St. Gregory's Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) week is July 3-10 (we help 3 weeks a year). We belong to this organization of churches in Athens which provides temporarily homeless families with a place to stay for up to several months, giving them and their children stability. The breadwinners in the family get rides to work if needed. Those who don't have a job have the support to find one. Meals are provided. Family Promise also works to prevent homelessness by helping families who might need a rent payment or a utility payment to be able to continue living in their home. They have helped some families find and purchase a used vehicle. We have this chance to put our faith into action, to walk by faith into a role we maybe haven't experienced yet, but which God is calling us to, like Mother Nikki told us in last week's sermon. To feed the hungry and house the homeless, to give hope to those who need it. Contact Annette Bates via email or 706-255-5839 to learn more.