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Hello Albert,

Weird Al in the house!


May I have a word with you? (not funny, but in case you need some reassurance....

Friends, I want to try to reassure you about this country. I know that you're worried and upset. You have every reason to be. Donald Trump is a vile human being, and he got away with a tsunami of lies Thursday night. Joe Biden didn't come across with the vitality he needed to show.

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Get yourself some rainbow makers - you will be glad you did!

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Funny corner

Sent in from my brother, Dan.

A Lovely Treehouse

For fantastic commentary about the day's news/events - try these three newsletters:

  1. Today's Edition by Robert Hubbell - Legal Viewpoint, and hope-filled
  2. Chop Wood, Carry Water by Jessica Craven - Action-oriented and good news roundup
  3. Letters from an American - Heather Cox Richardson - historical take
Albert's Life Tips

11 Life Tips - one every couple days - Try it out here.