Since announcing our campaign, we have been overwhelmed by outpouring of support from all corners of the nation - and beyond. While we will have an update on the progress toward our fundraising goal over the next week, we wanted to update you on our progress toward finding a new home.
First, thank you for your assistance. We have received a numerous calls, emails, and messages on social media, not only in appreciation of the SS United States' historic importance, but also with suggestions for potential pier locations that might accommodate the historic ocean liner that bears the name of the nation.
Our search for a new temporary or permanent location has been ongoing and began well before the litigation. If a new pier cannot be found in the coming weeks, we’ll be forced to commit to reefing or scrapping the vessel.
A few locations where we have been searching for a temporary berth include:
- The Philadelphia Navy Yard
- Piers operated by the United States Navy
- Private piers in and around Philadelphia
- Private piers in and around Camden, NJ
- Piers near the Port of Baltimore, MD
- Ports of Savanah, Georgia
- Hampton Roads area, including Newport News, VA
- Locations in Florida and Texas
The Conservancy has connected with regional port authorities up and down the eastern seaboard, as well as government officials to engage them in this fight to save the nation’s flagship. Because the vessel is 990 feet long with a draft ranging from 21feet to 28 feet, the number of piers able to physically accommodate the ship is limited.
We are tremendously grateful for the enthusiastic responses, and financial support. We want you to know that we are seeing your emails and hearing your voicemails. Because our team is small and time is limited, we cannot respond to every message with a personal call back or email. However, please know that constructive suggestions are received and welcomed. We continue to need supporters to urge their elected officials to take action to help save the SS United States.