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Green Blades Rising and Regional Gatherings

A Message from Pastor Phil Misner

Dear People of the Northwest Intermountain Synod,

This past week featured the first track meet of the Idaho high school season. Fortunately for me and the athletes, it was a beautiful, sunny day in Lewiston, ID. The word “Lent” is linked to the Old English word “lencten” which means something like lengthening. On March 31 there will be nearly 100 more minutes of daylight than there were on March 1. The days are indeed lengthening in this part of the globe. With those longer days come the sprouting of seeds, green blades of grass, of wheat, of crocus and daffodil and tulip. Sitting trackside looking out over the breaks of the Clearwater and Snake Rivers, it was as if I could see the greening of those breaks in the warmth of the spring sun and the lengthening of days.

The Revised Common Lectionary reading assigned for the Fifth Sunday of Lent this year comes from John 12 where we find Jesus saying: “Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). This passage, along with the lengthening of days and greening landscape, have me reflecting on all the ways God is renewing life all around us; bringing to life something new from what once was barren.

I think about St. John’s Lutheran Church in Nez Perce, ID. For many decades of this congregation’s ministry a pastor lived in the parsonage across 5th St. from the church building. There came a time when the parsonage was no longer in use and sat empty. Then God’s Spirit moving, in and through the people of St. John’s, prompted them to convert that parsonage into a store named Thrift on Fifth. One hundred percent of the money taken in at Thrift on Fifth gets dispersed to assist folks in areas of health, hunger, and education. God, in and through St. John’s, bringing to life something new from what once was barren.

I think about Peace Lutheran Church in Colfax, WA. The congregation owned a vacant lot just down the street. For a long, long time the gravel lot was only used occasionally for overflow parking. Several years ago the congregation, in partnership with Backyard Harvest, transformed the lot into a community garden featuring raised beds. It now provides produce to the local food bank and plots for community members to garden. “Unless a grain of wheat [or a tomato seed] falls into the earth and dies, it remains a single grain [or seed]; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” God, in and through the folks of Peace Lutheran, bringing to life something new from what once was barren.

At the NWIM Synod’s Regional Gatherings later this spring, Grace Pomroy will lead us as we lean into a passage from Ezra 3. At that point of time, God’s people were just returning from the Exile to Jerusalem. Much of the city still lay in ruin—including the temple. Once the foundations of the new temple were laid, there was much joy as God was bringing to life something new from what once was barren. At the same time, there was much grief over all that once was and all that was lost. This mixture of grief and hope, of sadness and joy drive home Jesus’ words in John 12. There is dying and rising in the newness God is up to; there is joy and grief. Yet the promise remains that God will continue to bear fruit. I look forward to being with you at a Regional Gathering near you as we wonder about what new life God is bringing forth in our midst. “Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24).

God’s blessings be yours,

Pastor Phil Misner

Northwest Intermountain Synod


April 27 | May 4 | May 18

Sign up congregation today


Ezra-Nehemiah Bible Study this Easter Season

Join Bishop Meggan Manlove on Zoom for six sessions of Bible Study

April 9-May 21.

Our theme verses for our three Regional Gatherings are Ezra 3:10-13, but what about the larger context? Join me as we dive into these less familiar, at least to me, books of the bible. The only preparation for each session will be reading scripture itself. We will explore the historical context of the books, their literary form, and what the Lutheran Christian lens brings to the texts. We will read some passages devotionally. 6:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Mountain. Tuesdays, April 9, 16, 30, May 7, 14, and 21.


Fill out this GOOGLE FORM to sign up. Remember to hit Submit.

How Do You Love Your Mother (Earth)?

I’m Keith Hammer, retired ELCA pastor, Boise, ID. About a year ago, I jumped at the chance to be a part of an online community storytelling course. The project I engaged in for that course not only showed me the power of community storytelling, it also kindled in me a passion to be a creation/earth care advocate! Here’s how it happened...please read my story and learn how you can be an advocate for creation care and justice for all living things.

