October 2021
Information & Resources for Non-Profits and Those who 💓 Them  
The State of DEI on Nonprofit Boards
In Leading with Intent: Reviewing the State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on Nonprofit Boards, findings are explored and context for the data is provided to help inform boards as they seek to become more equity-focused in their communities.

Upcoming Grants Presentation
Calling all artists and arts organization professionals to attend my "Sculpting Your Grant Proposal" presentation on October 6th for The Arts Council of Rockland! organizations. 

Set up for Success with Strategic Planning
Sheer Strategy's strategic planning mantra is that strategic planning is as much about what your agency is NOT going to do as it is about what it is going to do. This idea is supported in a blog post by Sandy Rees who says that "nonprofits must recognize they cannot be everything for everybody" and offers some practical steps to getting started on the strategic planning process.
Stay well and thanks for reading
Sheer Shareables!