UCSF School of Medicine Vice Dean's Office at ZSFG
Advancing health worldwide in the heart of the City
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to celebrate the news that Elena Fuentes-Afflick will become Vice Dean of the UCSF School of Medicine at ZSFG as of May 1, 2022, so this will be my final newsletter, although I will send another message separately.
This Spring newsletter celebrates the UCSF staff at ZSFG. We feature a Spotlight on our facilities team and present our fifth Staff Career Journey StoryCore event (register below). The hundreds of UCSF staff that work at this campus inspire me every day and are essential contributors to all of our mission areas.
Spring also marks a time for all of us to give feedback to UCSF on our work experience. For staff, please complete your 2022 UCSF Gallup Engagement Survey by May 6, and for faculty please complete your UCSF Provider Engagement Survey by April 25. The survey results strongly influence decisions about how to prioritize improvements for UCSF faculty, staff and trainees at ZSFG. Examples include offering all-campus panel events for faculty and staff engagement, creating a new UCSF Director of Faculty Experience at ZSFG position and ZSFG Provider Experience Council (see first Town Hall recording below), and requesting changes in Epic.
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
--Jane Goodall
With gratitude, keep doing all the great work.
A. Sue Carlisle, PhD, MD
Vice Dean
UCSF School of Medicine, ZSFG
Selected Feature Highlights
'It Just Takes a Hit on the Morale': How a UCSF Respiratory Therapist Takes On the Omicron Surge
"The biggest thing that I've tried to uphold through the beginning of this and even outside of COVID when it comes to other health care issues is that I try to respect and believe in the science that highly educated people have provided us." read article
- Justin Phillips, UCSF respiratory therapist at ZSFG
Updates and Events at ZSFG
Spotlight: UCSF Staff at ZSFG
The UCSF Facilities Team at ZSFG is responsible for upkeep and maintenance of the space on campus rented by UCSF, mostly known as the “red brick buildings.” Peter Zhang and William Murphy take good care of the historical buildings and the UCSF employees who work in them, fixing problems as small as changing a lightbulb to coordinating large system upgrades. Like other Dean’s Office employees, they partner with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and UCSF Facilities to coordinate efforts and ensure all guidelines are met.
Staff Career Journey StoryCore Event
May 5, 2022 from 12-1pm
Join UCSF staff at ZSFG at the Spring 2022 UCSF Staff Career Journey Storytelling Event at ZSFG. Panelists Maria Cecilia DeSousa and Elkin Lara-Mejia will share their career stories. Moderated by Anthony Ababon. All are welcome on May 5, 2022 from 12-1pm (register below).
You can find slides and a recording of the March 7th Town Hall at the ZSFG RAB Website for Occupants. Information includes a summary of construction progress, an overview of the floor plan for each level, updates on building governance and move preparation activities, and information about the furniture that’s been selected. Recent construction work includes completion of interior stairs, overhead plumbing, and HVAC systems, installation of roofing material and rooftop mechanical equipment, and framing for windows on the West side.
Along with construction and planning updates, the ZSFG RAB Website For Occupants features the construction camera for day-by-day progress and standard time-lapse. To report concerns or ask questions about the project, email UCSF-RAB-ZSFG@ucsf.edu or call 415-514-7661.
The ZSFG Dean's Seminar Series offers monthly presentations on first Fridays at noon featuring researchers for those interested in research.
Please join us in welcoming Peipei Pan, PhD, Anesthesia, as the new Director of the ZSFG Dean's Seminar Series. Contact Peipei.Pan@ucsf.edu to inquire about presenting at future Dean's Seminar events.
Many thanks to Eunice Yu Zhao, PhD, Anesthesia, for her leadership these past 3 years.
May 6, 2022 Dean's Seminar
The Dean's Seminar on May 6, 2022 from 12:00-1:00pm, features Yue Leng, PhD, Psychiatry, presenting Napping, sleep, and neurodegeneration: from epidemiology to intervention.
A Fireside Chat with SOM Vice Dean Sue Carlisle
Women of UCSF Health offered a week of programming for International Women's Day 2022, including A Fireside Chat with SOM Vice Dean Sue Carlisle. Dr. Carlisle remembers her career journey and her nearly 40 years working for UCSF and UCSF at ZSFG. See also other events featuring UCSF faculty at ZSFG.
UCSF Research Protocols at SFDPH/ZSFG Town Hall
UCSF and SFDPH Research Protocol Town Hall panelists and stakeholders hosted a Town Hall to review the new, combined UCSF | SFDPH (ZSFG) Research Protocol form and approval process. The recording, slides, the new form and more information are available on our website.
UCSF at ZSFG Provider Experience Town Hall
In the first UCSF Provider Experience at ZSFG Town Hall, Starr Knight, MD, UCSF Director of Faculty Experience at ZSFG, presented UCSF at ZSFG Provider Engagement Survey findings and resulting
initiatives, such as ZSFG Lactation Support, EMR Support (M-Modal), department
support, and forming the ZSFG Provider Experience Council.
Hudson Hawk, a long-term, resident raptor, can be seen bathing in the bird bath near the Avon Building, circling over the Research and Academic Building construction site, and watching the gardeners work.
An Anna's Hummingbird, yet unnamed, can often be found consuming the overhang of Building 5. Local birders speculate hummingbirds eat building materials to get more calcium for making their eggs.
Birds, animals and insects are attracted to the lovely gardens on the ZSFG hospital grounds.
Thank you for pausing from your busy day to read our newsletter. If you have feedback on the content or suggestions about future topics, please click the button below and let us know.
Please help us keep up-to-date on the many honors and awards received by UCSF faculty, staff and trainees at ZSFG by clicking the button below. We welcome information about you and your colleagues.