Please note the River District Association office will be closed from December 20th to December 24th.
River District Holiday Gift Guide
Didn't make it out on Shop Small Saturday? You can still check out the River District Holiday Gift Guide for ideas!
Oops! We made a mistake in the printed guide!
New Image Hair Design is located at 539 Main Street.
And did you know you can purchase amazing gift baskets there! It's worth checking out!
Community Events in the River District
Vote for your favorite window until 11:59 pm December 2nd!
Dream Launch Information Session
December 7th, 6 pm - 7 pm
HOME for the Holidays Episode 1!
RDA returns with Home for the Holidays. This year we are releasing an episode each Friday through New Year's Eve. Each episode will roughly be between 15-30 minutes and focus on all the opportunities for you, your family, and your friends this Holiday season in Danville, VA. Preview upcoming holiday events, see local musicians, get to know the merchants in the River District, and see your friends from the community in their submitted Holiday Greetings. Kids will enjoy visits from Santa and storytime at the end of every episode. They can also send in letters to Santa and on December 24, he will read each letter and say hello.
If you are looking for all the things to do during the Holidays you have to watch each episode. They will be full of useful information to enjoy your holidays.
This week we focus on Small Business Saturday, get a preview of Christmas on the Plaza, the League of Ordinary Gentlemen perform, and we get to learn a little about Hanukkah during storytime. Leave a comment, send in your own Holiday Greetings, and share with others!
YOU can STILL participate!
Record a Holiday Greeting
It's your chance to wish our wonderful HOME of Danville, Virginia a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season.
Calling all businesses, families, churches, organizations, nonprofits in the region....
Record a Holiday Greeting to be featured in the RDA HOME for the Holidays production.
It's easy!
Just record a 10 second greeting in the landscape orientation. You can share a holiday memory, a favorite recipe, or sing a silly song or tell a joke. Get creative!
Videos can be submitted through December 17th (but the earlier the better!)
Local Musicians and Talent
We would love for you to participate in HOME for the Holidays! You can send in your own recording of a song, dance, or act of some kind. Or email to have us record you! We want to showcase all the amazing people who live in this region.
Take a photo and post it on Facebook or Instagram with the #RDAHOMEfortheHolidays, and tag River District Association. Enter between November 26th and December 20th. We will announce one winner per week.
at Ballou Park, which runs December 9th-23rd.
We are planning to get a video crew up to the North Pole so that Santa can be a part of this special event!
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be saying hello every week.
The deadline for letters to Santa is December 17, 2021 at 11:59pm.
What is the River District Association?
RDA's mission is to ensure the long term viability of Danville's River District as a center of business and civic life, and a source of community pride.
Danville's River District will be a vibrant place to live, work, and visit for the diverse population of Danville and the greater Dan River region.
Board of Directors:
Kelvin Perry
CoD Economic Development
Steven Osborne
International Mission Board
Vice President
Stuart Smith
FCS, Inc
Christy Harper
Danville Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce
William Crumpton
Compassion Healthcare
Rachel Covington
Hawthorne and Jade Design Co. LLC
Robin Jones
Vintages by the Dan
Danielle DuCré
Chatham Hall
Varun Sadana
The Launch Place
Drew Herring
West Main Baptist Church
Emma Sellers
Averett University
Shani Gaylord
Dr. Andrew Hessler
Danville Dental Associates
Kunal Patel
First National Bank
Who We Are
The River District Association (RDA) is comprised of a volunteer Board of Directors which includes representatives from River District businesses and property owners, the City of Danville, and other community stakeholders.
What We Do
RDA follows the Main Street model to coordinate the public-private partnerships required to revive the River District. We work with the City of Danville, area businesses, and institutions to develop programs and events to get the community working together to market the area's unique assets, to get the district in top physical shape, and to attract and retain businesses.
Why We Do It
As our City Council and City Manager have publicly stated, the economic health of the city is impacted by the River District. A downtown with empty buildings and blight conveys a negative image. A prosperous downtown tells the world that the business sector can work well with the City to bring about positive change. With a number of development projects taking place, the River District has reclaimed its role as a vital, important and pleasant place to work, shop, and have fun.
What You Can Do
We need YOU! Would like to play an active role in the revival of the River District? Do you have any special ideas or talents, or simply want to volunteer with a project, please contact us by phone at 434-791-0210 or by email. One of our dedicated volunteer board members will respond.
River District Association Staff
Diana Schwartz: Executive Director
Kirsten Aherron: Communication and Events Manager
Will Mackaman: Programs and Services Manager
Alyssa Turner: Bookkeeper and Office Manager
River District Association |