Read more

Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage -

Gateway Regional Park to Spokane

March 30, 2024

This Lent a global movement is journeying in prayerful solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza. We journey with grief over the tragic events of October 7th that deepened the trauma of our Jewish kin. We journey in lament over the asymmetrical violence in response that is resulting in a human catastrophe in Gaza. We journey on Holy Saturday - a moment within the Christian tradition where we wait with grief, lament, and hesitant hope. We journey in the effort to dismantle the strongholds of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia that are on the rise in our communities. We journey, fueled by our faith, committed to the sanctity of every human life, and toward a future where reconciliation replaces revenge.


With the ultimate goal of a lasting, just peace for Israelis and Palestinians, we will journey the length of the Gaza Strip (approximately 25 miles) through Greater Spokane on March 30, 2024. This pilgrimage mirrors the journey that so many in Gaza have been forced by violence to endure. Along the way, we will offer sacred pauses which will be accessible across creeds and traditions. All are welcome and are encouraged to walk/roll any or all of this distance.


Prayer for International Transgender Day of Visibility March 31


-A day to celebrate the joy and resilience of trans and non-binary people everywhere by elevating voices and experiences from these communities-


From Northwest Intermountain Synod Assembly 2023: Resolution in support of the dignity, honor, and rights of transgender humans. This came about largely in response to the legalized discrimination of trans folk in Idaho (part of our synod), and many other parts of our country. The resolution asks that we proclaim God's love for trans folk; declare our intention to love them unconditionally; encourage our congregations to welcome trans folk, affirm their humanity and dignity, and joyfully receive them into membership and into the mission we share; encourage congregations to pray publicly in Sunday worship for the well-being of trans folk; and encourage congregations to study and gain knowledge of challenges facing trans folk, enter into dialogue "with holy curiosity" regarding trans experience, and speak and act in ways that honor the lives of transgender people. This resolution passed unanimously, with no dissenting votes or comments.


Petition for Prayers of Intercession or Prayers of the People on Sunday, March 31, 2024:


God of resurrection dawn,

God of holy Saturday twilight,

God of beautiful variety,

we praise you for making human beings in your image. Bless transgender people so that their lives may flourish. May the Spirit of the Risen Christ surround and protect trans folks who are in danger and all who live in fear. Let your love take root deep within the communities of our church and synod so that our rhythms of life bring honor, joy, dignity and peace to trans folk, inside and outside our circles of connection.

God of mercy,

Hear our prayer. 

Updated Misconduct Policy


One of the important pieces of work approved at the January 2024 Northwest Intermountain Synod Council meeting was an updated Misconduct Policy. God intends for the Church to be a safe place for all people to experience God’s love and mercy, grow in faith, and equip themselves for ministry in the world. And yet at times the church has not been a safe place and sexual misconduct has caused injury and pain to individuals and communities. As one expression of the church, the Northwest Intermountain (NWIM) Synod is committed to creating and maintaining a safe climate and working to prevent sexual harassment and misconduct in all its forms. Moreover, if violations occur, the NWIM will create a culture of safe reporting, promptly investigate, and support all those impacted.


The NWIM Synod has specific responsibilities related to rostered ministers. This includes managing the roster status of rostered ministers. The congregation has responsibility for employment matters for both rostered leaders and lay persons. The NWIM Synod will provide support and resources for congregational leaders in developing their own policies and practices on preventing and responding to misconduct by rostered ministers, employees, volunteers, or members.

In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, there are two lists of professional ministers called within the church. These lists are called rosters. Pastors are ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. Deacons are ordained to the Ministry of Word and Service.


Thanks to synod council members Ryan Lawrence and Lisa Hale for taking the lead on this faithful and important work.

Full Policy


Free Zoom Webinar to learn about

ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants (DHG)

Interested in Discovering more about How a DHG Might Support your local Food Security Ministry?


Until All Are Fed is the tagline for ELCA World Hunger, which supports both domestic and international food security ministries.


