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February 21, 2023
Expansion in the Tri-Valley Community, presented by Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley
Free virtual presentation
Everyone in the community is invited to join Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley and your local Chambers of Commerce for an educational presentation.

Expansion in the Tri-Valley Community, An Educational Presentation by Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley
Featuring Mino Sastry, Vice President of Service Lines and Market Development
Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom

Topics of Discussion
  • Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley's acquisition of a five-building office complex inside the Hacienda Lakes office center in Pleasanton 
  • Population growth and the continued expansion to meet the demands of the Tri-Valley community
  • New and expanding services that will be available at the Hacienda Lakes complex

This virtual event is free and open to everyone in the community. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

This is hosted by the Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce and is part of an education series presented in collaboration with Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley and the Chambers of Commerce of Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon.
Social Media Marketing Workshop for Small Businesses
Presented by D-Kode Technology
You're invited to a free social media workshop to launch our new INSIDER program, designed to provide marketing guidance and support to small business owners! This in-person event will be hosted by D-Kode Technology's Creative Marketing Director Jennifer Warren and CEO Daniel Kodam.

Social Media Workshop
Wednesday, February 23, 2023 at 5:30
D-Kode Technology
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
You're Invited
Ribbon cuttings increase the visibility of a grand opening, new location, ground breaking or special anniversary. The chamber brings the giant scissors and the red ribbon, invites our ambassadors and publicizes the event in various publications. To schedule a ribbon cutting, email Dawn.

You're invited to join the Chamber and our ambassadors at the following ribbon cutting ceremonies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
6701 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 420, Pleasanton
Celebrating grand opening of Pleasanton office
Jeanette Schaub Health & Wellness by Design
Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
At the Chamber, 777 Peters Avenue, Pleasanton
Celebrating 6-year anniversary
Taste Tri-Valley Restaurant Week
Culinary specials, events and a giveaway
Taste Tri-Valley Restaurant week highlights the diverse culinary scene of our region over the span of 10 delicious days featuring special events, unique menu offerings, and exclusive deals to local restaurants and wineries.

Sign up for our free mobile pass to access dozens of exclusive specials at participating restaurants.

Visit businesses and use the pass to redeem deals and discounts between February 24th – March 5th.

Each deal redeemed at a participating business counts as one entry to win our Restaurant Week Giveaway ($700+ value). 
February's E-Business Connection is here
Electronic newsletter sent bi-monthly
In case you missed it in your inbox, our E-Business Connection newsletter for February is here. This features a word from our CEO, checking in with our chair, a glimpse into the PYPs, spotlights on members, ribbon cuttings and more. Take a closer look at February's E-Business Connection here and read it here.

If you'd like to be featured in a future E-Business Connection, email us.
State of the School District
Pillars of Pleasanton presented to businesses
The annual State of the School District event is hosted by PPIE. The gathering of approximately 200 people is free and features the State of the School District Address by our School Superintendent, and the presentation of our Pillars of Pleasanton awards to the wonderful area businesses that support our schools. We will also provide a light continental breakfast and networking with school and city leaders and our business supporters. Space is limited, so reserve your spot now. We look forward to seeing you there!

Special Thanks to our sponsors
Silver Sponsors - LPA Design Studios and Mochiholic Donuts
Bronze Sponsors - Keygent Advisors, DWK
March mixer hosted by American Legion Post 237
Joint mixer with Dublin Chamber
The March Networking Mixer is a joint mixer with the Pleasanton and Dublin Chambers of Commerce and is hosted by American Legion Post 237. View PDF of Event Flyer

As a patriotic Veterans organization dedicated to serving our fellow Veterans and Service members, American Legion Post 237 participates in programs that promote duty and honor through patriotism in our communities and seeks to inspire others in the spirit of volunteerism. Find out ways you can partner with us and reach out to the military community. Visit American Legion Post 237 online and on Facebook.

Networking mixers are a benefit of chamber membership, and are free for chamber members to attend.
411 on Member Benefits
Open to prospective, new and long-time members
On the Monday before the second Wednesday mixer each month, the Pleasanton Chamber hosts a 411 on Member Benefits. This meeting is open to prospective, new and long-time Chamber members.

  • Learn what it means to be a part of the Chamber
  • About the opportunities available to you and your business
  • How to take advantage of the benefits of Chamber membership

The March 411 on Member Benefits is set for Monday, March 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at the Chamber. 411 on Member Benefits is presented by Membership Director Dawn Wilson. If you'd like to attend, please register in advance here. Email Dawn with any questions.
Pleasanton 2025 Forum
Hear from new city council member and learn more about the ERC
Pleasanton 2025 Forums are a bi-monthly meeting, open to everyone in the community, and held in a hybrid format.

