Attendance Awareness Campaign Update

A project led by Attendance Works

April 18, 2024

Listening to Students

and Families

It’s more important than ever to debunk the myth that students and families don’t care about school. This is why it was so refreshing to read the article by Laurie Putnam, Superintendent of St. Cloud Public Schools, who wrote “the kids don’t care narrative disregards the countless students who overcome adversity, demonstrate resilience, and attain academic excellence despite facing immense challenges.”

Putman describes the inspiring example of Lincoln Elementary School and its creative approach to offering “job experiences” accompanied by a mentor, to show how schools can address barriers to daily attendance by creating opportunities for student mastery and connection.  

Do you have an inspiring success story to share? We would love to learn more. Just email us at

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Our second webinar, Essential Partnerships for Showing Up: Families, Youth and Community on Wednesday, May 15, 12noon PT/ 3pm ET, will explore how to co-create lasting solutions that build upon the insights and strengths of youth, families and community partners. Speakers will explore what is driving the continued high levels of chronic absenteeism, and how they have re-established the positive conditions that motivate students to attend.  

Registration is open for the next 3 webinars!

  • May 15, Essential Partnerships for Showing Up: Families, Youth and Community
  • August 7, Creating a Culture of Belonging and Engagement: Principals in Action
  • September 25, Leadership For Sustainability: Superintendents Making A Difference

We need your help to get the word out! Please share the sample social media message below.

Attendance Tools

Now is good time to find out from students and families about why it was hard to get to school and what would help them to show up every day. Consider using any one of these tools: empathy interviews, 2 x 10, student focus groups, Attendance Cafés and surveys. 


Spring is an excellent time to host events that can boost excitement in learning. Consider hosting Appreciation Days, when everyone thanks a particular type of person (teachers, custodial staff, etc.). Ask students for ideas and help. 

Interested in summer learning? A film from the Wallace Foundation shows how committed leaders, teachers, and parents in Oklahoma and Ohio are blending academics and enrichment. Find a toolkit and resources to help deliver summer programs.

District Leadership PD

Calling District Administrators! Our Professional Leadership Attendance Network offers an opportunity for a select group of 8-10 leaders to learn from each other, as well as experts, and develop a plan for action. To learn more email and

Research Spotlight

In-person absenteeism among peers significantly increases a student's absenteeism, with effects lasting up to three days, according to a working paper by Jacob Kirksey and Michael Gottfried. The researchers looked at 2020-22 data in four Texas districts.


Playworks and the American Academy of Pediatrics are teaming up for Supporting Student Mental Health Through Play on May 16, 2024. The webinar will explore the ecosystem of care for kids’ mental health and the transformative role of play. A recording of the webinar will be available following the event.

Corporate Sponsors

A special thanks to the corporate sponsors who have already committed to supporting our 2024 Attendance Awareness Campaign. Their investment makes it possible for us to provide you with free strategies and materials.

Attendance in the News

‘Talking Out of School’ podcast: Can we conquer chronic absenteeism?, District Administration, April 14, 2024

‘A Universal Prevention Measure’ That Boosts Attendance and Improves Behavior, Education Week, April 14, 2024

Getting Ahead: Building a Culture of School Attendance, The Ledger, April 13, 2024

Sample Social Media

Working together we can turn around chronic absence. Join @attendanceworks & partners on 5/15 to hear about co-creating solutions with youth, families & community partners -- including health providers!

Campaign Convening Partners

See the full list of Attendance Awareness Partners here.

Attendance Works is a non-profit, national and state initiative. Our mission is to promote equal opportunities to learn and advance student success by reducing chronic absence. Find free downloadable resources, research, consulting services and more on our website:

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