Christ the King
Where God's Love Comes To Life

Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 1:00pm
November 25, 2021
New This Week
2nd Sunday of Advent
Our reading this week is from Luke1:57-80. We will hear about the birth of John. Worship with us at 9:15am in person and on line OR at 10:30am in our parking lot. 
CtK Pandemic Task Force Up-Date
As the pandemic has continued, we as a re-entry committee have striven to balance the physical, mental, and spiritual health of those who constitute Christ the King - the members, the staff, the volunteers, the visitors, etc. We have always looked to science (knowing that recommendations change as we learn and discover more about this virus and its mutations) and the CDC’s advice, and taking into account our needs as members of the body of Christ, and our need for community and connection as we adjust to a world in which Covid is not quickly going away.

As a committee, prayerfully and considering all the input we have received, we feel that we can best serve the community of Christ the King, and support our physical, mental, and spiritual health, by continuing to provide the following Sunday worship options, even as the burden rate has crossed the critically high threshold for our area:
·      In-person worship with the mitigation factors of universal masking for those over 2, 6’ physical distancing between groups/pods of people, asking those who are experiencing ANY possible Covid symptoms (see list of symptoms below) to please refrain from attending in-person, and requiring registration of those attending in case of a need to do contract tracing/inform attendees of a possible exposure.
·      Virtual worship via Facebook feed of the 9:15 service, also available to be viewed later
·      Parking Lot service at 10:30

We know that many of our congregants are vaccinated and we are so very thankful for that, but we want to continue to encourage all who are eligible, to get vaccinated and to get the booster shot. Because we know that there are members and staff of CtK who are still at risk due to age or immuno-compromised status, or who have family members who are at risk,or who may not be able to access a virtual option. Therefore, we as a caring congregation will do our part to help protect those among us who need that support. 
We value ALL our partners in Christ and know EVERYONE is welcome at CtK, whether you attend virtually, in-person, or in our parking lot. You have a place here, and we are thankful for you.

If it is possible to put List of Covid symptoms, that is good, if space does not provide, I understand.

Thanks, Laura and Ed Albrent

List of Symptoms:
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:
Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue
Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea
Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately: Trouble breathing, Persistent pain or pressure in the chest, New confusion, Inability to wake or stay awake, Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone.
Call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.
Advent Devotional
Use this link to open our Advent Devotional. Please follow along each day. We will be using parts of the messages in our worship on Sundays.
Enjoy the lovely artwork, music, poetry and prayers. Something for the whole family.

Refugee Family Coming Soon
The CtK Good Neighbor Team met with the rep from World Relief and we learned a lot! We can expect to be matched with an Afghanistan family very soon.
The areas we will need to supply items for this family are: Furniture (bed frame, mattress and box spring purchased by World Relief), Kitchen, Linens, Cleaning, Personal Hygiene, and Miscellaneous. The number of items needed won’t be known until we are told about the specific family, so watch for emails and the Constant Contact for you to help get this family started in a positive way. We are excited to welcome a new family to the Fox Valley!
We will have a bin in the gathering area at church to collect smaller items.
Outside the Box Ministries
Six sample Nativities from SERRV International are on display on the small table located near the welcome desk in the narthex. These sample Nativities are for sale and have been acquired using a grant from Thrivent Action Teams. That means, 100% of the money received from the sale of these samples goes to directly to CTK Outside the Box Ministries. Each Nativity has information about the artist that created it, as well as the price. Please make your check out to Christ the King with a notation OTB Ministries in the memo area. In addition, you may order more of these as well as hundreds of other items from SERRV and CTK OTB will receive 20% of the purchase as a donation when you use the link:

Look for the orange banner at the top of the page that says:
20% of your online order today will be donated to Christ the King Lutheran Church.
2021 Advent Devotional
Did you receive the email containing the 2021 Advent Devotional, Our theme this
year is Close to Home. If you did not receive the email a link to our website is included here.
Let us know if you would like a printed version.

2022 Devotional
The newest version of Christ in Our Home is available for pickup.
This issue is the January, February and March 2022 devotional.
They will be available on the communion table. We have both the regular and the large print versions.
Prayer Partner Sign Up
With all that's going on we all could use extra prayers. The Prayer Partner Ministry participants are secretly assigned a person to
pray for throughout the year. Anonymous notes of encouragement or celebration can be sent to your partners. Small gifts are nice too, but not necessary. Prayer Partners run January-December with a "partner reveal potluck" the following January.
Please fill a form found in the fellowship area at church, OR give the office a call. We will send you your prayer partner information in return.
Youth Faith Information
Volunteering Opportunities
New technology education program available for adults
Help is available for adults who are having difficulty mastering their laptops, tablets and smartphones. One-on-one training sessions are available to Outagamie County residents age 60 and older at no cost. Participants attend a minimum of three one-hour sessions, which are held at Volunteer Fox Cities, 2616 S. Oneida St., Appleton. For more information, or to register, contact Chelsea at or 920-832-9360.
Donate blood and be a part of a patient's recovery journey ...
Through donor centers, community blood drives and mobile units, we are active in your community.

