New Heights Newsletter
Upcoming Important Dates
June 9th: Grad 2022

June 10th: Organizational Day (no school or ECS classes)

June 20th: FOP (ECS families only)

June 29th: Whole School Activity – Beach Day

June 29th: Last Day of School!
Way to Go!
Each month at our virtual assembly, there is a Way to Go! draw. To be entered, students have to be “caught” going above and beyond for others.
Some examples of this might be: helping out another student to solve a problem, holding the door for others on the way outside, or letting someone else have a turn on a favorite game.
Teachers fill out a ticket for the students to drop off in the jar in the office, and each month, Mr Williams and Mrs Newfield pull a ticket from the jar during the assembly. At the end of the year, all the tickets are put back in the jar for a final mega-draw at the end of June.
The winner of the Way to Go! draw in May was Griffin W in Cascade.
New Heights Education Plan 
The New Heights Education Plan for Alberta Education has been published as of May 31st, 2022, and is now available on our website here.
 Healthy Hunger
Parents order and pay for meals online through the Healthy Hunger website.

Cash/payment for the lunch will not be accepted at the school as this is a third party.

Healthy Hunger Lunch dates (orders close 5 days prior to each date):
Jun 1, 15 

Online Ordering
  • Ordering is done through
  • Instructions for registering with Healthy Hunger are here.
  • Ordering closes 5 days prior to the Fun Lunch date.
  • Customer service is handled by
  • Please contact them directly if you have any concerns. 1-800-818-6260

Students with Allergies
Please note: Parents of children with dairy, gluten or any other food allergy; we will try to have options available. If you are unsure please contact each vendor directly for a list of ingredients.
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