May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Month

Hello Beautiful parents/caregivers of Beautiful Black Children & Adults.

The burden of stress is great for parents of those with special needs. A recent study found that mothers of adolescents and adults with autism had levels of stress hormones comparable to soldiers in combat. Finances are often a source of stress. Frequently one parent sacrifices their career to attend to the child’s needs with a resulting loss of income for the family. Parents of children with special needs are often exhausted and frequently become depressed. Their reserves of time and resources for self-care are even more depleted than those of parents of typical children. Yet their need for refueling is also greater. To be sustained through the marathon of caring for a child with special needs, it is essential that parents attend to their own needs. There is useful information throughout this website on caring for one’s health and wellbeing. Often the most beneficial support and information parents receive comes from other parents of children with special needs.

Information cited from Boston University 


Click Here to listen to our last Parent Support Group on Mental Health with special guests Jacqueline A Niedzwiecki and Nakeya Fields 

Mental Health Resources 

San Gabriel/ Pomona Regional Center 

If you are a parent or caregiver with questions about SGPRC client services, please contact:

San Gabriel/ Pomona Regional Center 

Executive Office

Sal Gonzalez

Director, Compliance and Outreach

Inland Regional Center

If you are a parent or caregiver with questions about IRC client services, please contact:

Inland Regional Center 

Community Engagement Department: 

Lilliana Garnica

Cultural Specialist

909-890- 4781 

Additional Resources