center of our daily lives. 

This past Sunday, we celebrated World Communion. And just like everything else in 2020, it looked much different than in previous years. I missed being able to gather everyone for worship and then spilling into the gathering place to taste breads from around the world. 

But as we gathered virtually, God’s table extended from the sanctuary, around the world and into our own homes to whatever messy, crumb covered, buried by mail, home office turned class room table, making it a holy space of God’s presence and love. 

The beauty of world communion is the reminder that through Christ, nothing can separate us from God’s love. God meets us at the table where we are all united; one faith, one hope, one baptism, one table, one body of Christ. 

There will be a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 18 at 11:45am over Zoom. The purpose is to receive the Nominating Committees recommendations for our new slate of elders and deacons to the Class of 2023.

If you have questions or nominations from the floor, please submit them to Anne Duncan via email by Wednesday, October 14.

Passing of the Peace

We would like to invite you to participate in passing the peace in one of our upcoming worship videos!  This is one part of our worship that folks really look forward to seeing. If you and your family or group would like to do this, just make a short video (10 seconds or so) on your cell phone, saying “the peace of Christ be with you…and also with you” and then email it to Jesi Hempstead. Submissions must be received by Wednesday at noon to be included in the following Sunday’s worship. Thank you for sharing the peace of Christ with your Ladue Chapel family near and far. That’s all there is to it!
Interfaith Partnership invites you to join them for their virtual celebration “Repairing the World: Strengthening Connections in a Fractured Time”
on Oct. 29th at 7pm.

During the evening’s program, Rev. Dr. Dieter Heinzl will be recognized as the recipient of the 2020 Interfaith Lifetime Achievement Award for his years of service to Interfaith Partnership and his commitment to furthering interreligious dialogue and understanding in St. Louis and beyond.

To join the celebration, visit interfaithstl.org/repair on Oct. 29th at 7pm. No registration or fee is required to join.
Cares, Concerns and Celebrations

At this time, we are not aware of any members recently hospitalized or recovering at home. If you know of someone who like to be included, please contact the church office.
Reopening Ladue Chapel
for In-Person Worship

At its last meeting, the session of Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, on the recommendation of its Health Task Group, passed a motion “To reopen Ladue Chapel for worship beginning on the first Sunday of Advent according to St. Louis County guidelines.” 

The staff is currently working on protocols and guidelines to re-envision in person worship which is as safe as we can possibly make it considering the circumstances and vagaries of the coronavirus. We will keep our congregation informed about our progress as Advent draws nearer. 

We will be continuing on-line worship and we are committed to continuing to provide an excellent experience for those who will be worshipping virtually.

We are excited about the possibility to come together again in worship in our sanctuary as the body of Christ. We hope you are, too. 
Kirkin’ o’ the Tartans
Sunday, October 25
Our annual observance of Kirkin’ Sunday coincides with Reformation Sunday and celebrates the Scottish origins of our Presbyterian church. Like everything else, it will look a wee bit different this year, but we will still have our colorful banners and “Highland Cathedral” played by piper Laurie. We are compiling a new list of clan names which will appear on the screen during the worship video. If you would like to have your clan name included, please contact Jesi Hempstead in the church office by October 19.
Save the Date!

The fall building day coordinated by Rebuilding Together
will be Saturday, October 10th.

Rebuilding Together repairs homes for those who cannot afford to and they are adjusting their regular model to accommodate the current Covid-19 conditions. Plans include: smaller volunteer teams, increased sanitizing on-site of hands and tools, work that adheres to social distancing and additional precautions are being implemented. All are welcome; no building skills are required to participate. More details will follow. Anyone interested in volunteering please contact Bobby Sandage or Les Hill.
Monday Madness

Monday Madness continues outdoors on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 p.m., weather permitting.
For students in Kindergarten through Grade 5
Don't forget to register each week!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Music for Sunday, October 11
Chapel Ringers will play "All Creatures of Our God and King"
arranged by Valerie Stephenson.
Chamber Choir will sing “Rejoice in the Lord Alway"
(anonymous, English 16th C).

Fall Email Schedule: Beginning next week, our email schedule will be updated for the fall. Below is an updated schedule of when you can expect to hear from us throughout the week. There may be additional emails if need be. We hope this is an easy way to stay connected.
  • Monday: God in our Midst
  • Tuesday: Midday Prayer Reminder
  • Wednesday: Chapel Bell
  • Thursday: Special Emails
  • Friday: Sunday Worship Reminder

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m., on Facebook (no need to have a Facebook account - just go to www.laduechapel.org, click on Worship on the top and then find the link). Worship will also be available on our YouTube channel. Share our services with your friends on social media! We love meeting new people and growing our online community.

Sunday Morning Zoom Coffee Half Hour - Join us after worship, at 11:30 a.m., for a Zoom Coffee Half Hour. Click here to join the Zoom Coffee hour (the link to join will also be provided in the Facebook worship post and the worship information email on Friday.)