Yesterday after visiting the dentist I made a restocking trip to my antique mall booth in Charlotte at the Sleepy Poet. When I shared pictures on Facebook someone remarked looks like a TOR set up. That's exactly the vibe I am going for.
I have followed the theory that you need to change up the inventory every so often. So in the last few months I stocked the bottom with all of my Boy Scout t-shirts because after all it's short sleeve weather in the South. This time I swapped out over 1/2 of the books in the booth with new material. If your summer travels carry you through Charlotte the mall is a 20 minute drive from the airport or 3 minutes off of I-77 if you are coming through.
Today my count down registers 10 days until I leave for camp. So I am just short of panic mode trying to get stuff done. Today I'm going to finish cleaning the aisles in the back of the warehouse and reorganize some things in my collection room including discarding a book shelf I no longer want. It's sorta the idea that before you leave for a vacation you have to clean your house.
I have 357 live auctions on eBay this week as I try to get in the final push before my summer slow down kicks in. I'll have access to the Internet at camp but it's an all consuming role so I'll just let my employees keep the store running and answering messages on eBay.
I am not sure I shared this video with the newsletter last week. I opened a box of sheath knives and hand axes that I got from Bill Chadek. He has a neat business restoring these old pieces and he did a nice batch for me.