Featured Highlight
  • DROP EVERYTHING AND READ Social Media Takeover
  • Use #biglibraryread for a Chance to Win a Samsung Galaxy
  • Join us for Money Smart Week Crafts!
  • Celebrating Earth Day with Our Staff Picks
  • National Poetry Month collection on Overdrive
  • Daily Digital Programs for All Ages
Hello everyone. 

Just as spring arrives, new possibilities are on the horizon. Let’s collectively begin the journey from the devastation of the pandemic to heightened hopes and dreams. 

Reading can move us from that sojourn of COVID-19 to remembering old things, or to learning new ones. That is why this is one of my favorite months of the year when it comes to celebrations and observances. April is National Poetry Month. It takes me back to my childhood when teachers taught every type of poetry form known to man, starting with Haiku. I discovered a great love for the classics, and to this day, a good book of poetry is one of my favorite things to read. 

Many compilations of beautiful and timeless love poems such as those of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Rumi bring back fond memories. The memories are of words that sound almost like music when read aloud. A lot of those words have filled my mind and heart all my life. From elementary school through high school and into college, many of us were introduced to the works of John Keats; Edgar Allan Poe; Robert Frost; Nikki Giovanni; Emily Dickinson; Maya Angelou; Ralph Waldo Emerson; Langston Hughes; Walt Whitman, and numerous other poets; some anonymous.
#BigLibraryRead! Borrow the featured ebook ‘The Art of Taking It Easy’ by Dr. Brian King with no waitlists or holds from our digital collection.

Use #biglibraryread for a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet & book signed by the author!!

Check out more information at
All this month, catch up with contemporary poets or re-read your favorites from the past with our National Poetry Month collection on Overdrive. Want to listen to spoken word poetry on the go? Download the Libby app and take your Overdrive checkouts with you while you do your chores or make a drive.

If you missed the 2020 PBS series Poetry in America, Fulton County Libraries offers it on demand and free of charge with Access Video. If you need to cite any of the interviews with poets in this documentary series, Access Video offers full transcription, as well as clipping tools if you'd like to embed any video in a lesson plan or presentation.

Looking for children's poetry? Try eRead Kids or Hoopla. If you need information on a poet for a school report, try Bloom's Literature for biographical details. If you're struggling with an assignment, use the trained professionals at for the best tutoring available.

This month use one of the classes on Creative Bug to make your own blank book to write your own poems in, and when your friends compliment you on how cool it looks, let them know you got the instructions for free from Fulton County Libraries.
Celebrate Earth Day with these kid-friendly reads about the wonders of nature and the big and small ways we can protect our planet.

Click here for a list of favorites to check out at your library
Fulton County Library System