June 22, 2021

Dear Club and League Representatives:

Many MDHHS Emergency Orders, including the MDHHS Gatherings and Face Mask Order, have been rescinded, as of today. Capacity in both indoor and outdoor settings is now 100% and the state no longer requires residents to wear masks. Also, weekly testing (SARS-CoV-2) of unvaccinated athletes (ages 13-19) to participate in organized contact sports, including soccer, is no longer required. MDHHS will, however, continue to provide free COVID-19 testing supplies (and support), at no cost, to youth sports organizations that request it. Specific questions on the MI Safer Testing Program should be directed to MDHHS-SportsCOVIDinfo@michigan.gov. MSYSA’s return-to-play guidelines have been updated to reflect the changes. The full ‘Recission of Emergency Orders’ can be reviewed here

While there is no longer a statewide requirement to wear a face mask in most settings, MDHHS has issued a rapid public health alert on face mask recommendations. In brief, MDHHS recommends that individuals who are not yet fully vaccinated wear a face mask when participating in indoor or outdoor contact sports, in crowded outdoor settings and events or sports event (including youth athletic events of you are not socially distanced. Please read and review.

Should you have any questions, please email stateoffice@michiganyouthsoccer.org.


Thomas Faro
Executive Director

cc.:      MSYSA Board of Directors