Nancy Olson, Secretary
Approved SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -
Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, April 5, 2022; 7:14 pm; targeted to end by 9 pm
Location: ZOOM Video Conference (Due to COVID -19 restrictions)
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Excused --- Mike Willis (will join us around 830 pm)
Chairs Excused: Duane Wilson (Webmaster); Kim Nelson (Niello Liaison)
Introduction of guests:
● Kirk Bradford
● Mardi Quain
● Collin Fat
Any Changes or Additions to the Agenda?
● Email Business Conducted
● Minutes from Board Meeting of March 21, 2022
o Postponed
1) Old Business
a. DRAFT Minutes from board meetings held on March 1, 2022 and March 21, 2022 - postponed
b. SVR 60th Anniversary Event - Kirk Bradford --- update -- date, location, budget
i. Change of Location - Timber Creek
ii. Date: September 10th
iii. Budget revised and presented at special meeting held on March 22
iv. Bob Peake reported that is cost $7627 to cancel Granite Bay Country Club
v. $1500 deposit was made to Timber Creek
c. 2022 Christmas Party options ---- Mike Willis, Duane Wilson, Bob Peake
i. no update at this time
ii. It was agreed to wait until after the 60th to advertise event
d. CRAB 38 --- standing item for event to be held in 2023.
It was recommended that a special meeting with CRAB chairs with Board meeting be held
to discuss progress and practicality of this event.
2) Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed Waivers, Expenses, etc
a. First Saturday Breakfast (March 5th)
b. AX School - Instructors have returned to “in person” coaching with driver
c. SVR Event Planning Seminar 101 - Collin reported on the seminar and will share PowerPoint with
the Board.
d. Mirror Tour -Sally reported that a great time was had by all attendees. Ron did a quiz for attendees
to do while driving and it resulted in a positive “getting to know you” connection.
e. That Dam Place Dinner - Positive responses from those attendee dinner
f. SVR AX #1 - 46 cars registered. Well designed course
g. First Saturday Breakfast (April 2nd)
3) FACEBOOK Status
a. John Leet is happy and can now update FACEBOOK again
b. Transition to Al Price III
i. “Going well”
ii. More posting on Instagram then Facebook
c. Future Board Meetings to continue via ZOOM
d. Possible in person meetings beginning May 2022 at Firehouse #32 in Fair Oaks (Dick MacFarlane)
4) New Business
a. Budget -- Mendocino Tour (November 4-6)
i. Ray will not be available to arrange Silvers dinner this year
ii. Estimate 35 cars
iii. Budget the same as last year
1. Motion made by Sally and seconded by Bob to accept the budget. Motion passed
b. Trailer Insurance
● There are concerns that the contents of the trailer are not covered with current insurance
● Motion was made by Sally and seconded by Ken to investigate a Business policy that would
cover both trailer and contents. Motion passed
● John Leet will be consulted
5) Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. SVR AX #2 at Thunderhill, April 9th
b. SVR Caffeine and Porsches at CAM on April 16th
i. Advertising will be posted on social media
ii. 356 Club will be attending
iii. Hagery will be attending
iv. Set up committee has been established
v. No registration required
c. SVR Charity Auction at Nelson Residence on April 23rd
i. 24 have registration
ii. Committee concerned with the lack of interest in this event and recommended that this event
partner with the 60th Anniversary Celebration.
iii. Board agreed with this recommendation
iv. Kirk will check with Timber Creek for any conflicts
v. Dick will relay this information to committee
vi. Nancy will take care of refunds via MSR
6) Board Reports
a. President
i. PCA Drone Usage Minimum Standards announced -- in effect in April --- licensed pilots
ii. Review of proposed PCA Minimum Standards for Rallies
iii. 2023-24 Board election --- April starts the nominations process -- Mike Willis in charge
iv. Budgets for board of directors, chairs, events, etc. for 2022 --- reminder to board and chairs
v. 2022 PCR (Parade Competition Rules) are posted at
vi. Various online forms being updated by Bill Fargo in conjunction with Duane Wilson?
vii. SVR Directory/Roster for BOARDPLUS people? --- defer to May board meeting
viii. Use of GLOVEBOX vs. DROPBOX ----- defer to either May or June discussion
b. Vice President (see calendar in the DRIFTER and on the website)
i. A very busy March; April is a little easier
ii. April is busy with Caffeine and Porsches at CAM, Charity Auction at Nelson's residence
c. Secretary
i. MSR experiences
ii. MSR -- discuss PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE event postings for SVR event (other than AX's)
d. Treasurer (see attached documents ---- 3 of them)
i. Any outstanding event budgets not complete?
ii. Number of items from the post office box (DRIFTER advertising checks)
iii. 2022 SVR Annual Budget
iv. AX Trailer Insurance
Rik, I also got a quote for Business Property insurance that would cover the contents of our
AX Trailer (normally covered by someones home owners policy). Since it is being stored at
Thunderhill part of the year I thought it might be a prudent thing to do. Rates is$22.92 a
month /$275 a year for $10k coverage. We have 20 helmets, 500 cones, PA system, Timing
system, radios, chalking machine, that would cost about $10k to replace if the trailer was
stolen or broken into. Can you add this to our agenda for tomorrow night?
e. Membership Director (none attached)
i. New Member event in April?
f. Social Director -- vacant
g. Past President
i. Nominating Committee members
7) Chair Reports
a. Safety
i. AX is handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events are handled by Rik Larson until we get a Safety Chair
b. AutoCross - updated AX schedule
i. AX schedule updated
ii. AX Trailer inventory reported (to Rik)
c. Charity - Auction on April 23rd at Nelson's Garage
d. Concours
i. SVR event for 2022 -- June 5th at Porsche Rocklin; budget approved; lunch
e. CRAB 38
i. Covered under OLD BUSINESS as part of ongoing report
f. DRIFTER Editor - 2022 advertiser payments received (6 so far?)
g. Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin ----- 2022 event support
h. New Member Group
i. Rally (possible co-sponsoring a TSD Rally in 2022 with Redwood Region) --- maybe??
j. Share the Wealth
k. Technical Chair
l. Webmaster -- transition status; any software purchases needed?; budget at May board meeting
8) Next Meeting
a. Tuesday, May 3rd, location ZOOM (maybe the fire station?)
9) Adjournment 9:07pm
BOARD OF DIRECTORS (quorum is 4)
x President Rik Larson
x Vice President Sally Boeck
x Secretary Nancy Olson
x Treasurer Bob Peake
x Membership Director Ken Shahoian
Vacant Social Director
x Past President Mike Willis
x 1st Saturday Breakfast Chair Jerry Alter
x Advertising Chair Mike Willis
Autocross Chair John Leet
x Charity Chair Dick MacFarlane
x Concours Chair Al Price III
CRAB 38 Co-Chair John Hawk
CRAB 38 Co-Chair John Lanting
x DRIFTER Editor Mike Willis
Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin Kim Nelson
Event Liaison to California Automobile Museum Kim Nelson
Vacant Historian Chair
New Member Chair Alma Thompson
Rally Chair Richard Wetzel
Vacant Safety Chair
x Social Media Chair Al Price III
Technical Chair Al Price III
Vacant Tour Chair
Webmaster Duane Wilson
x Zone 7 Representative Collin Fat