Financial Support
As the Financial Year Comes to An End
As the Financial Year Comes to an End update:
  • Are you tax planning for 2022? If not, you should be!
  • The IRS has recently announced the 2022 COLA (cost of living adjustment) limits:
  • Social Security tax wage base of $147,000
  • 401k, 403b, 457b and SARSEPS limit of $20,500
  • Catch-up contributions for 401k, 403b, 457b, and SARSEPS remains at $6,500
  • Simple Plan elective deferral limit is $14,000
  • Catch-up contribution for Simple Plan remains at $3,000
  • IRA contribution limit is $6,000
  • Catch-up contribution for IRA remains at $1,000
  • Don't forget if you are 50 years old by December 31st, you can take advantage of the catch-up contributions!
  • It is also important to review all plan documentation annually for any changes that may have occurred throughout the year such as beneficiary information, address or contact changes, etc
Simple Church Will Match Our Recurring Giving!
For every first gift from a new recurring donor that is added between November 1 and December 31, 2021, SimpleChurch will match that first gift, up to $50, with a maximum match of $1,000! For CtK to be eligible for the matching gift, more than one installment must be set-up and the first recurring gift must be transacted by December 31, 2021. SimpleChurch will disburse the matching gifts to CtK in Q1 2022.
One of the biggest benefits to online giving is the ability to set up scheduled recurring giving.
Setting up scheduled giving allows you to be faithful and consistent in your generosity, and allows us to plan and budget consistently as a church.
I’d like to challenge you to text GIVE to 920-212-4343, and follow the prompts to set up a recurring gift. If this is your first time giving digitally, a secure account will be created on your behalf.
If you need assistance, please reach out to Aubrey Novak at
As always, we appreciate your faithful generosity! 
Work Financially Smarter, Not Harder
Whenever services are needed, we perform due diligence on multiple vendors. This ensure that CtK gets the best service for the best price.
Check out these Scrip cards we have ON HAND for easy and fast pickup!
Chipotle 10% $10.00 (2)
Festival Foods 3%  $25.00 (2), $50.00 (5), $100.00 (5)
Fleet Farm 3.5% $25.00 (2)
Kwik Trip $25 (1) $50 (6) $100 (2) $500 (4)
Noodles & Co. 8% $10.00 (2)
Pick N Save $100 (2)
Piggly Wiggly (WI Only) 3% $50.00 (1)
Pizza Hut 8% $10.00 (1)
Shell Gas 2.5% $25.00 (8) $50.00 (16) $100.00(1)
Shiny Car 2% $25.00 (4)
Subway 6% $10.00 (1)
Walmart/Sam's Club 2.5% $50.00 (6) $100.00 (1)
Let Tina in the office know which cards you'd like by calling 920-788-6492 or emailing Aubrey
RaiseRight Update
With the new RaiseRight app we have earned $157.86 in rebates since June 2021! Thank you to everyone using the app and ordering Scrip! 
The Raise Right App has been successful for many of you. Thank you for those who have ordered! Not only does it allow you to purchase new cards, but you can also reload your old cards and both benefit CtK! When you pay for Scrip through the app, it ships directly to your house. If you opt to pay via cash or check, it will send the cards to CtK for pickup and payment. When signing up use the enrollment code BB61624954859
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Aubrey at Thanks!!
Thank you to everyone using Amazon Smile for CTK! A total of $1,449.28  was donated to CTK!
Don't forget to sign up for or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon mobile app.
Ways to Give
Giving through ACH
Don't forget another way to give is via ACH! Easily fill out the attached form and either email it to Aubrey at, drop it off at the church office or mail it in! There are 3 options to choose from: Monthly on the 1st, Monthly on the 15th, or Weekly Friday. Any questions, please reach out to Aubrey!
Hello everyone! We are now accepting giving via Venmo! Please use the link below for another option to give. Our username is ChristTheKing601. 

Venmo Link
We recently updated our PayPal account and now members can give this way too!

PayPal is very popular and if you have an account or would like to give this way, it is very easy to set up and use. If you have any questions Aubrey can help.
Don't forget you can give using! 
To give through the church website click on the link below.
It's a safe and easy way to give any time.
In case you missed it...
Prayer Shawls
You may have heard of the Knit-Wits or the Prayer Shawl Ministry here at church but don’t know much about us. We have met formally or informally for over 15 years working on a variety of projects but the prayer shawls and lap blankets have continued as the mainstay of our work.
Because of the repetitive nature of knitting and crocheting, it is fitting to incorporate a spiritual practice of prayer when we are knitting the shawls. God’s spirit is bound in this ministry and connects us to God and each other. They are available for anyone in the community to give or receive, bringing comfort and a connection. The shawls are something tangible that “Brings God’s Love to Life”
We have many shawls available at church if you have someone you know that could use one, please call the office and we will get a shawl ready for pickup.
Social Media
Need inspiration during your crazy week?
Let us help, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Look for the Christ the King page, and "like" us!
"Where God's Love Comes To Life"