Trinity Tidings

This Coming Sunday: June 12, 2022

Trinity Sunday

 Click   link for the Sunday Scripture Readings

Honoring our EfM Graduates this Sunday! 

During worship this Sunday we will celebrate our most recent Education for Ministry (EfM) graduates, Wilson Campbell, John Loftis, and David Waldo.   EfM has enriched both our congregation and individual lives during the 20 years this program has been active in our parish.  We are so grateful for our current EfM Mentors, Bob Link and Ashley Harper-Oberle.

Uvalde Donations 

Thank you for your generous donations which total $4,910.00.  This money will be given to St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Uvalde to use for  immediate relief & long-term healing for individuals, families, and the whole community.   

Gracious Lord, pour out your grace and loving-kindness on all who grieve; surround them with your love; and restore their trust in your goodness. We lift up to you our weary, wounded souls and ask you to send your Holy Spirit to take away the anger and violence that infect our hearts, and make us instruments of your peace and children of the light. In the Name of Christ who is our hope, we pray. Amen.  

Sunday's Hymns

Sing with more confidence & joy by taking a quick listen to the hymn tunes we'll be singing this Sunday. 

Entrance Hymn - Hymnal 362, Holy, holy holy  LINK

Gospel Hymn - Hymnal 379 God is love  LINK

Holy Communion - Taize #16  LINK

The Taize Songbook is located beneath the seat in front of you. Taize hymns are meditative songs with the quality of prayer. They express a basic reality of faith, and through repeated singing, this reality permeates the heart & whole being. 

Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!  Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!

Exit - Hymnal 371, Thou whose almighty word  LINK

Summer Bible Camp!

We still have room for your child or grandchild!   We will hold our one-day Bible Camp on Wednesday, July 20, 9 am - 3 pm. Our theme is Creation, and we will have a good day of learning and fun. We imagine children of ages 5-11 easily enjoying this day. Cost is $10/child to help us with snacks & craft materials.  Interested?  Have Questions? Please talk to Rev. Claire.

Adult Christian Education

Sunday Adult Ed is now on summer break. If you have a passion about Sunday Adult Education, please share that with Rev. Claire, as later this summer we will be planning for the fall. 

On-line Worship

Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist. 

It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email.


Save the Date

June 26, 9-10:15am 

  • Safeguarding God's Children Training

July 20, 9am -3pm 

  • Summer Bible Camp


June 9. . . Dub Brooks

June 10. . Charmaine Musslewhite

June 12 . .Janis Koby

June 14. . .Kathi Walker

Sunday Schedule

8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in Person

10:30am . . . Children's Chapel

10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and

Weekday Worship 

9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard


Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Rev. David S. Sugeno, Rector  The Rev. Claire Field, Associate Rector

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