The FUUSN Chime

Monthly Newsletter of the

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton

July 3, 2024

Happy Independence Day!

In observance of Independence Day, all FUUSN buildings will be closed Thursday, July 4, 2024, and the office will be closed Friday, July 5, 2024. There will be no service on Sunday, July 7, 2024.

Revision to UUA Article II Adopted

On Saturday, June 22, 2024, delegates at the UUA General Assembly voted to adopt the proposed changes to Article II by a large majority (80.2%). We are planning discussions of what this means for FUUSN, but in the meanwhile, you can read more about the Article II changes on the UUA website. Some people have found this short video on the changes helpful.

A graphic image in the shape of a flower with a lit chalice in the center labeled "Love" and six petals labeled "Justice," "Interdependence," "Equity," "Transformation," "Pluralism," and "Generosity."

UU Plant-Based Eating Club Announcements



Our annual summer potluck picnic will be held on Saturday, July 13, at 5pm at the home of Brenda Asis and Andy LeCompte in Weston. For further details and to RSVP, click here

While we intentionally welcome newcomers and anyone who is interested in eating more plant-based food regardless of where they are on their journey, all items brought to our potlucks must be completely plant-based and contain no cheese, dairy, eggs, etc. Recipe suggestions are available. Newcomers are particularly welcome, and may bring non-alcoholic beverages or fruit instead of other food.


The UU Plant-Based Eating Club will once again lead a group of people who would like to try the 7-Day Rescue Diet together. The diet, including nutritional information and recipes, is set forth in the book The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet: Eat Plants, Lose Weight, Save Your Health by Rip Esselstyn, the son of famous cardiologist Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., who found that people transitioning to a plant-based diet consisting of minimally processed whole foods were able to lose weight and lower their total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure in a surprisingly short amount of time. Copies of the book are available to borrow.

The kickoff meeting is July 18, and the diet itself will start on Sunday, July 21, which includes an optional brunch and entree swap so that participants can batch cook one meal and trade it for many other meals. For more information and to register, please click here. If you would like to participate, please RSVP at your earliest convenience and in no event later than July 18. Many thanks to Kate Thibeault and Brenda Asis for leading this group!

Free Concert at UU Urban Ministry

Arias on the Steps: A Neighborhood Concert at the UU Urban Ministry

Date and Time: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm

Where: UU Urban Ministry, 10 Putnam St., Roxbury, MA

This free concert features an amazing lineup of some of Boston's best musicians and performers. Don't miss this summer evening of amazing music! Arias on the Steps will feature opera coupled with Broadway and all that jazz!

Scheduled to perform are vocalists Sarah Cooper, Marshall Hughes, Isabelle Randall, and Alan Rias, who will be accompanied by Michael Weinstein on piano. Also welcome will be local artist and performer Daniel Callahan as the master of ceremonies.

There is a group organizing to carpool to the event. If interested, please contact Alta Hodges.

A book cover reads, "On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, Danya Ruttenberg, '[A] brilliant book.' - Rebecca Solnit"

Racial Justice Ministry Summer Read

This is the UUA 2023-2024 Common Read, described on the website as follows:

"This Common Read offers a glimpse into one of our faith’s foundational sources, Judaism. Readers follow the author, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, into a framework for making amends offered by the 12th century Jewish physician and scholar, Maimonides.

"Written for people of any or no faith tradition, On Repentance and Repair introduces practices for accountability that can bring us into wholeness and make a difference in our personal, community, and national relationships."

Members of FUUSN’s Racial Justice Ministry will be inviting you to a series of workshop discussions about this compelling read in the fall. Get a head start and add it to your summer reading list!

In Memoriam

This month, we remember loved ones, friends and members of our community who have passed but who are still with us in spirit. We also hold in our hearts the memory of the following FUUSN members who died in the month of July in years past.

Claire Karlson, 2012

Ruth Boyd, 2016

Virginia Taplin, 2016

Margot Garfield, 2017

Peter Kastner, 2018

Bruce Pemberton, 2018

Alice Wolpert, 2018

Upcoming Events

July Worship Services

July 7: NO SERVICE - Happy Independence Day Weekend!

July 14: In Defense of Capitalism - Zoom

As members of a liberal faith, we are regularly alerted to the importance of disciplining capitalism through initiatives like anti-monopoly legislation, unionization; and social, equity and governance policies. In our zeal to discipline capitalism, however, have we missed a larger reality – that it is capitalism which is responsible for the economic well-being of our age on which we all depend. FUUSN member Urban Larson addresses these questions regularly in his university teaching. His thoughts for us this Sunday will be an invitation to consider our biases concerning essential economic realities.

July 21: On Composing - Parish Hall

Composition is a central part of any artistic endeavor, providing the means for projects to be conceived, structured, and launched. In this service we will look over the shoulder of several artists within the FUUSN community as they engage in artistic composition: Bob MacWilliams, music composer; Cathy Morocco, poet; and Elli Crocker, painter. Their tactics can enhance our insight into composing the initiatives of our own lives, whether artistic or personal.

