The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and Grow with Google Foundation Fellowship
Today! Deadline: September 8, 2022
The fellowship is an 8-month opportunity for select educators to help create place-based lessons that incorporate agriculture, technology, and key digital skills into an Applied Digital Skills lesson. Fellows will also serve as program ambassadors and provide training for other educators and external stakeholders in their communities. Lessons created by the Grow with Google Applied Digital Skills Fellows will be featured and promoted on the Applied Digital Skills and American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture websites. Fellows will also receive a $25,000 stipend, Chromebooks for their classroom and 1:1 engagement with teams at Google.
Learn more and apply here.
USDA Equitable Access in Child Nutrition Programs
Deadline: September 12, 2022
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service is seeking an academic or research institution to administer a grant program that will provide funds for research projects related to equity in Child Nutrition (i.e., school lunch, school breakfast, summer meals, Child and Adult Care Food Program). $2,000,000 of funds are available, which will cover both the administration costs and the grants themselves.
Learn more and here.
2023 CHS Foundation and National Agriculture in the Classroom Grant Application
Deadline: September 15, 2022
The CHS Foundation provides $500 grants each year to pre-kindergarten-12th grade teachers who have classroom projects that use agricultural concepts to teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies and more. Eligible projects include classroom and schoolyard gardens, embryology projects, aquaculture projects and agricultural literacy reading programs to name a few. Teachers have until June 1 the following year to complete the project and submit a final report. Only state-certified classroom teachers employed by a school district or private school teachers are eligible to apply.
Learn more and apply here.
Indigenous Youth Nutrition Security Grants from Newman's Own Foundation
Deadline: September 15 (Application)
Newman's Own Foundation launches its first-ever request for proposals (RFP) for Nutrition Security for Indigenous Youth. This RFP has been developed in collaboration with their partners at Tahoma Peak Solutions, a Native woman-owned firm focused on empowering and building up communities in Indian Country. Through this RFP, Newman’s Own Foundation will support organizations that build on the strengths of Native communities to enhance nutrition security for Native youth. To accomplish this, they are seeking organizations that are focused on improving nutrition security for indigenous youth.
Learn more here.