Nov. 30 | Shawn O'Donnell's Dine out for BPA, Fiddlers perform 6 pm
Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 | Beauty and the Beast Auditions
Dec. 7 | Vocal Jazz Holiday Caroling during the day
Dec. 7 | BPA Boosters Board Meeting 6 pm
Dec. 14 | Orchestra Winter Concert 6 PM (9 and 10 grade); 8 PM (11 and 12 grade)
Dec. 15 | Band Winter Concert 6 PM (9 and 10 grade); 8 PM (11 and 12 grade)
Dec. 16 | Choir Winter Concert 6 PM (9 and 10 grade); 8 PM (11 and 12 grade)
Dec. 20-31 | Winter Break
Jan. 3 | School resumes

See our BPA Calendar for more details.