July 28: Our Philosophical Religion - Zoom

Is Unitarian Universalism best described as a late offshoot of Protestant Christianity, or a very late offshoot of Greek philosophy? FUUSN member Arthur Anderson has made a decades-long study of this question resulting in a treatise titled, The Transcendentalists and The Death and Rebirth of Western Philosophical Religion. This Sunday, Arthur will describe his research and open up a new perspective on the history and essential nature of our faith.

View all Summer Services Here

Events This Month

Thursday, July 4

Independence Day! FUUSN is closed.

Monday, July 8

7-9pm: Empathy Now: A Multifaith Conversation (not an official FUUSN event) - Parish Hall

Saturday, July 13

5-6pm: Chime Concert - FUUSN front lawn

5-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club Potluck Picnic - Member home

Sunday, July 14

5-8pm: UU Plant-Based Eating Club Potluck Picnic RAIN DATE

Wednesday, July 17

7:30-8:15pm: Choir Rehearsal - Children's Chapel

Saturday, July 20

2-5pm: Jacqui James Memorial Service - Sanctuary and Parish Hall

5-6pm: Chime Concert - FUUSN front lawn

Sunday, July 28

3:30-5pm: JourneySongs Hospice Choir Rehearsal - Children's Chapel



Thursday, July 11

6-7:30pm: RE Committee - online

Monday, July 15

5:30-6:30pm: All8 Arts Facilitators - online

Tuesday, July 16

7-9pm: Operations Council - online

Tuesday, July 23

7-8pm: Board of Trustees - online

Recurring Events

Wed., 6:30pm: Tai Chi Class

Thurs., 4:30pm: CreationDance

Fri., 11am: Over 60s Walking Group

Save the Date

FUUSN Summer Barbeque - August 1, 5-7pm, Auburndale Playground, Cove Park

Don’t forget the FUUSN summer barbeque on August 1 from 5-7. We’ll have grills set up, paper goods and condiments. Bring whatever you’d like to grill or share! Auburndale Playground, Cove Park, site #2.

Lughnasadh Celebration - August 1, 2024, 6:30pm

Join us for a celebration of Lughnasadh on August 1 at 6:30 PM at the Cove Park in Auburndale. Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is midway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox and marks the beginning of the harvest season in Celtic, Earth-Centered, and Neopagan traditions. We will honor not only the abundance of the Earth, but also the fruits of our daily labors. We'll celebrate the hard work we all put into our lives, whether tending gardens, pursuing careers, caring for others, or contributing to our community. All are welcome to participate in this event, which will immediately follow the FUUSN summer barbeque.

For more information, click here.

Summer Chime Concerts

Music is in the air in West Newton! Our third and final concert is scheduled for August 10th. Free to the public, the concert will begin at 5:00 PM and continue for about one hour.

View the Flyer

New England UUs Come TUUgether - August 25, 2024

Meet other New England UUs at the Rowe Center in Greenfield, MA. Sponsored by the All Souls UU Church in Greenfield, this event includes lunch. Cost is $25-50, youth under 18 are free.

Register Here

Gospel Music Retreat - Saturday, September 14, 2024

Save the Date! Gospel singing with Geoff Hicks on Saturday September 14, 9am-1:30pm in the Parish Hall. For more information, email

A flyer displaying a stylized choir with upraised arms and text that reads, "Gospel music retreat, Saturday September 14, 2024, 9am-1:30pm in Parish Hall"

Bill Holland's Celebration of Life - Sept. 21 at 2pm

A memorial service for Bill Holland will be held at FUUSN on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 2pm.

Over 60s Fall Presentations Planned

September 29, 2024, 11am-2pm

Yoga - Presentation plus Practice with Helena Froehlich and colleagues - Alliance Room

October 20, 2024, 12-1:30pm

Presentation by Marty Lowenthal on “Common Sense Mindfulness in Changing Times” -  Alliance Room 

November 17, 2024, 12-1:30pm

Presentation by Kevan Hartshorn, MD. on “Understanding New Cancer Therapies and Their Importance for Older Adults.” - Alliance Room

Ferry Beach - The Best Start for the FUUSN Year! - October 11-14, 2024

Registration is now OPEN for this year's Ferry Beach Retreat. We will share our retreat with Theodore Parker Church. Please read all about it on our website, where you can also register.

Kudos Corner

Congratulations to Bobbie Sproat was recently recognized for her work as co-chair of the NBARC Steering Committee at their annual volunteer appreciation picnic.

In a wooded setting, a woman with long gray hair wearing a vivid pink sleeveless blouse and blue jeans stands beside a woman with short gray hair holding a bouquet of flowers and wearing glasses and a long sleeveless dress decorated with light blue seahorses

Submit News and Events

Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Fran, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.

Submissions to the newsletter this summer must be sent in by the first Tuesday of the month at 9am.

Submit News
Submit an Event

FUUSN Contacts

Note: Most staff are on vacation. Please contact Jenise Aminoff for assistance until July 10th.

First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton | 617-527-3203

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