
June 5, 2024

Featured Focus

Retailers Are Scrapping For Every Dollar

Target reduced the cost of over 5,000 items. Walmart launched a new private-label line called BetterGoods. Aldi continues to expand. And many consumers are asking themselves, "Why spend $8 on a national brand when the $5 equivalent will do?" 

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SKU News

Milkadamia has launched organic, shelf-stable macadamia nut milk. The brand’s Organic Artisan Shelf-Stable macadamia nut milk is USDA Organic, plant-based, and contains no gums, added flavors, or oils. Full Story

FI News Review: May 31

Want a competitive edge in the food service industry? Discover the top trends, innovations, and solutions on display at the 2024 National Restaurant Association Show. The Food Institute's VP of Content and Client Relationships, Chris Campbell, breaks down key ideas seen at the show.


Learn how to adapt to evolving consumer demands, integrate cutting-edge technology, and optimize operations for maximum efficiency and profitability. 

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Trending Retail News

Sam's Club plans to begin selling more regional products in its stores this fall, including hot sauce and ghee. The wholesaler recently hosted its first open call with local suppliers in Texas, which drew more than 350 companies in attendance, reported Bloomberg. Full Story

Organic sales have been astronomical as U.S. dollar sales for organic products approached $70 billion in 2023, marking a 3.4% increase year-over-year and setting a record for the sector. Full Story

Costco topped revenue estimates in its recent quarterly earnings report and vowed to not increase the price of its $1.50 hot dog combo. Costco has tightened regulations, however, to ensure that only warehouse members benefit from these discounted deals, reported RetailWire. Full Story

Gen Z is frustrated at work. Gen Z workers reported being less engaged with their jobs than all workers (81% versus 88%) and continue to drive the “quiet quitting” trend. Full Story

U.S. GDP growth was slower last quarter from reduced consumer spending. The economy expanded at a 1.3% pace versus the estimate of 1.6% as high interest rates, waning savings, and slower income growth are hampering consumers and businesses, reported Bloomberg. Full Story

Consumers are lowering their expectations. The most recent rising trend in retail is lowering one’s expectations of retail, and in this year's Axios Harris poll, clothing companies tended to fall the worst, followed closely by QSRs, big box stores, and grocers, in that order. Full Story


The Checkout

Member Profile

The Neil Jones Food Company Industrial Fruit & Tomato Products


For over 50 years, the Neil Jones Food Company has been processing vine-ripened, California Tomatoes and Pacific Northwest Fruit for Industrial, Foodservice and Retail channels. Family-owned and operated, our loyal customers are diverse and so are our products!


We operate three state-of-the-art, fruit and tomato processing facilities located in California and Washington State. All of our facilities are in close proximity to the most desirable fruit-growing regions in the U.S. Using the most technologically advanced systems available, we sustainably produce a wide variety of high-quality, conventional and organic products including over 100 tomato products, juice concentrates, single strength “NFC’s,” purees, essences and custom blends. Our product list is extensive, and we pride ourselves on our unsurpassed quality assurance, dependable customer service and competitive prices. 


All of our products are proudly grown and produced in the U.S.A., and we strive to serve domestic and international beverage manufacturers, food processors, restaurant chains, confectionary, nutraceutical manufacturers and more. 


To learn more about this Food Institute member, visit:, email our sales department at, or call: 1-800-291-3862.

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