Three year DHGs for up to $10,000 per year are one way ELCA World Hunger supports domestic food security ministries. These grants seek to accompany those in the community that are prayerfully working to eradicate food security by walking alongside those in need or bega kwa bega, shoulder to shoulder, as we have learned from our Ulanga Kilombero Diocese (Companion Synod in Tanzania) partners in ministry,


If you are wondering about DHGs and how they may benefit those in your communities, please consider attending this free zoom webinar (put on by the Southwestern WA Synod-ELCA on April 6 from 9 to 11 PT at the Zoom link provided. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Ethan Bergman at

Zoom link:


Update about Church Mutual

from the ELCA Churchwide Office


The Churchwide office is aware of the difficulties currently facing the entire property insurance marketplace and the direct impact of insurers’ underwriting decisions. As you can imagine, Church Mutual is also directly impacted by these loss trends which influences their underwriting decisions regarding ELCA congregations and synods.


Church Mutual, like all property and casualty carriers, is reviewing the concentration of risk in high-hazard areas and adverse loss trends. This may result in some congregations not being offered renewal of their policies. It will likely also result in changes to premiums and deductibles. This current reality is being experienced nationwide in the property and casualty insurance industry, not only with Church Mutual.


Church Mutual, has recently introduced two new email addresses that may be useful to your congregation should you encounter servicing or non-renewal issues. The email addresses are as follows:


  • – This email is for those congregations having questions or concerns regarding insurance policy endorsement requests, change requests, coverage questions or policy language questions. 


  • – This email is for congregations who have been non renewed by Church Mutual. Upon receipt a Church Mutual Account Manager will explain the non-renewal and put your congregation in touch with their Account Manager who will try to recommend options with other carriers.

March Portico News

2023 Tax Preparation Resources Available

Two helpful tax guides are now available for church personnel. Portico provides rostered ministers and congregations participating in the ELCA benefit program with access to no-cost tax guides:

  • The Clergy Tax Return Preparation Guide by Richard R. Hammar gives special attention to tax-related topics most relevant to ministers.

  • Federal Reporting Requirements for Churches helps congregations understand their federal tax-reporting requirements.

Both tax guides are available on myPortico and EmployerLink.

Harness the Power of Rest

Just as every Sunday is a “little Easter,” every night offers a chance to take a “little sabbath” and restore your body through healing rest. If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or feeling like you’re getting a good night’s sleep, Portico members with ELCA-Primary health coverage have a wealth of resources to help. Since March is National Sleep Awareness month, why not check out Learn to Live’s course on insomnia (use the access PORTICO to register), or the Being Academy’s course on sleep.


Creative Ways to Care for your Body

Looking for fresh inspiration of ways to care for your body – through movement, nutrition, or meditation? Burnalong’s daily calendar links to a different short online course each day. March features fun recipes and kitchen tips, just in time for National Nutrition Month. 

Bowen Spring Conference

Bowen theory engages a wide audience. Many in traditions of faith have found the theory central to how they think about themselves and their relationships with others, offering insights into theology and the practice of care and counseling, leadership, teaching, and research.

The two-day Faith, Functioning, and Bowen Theory conference will explore the implications of Bowen theory specifically for communities of faith. It is intended for anyone with a professional or personal interest in this area. 

Learn More


Cultivating Generous Congregations: Spring Cohort

How do we, as communities of faith, change our thinking on stewardship and generosity to meet the challenges of the moment? In partnership with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, the ELCA is offering congregations the opportunity to reexamine their stewardship thinking and imagine ways to act on their findings in their communities. The six-week webinar “Cultivating Generous Congregations” will offer virtual cohort sessions where congregational leaders can discuss, dissect and collaborate on how generosity might work in their contexts. The webinar costs $550 per congregation, plus workbooks ($40ea).

For a deeper look at what the webinar entails, watch this brief “Cultivating Generous Congregations” video.

Please contact the Rev. Larry Strenge ( and the Rev. Tim Brown ( if you’re interested in participating! They will work with your synod to get you registered for the spring cohort.


Mark Your Calendar:

“Cultivating Generous Congregations”

Spring 2024

5-6:30 p.m. Central Time

Tuesdays, April 16–May 21

Note: This is a different program than the two-year Stewardship For All Seasons program NWIM Synod Staff is also recruiting for. Congregational Stewardship Teams and Church Councils would be wise to choose one or the other but not both programs.

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