On the second Wednesday of the odd-numbered months at 12:00 noon, the Pleasanton Chamber brings stakeholders together to focus community resources, time and talent to achieve greater understanding of issues, obstacles and opportunities related to Pleasanton 2025: A Community Vision.

March Pleasanton 2025 Forum Meeting
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 12:00 p.m.
Guest speakers
Jeff Nibert, Pleasanton City Council Member
Adam Taplinger, Experian

Jeff Nibert will talk about his vision and priorities as a councilmember for Pleasanton. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about Jeff and to ask questions. Experian’s Adam Taplinger comes to us courtesy of a partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and he’ll give a presentation on the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) and help attendees better understand if they qualify. The ERC is a refundable tax credit to help businesses with the cost of keeping staff employed. Adam will help you better understand if you are eligible to receive the credit, and what steps are next.
Row House Pleasanton 3-Year Anniversary
Rowchella set for March 5
You're invited to Rowchella, a celebration of Row House Pleasanton's 3-year anniversary. Think music festival meets rowing! Friends, sunshine, rowing, food & beverage, music, giveaways, shopping and more.

Sunday, March 5, 2023
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Row House Pleasanton
3903A Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton

Row House offer a 45-minute, high-energy rowing workout targeting over 85% of your body’s muscles (legs, core, arms back), delivering the perfect balance of aerobic endurance and muscular strength.
Pleasanton Young Professionals
Learn, grow, empower
Pleasanton Young Professionals
Established 2013
Ages 21-40

We strive to help other young professionals to learn, empower, and grow from our mastermind lunches, volunteer/fundraising opportunities, and monthly networking mixers.

Goals of the PYPs
• captivate a never-stop learning attitude
• grow by fostering life-long relationships and opportunities
• empower those to achieve greater personal and professional success

PYP Events
The Pleasanton Young Professionals host a monthly mixer on the first Thursday of each month as well as a mastermind lunch on the third Wednesday of the odd-numbered months. We hope to see some familiar faces, and new faces, at our upcoming events.

Up Next
Monthly Mixer
Thursday, March 2 at 5:00 p.m.
Effective Marketing Opportunities
Impact • Style • Branding • Exposure
The Pleasanton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to introduce our 2023 Marketing Opportunities.

With options ranging from a one-time print ad to having a regular presence in all of our publications to a banner ad on our online directory, we invite you to give consumers the knowledge of what your business is known for. Tell your story, increase your exposure and promote your brand by partnering with the Pleasanton Chamber.

By the numbers
  • Our Business Connection print newsletter has a reach of 10,000 residences and businesses and a readership of 25,000.
  • Our E-Business Connection newsletter has a reach of more than 1,100 in the business community.
  • Our website averages more than 16,000 views per month, including 2,900 views on average for the Business Directory and 1,900 views for the Events Calendar. 
Email Susie if you're interested in learning more.
Member Benefits
Increase your visibility in the community
As a member of the Pleasanton Chamber, you have several different opportunities to increase your visibility in the community.

You can take advantage of these member benefits through our website - learn more here. Email Dawn or Susie with any questions.
Did you know?
Connecting you to valuable resources
The Tri-Valley Career Center (TVCC) offers resources and guidance to job seekers, employers and small business owners. Whether you are a job seeker anticipating the next step in your current career or branching out in a new direction, or a business owner or hiring manager looking for your next great team member, TVCC is your best first step in the right direction.

TVCC offers workshops, career counseling and online opportunities designed to guide adult job seekers towards success in today’s job market. Our staff is also dedicated to assisting local employers with recruitment of new staff and helping start-ups and small businesses thrive.

As a service of the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District in partnership with the Alameda County Workforce Development Board and other state, regional and local partners, TVCC exists to help strengthen our regional economy one new employee at a time.
Welcome New Members
Congratulations to these members that have recently joined the Chamber
Woman-owned local company providing official American Heart Association CPR, BLS, ACLS, PALS, NRP, EMSA, and first-aid courses.

Located in downtown Pleasanton, focused on the relationships, referrals, and connections at the heart of every real estate transaction.

Digital marketing agency, working closely with each client, creating a partnership that will help grow their business and meet their goals.

Complete home inspections including roof and chimney. Reports include photos and are delivered same day.

Public adjusters provide a valuable service in determining a fair settlement between an insurance company and its policyholder.

Turnkey plastics manufacturing for prototype and small quantity needs, 3D printing services.
News From Our Members